
The distributions of organisms on Earth show different levels of aggregation determined by climate, vegetation, species interactions, barriers to dispersal, and anthropogenic disturbances (cit. Humboldt, Whittaker, Rosenzweig). Species' responses to environmental factors thus allow predictions, i.e. identify regions or locations where a species can be found with higher probability, or in higher numbers. This knowledge of species-environment relationships has been at the core of human endeavor, e.g. knowing where to find food, medicinal plants, species used to make tools from or used as construction material, according to the archaeological (cit) record and studies in traditional ecological knowledge (cit). Species with strong environmental associations are often referred to as differential, character, or indicator species. These species are used to characterize certain habitats or vegetation types (Botta-Dukat), indicate naturalness or degradation of ecosystems (McGeoch & Chown), measure success of habitat restoration, alerting about critical community thresholds (TITAN), or indicate the presence of cryptic or rare species (Beals, Indpower, TWINSPAN).

There are three main types of algorithms that are used to quantify the degree of association for species. The contingency table based measures (e.g. the phi-coefficient, or Chi-square metric) that compare agreement in binary classifications based on some function of species' abundances and a priori classification of the environment (Chytry etc); Contingency table based methods quantify association as a correlation measure indicating the magnitude and sign (-1: maximum avoidance, 0: no association, +1: maximum preference). The major limitation of these correlation measures is that the use of binary classification for species observations is either based on presence/absence (detection/non-detection) data thus ignoring possibly available abundance information (e.g. >1 counts), or is based on arbitrary thresholds when binarizing the abundance data (Tsiripidis, Tichy). Uncertainty in the strength of associations can be expressed based on large sample asymptotics or randomization tests, comparing against the null hypothesis of no association (Agresti, Count data book).

The analysis of variance (ANOVA) based measures compare between and within group variance (F-ratio) in species abundance given an a priori classification (Jancey, Wildi). The F-ratio is used to rank species based on the degree of associations, but it is not explicitly testing the sign of the associations. Uncertainty in the strength of associations is commonly expressed using an F-test and corresponding p-value testing the null hypothesis of equal abundance. The parametric assumptions of the ANOVA imply normality and homoskedastic errors, which might not always be satisfied in most field situations (e.g. using 0/1, biomass, or % cover data).

The third and most widely adopted approach is the IndVal method that quantifies the concentration of species occurrence and abundances given an a-priory classification (Dufrene & Legendre). The IndVal index combines the species' abundance and occurrence information into a single index which reflects the magnitude of positive environment-associations (0-1). Uncertainty in the strength of associations can be quantified based on bootstrap (DeCaceres), but this approach is not testing against the null hypothesis of equal expected abundance within the partitions, because the method is non-parametric. The p-value for the null hypothesis is based on permutation tests. Randomization is used to derive the p-value is based on randomly placing samples or individuals, and this randomization might not always be meaningful for continuous input data (e.g. biomass, or % cover).

A common limitation of the available methods is that assumptions about the distribution (Binomial, Normal) or type (0/1, counts) of the species data are too restrictive. As a result, ecologists need to adjust the input data (binarization, rounding to integers) to meet the needs of the analysis options. However, non-count or non-normal data are commonplace, e.g. vegetation studies measuring the response on ordinal scale, % cover, or biomass. Besides, none of these approaches are designed to deal with some other aspects of field data, for example confounding variables, sample selection bias (presence-only data), sampling effort differences, or imperfect detection.

In this paper we introduce a general and extensible likelihood-based framework for indicator species analysis, that we call the opticut approach. The opticut approach provides a solution to the limitations of currently available and used options as listed above. We compare the power of traditional approaches and opticut to identify an indicator species when there is true indication in terms of abundance differences among partitions using simulations. We also show how to assess uncertainty in the strength of association, and also uncertainty in classification based on resampling, thus introducing a wider set of tools for statistical inference. Finally, we illustrate the breadth of situations where the use of opticut might be advantageous using case studies. We also provide the opticut R extension package that implements computationally efficient algorithm for finding indicator species, and tools for exploring and visualizing the results.


Parametric model

In indicator species analysis we are faced with the general problem of finding an optimal partitioning of low vs. high species abundance with respect to an a-priory stratification. The observations are usually organized as a community data matrix with sites or samples as rows ($i = 1, ..., n$) and species as columns. We describe the theory for a single species only. The community-wide inference replicates the analyses for each species independently of one another. $Y_{i}$'s are observations for a single species from $n$ locations. $g_{i}$ is a known descriptor of stratification for the location $i$ that can take any of $K$ discrete values ($K > 1$). Let us denote $z^{(m)}$ as a binary reclassification of $g$ taking values (0, 1). The superscript $m = 1, ..., M$ indicates a possible combination of binary reclassification. There can also be other site descriptors denoted as $x_{ij}$ taking discrete or continuous values ($j = 1, ..., p$; the number of predictors).

A suitable parametric model describes the relationship between the observations and the site descriptors, including the binary partitioning, through the probability density function $P(Y_{i} = y_{i} \mid z_{i}^{(m)}, x_{ij}, \theta)$ where $\theta$ is the vector of model parameters: $\theta = (\beta_{0}, \beta_{1}, \alpha_{1}, ..., \alpha_{p})$. The choice of the parametric model depends on the nature of the observations. It can be Gaussian, Binomial, Poisson, ordinal, Beta regression, or zero-inflated models, with a suitable link function ($f$) for the mean: $f(\eta_{i}) = \beta_{0}^{(m)} + \beta_{1}^{(m)} z_{i}^{(m)} + \sum_{j=1}^{p} \alpha_{j}^{(m)} x_{ij}$.

The opticut R extension package implements different parametric models. The default is a Gaussian linear model with an identity link. Other models include logistic regression (Binomial distribution with logistic link function), log-linear count models (Poisson, Negative Binomial, Zero-inflated Poisson and Negative Binomial with logarithmic link). Ordinal species observations can be analyzed using the proportional ordered logistic regression (cit MASS). Percent cover data may be analyzed based on a Beta regression (cit package). Presence-only data (e.g. museum records, incidental sightings, most citizen science observations), or animal movement data can be analyzed based on resource selection (probability) functions (Lele & Keim). Other custom distributions can also be defined in the R package, such as linear mixed models, generalized linear mixed models (cit), occupancy (cit MacKenzie, Lele et al) or N-mixture models (Royle, Solymos).

Defining the set of partitions

The maximum number of binary partitions based on $K$ levels is $2^K - 1$ (see DeCaceres), including complements like (0, 0, 1) and (1, 1, 0) counted as separate partitions. Such complementary partitions represent identical stratification, thus should not affect the result of indicator species analysis. (It does affect the IndVal value for $K>2$ cases.) When complements are not counted twice, the number of possible binary partitions of the stratification with $K$ strata (or levels) is $M = 2^{K-1} - 1$. Finding all combinations does not require a model or observed responses. It only takes a classification vector with $K > 1$ partitions. As a consequence, the partitions can be set up for all species in the community matrix at once, and used for finding the best partition for each species.

Blindly fitting a model to all possible partitions is wasteful use of resources because the number of candidate partitions grows steeply with increasing $K$. Instead, one can rank the $K$ partitions based on expected response values ($\mu_{1}, ..., \mu_{k}, ..., \mu_{K}$, where $\mu_{k}=E[Y_{i} \mid g_{i}=k, x_{ij}=0]$). This way we have to explore only $M=K-1$ partitions. For $K=3$ we have the following partitions: (1), (1, 2), (1, 2, 3), where rank 1 is for lowest and 3 is for highest expected abundance. The ranking varies from species to species, thus it is not possible to supply the resulting stratification a-priory for for all species in the community matrix. There is an overhead of fitting the model to calculate the ranking first. But computing efficiencies are significant for $K>3$ cases. For example for $K=10$ the difference is 56-fold (511 all partitions vs. 9 rank based partitions).

$\widehat{\theta^{(m)}}$ is the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the model parameters given the data and partition $m$, with corresponding log-likelihood value $l(\widehat{\theta^{(m)}}; y) = l^{(m)}$. Finding MLEs for all $M$ candidate binary partitions leads to a set of log-likelihood values. One can compare the log-likelihood values to a null model (no binary partitioning is necessary) where we fix $\beta_{1} = 0$ leading to the MLE $\widehat{\theta^{(0)}}$ and corresponding log-likelihood value for the null model: $l(\widehat{\theta^{(0)}}; y) = l^{(0)}$. The log-likelihood ratio for each candidate partition can be calculated as $log(LR)^{(m)} = l^{(m)} - l^{(0)}$. The best supported binary partition is the model with the highest log-likelihood ratio value (CITATION).

Indicator value

The indicator value ($I$) for each candidate partition can be calculated based on expected values using the inverse link function as $\mu_{0}^{(m)} = f^{-1}(\beta_{0}^{(m)})$ and $\mu_{1}^{(m)} = f^{-1}(\beta_{0}^{(m)} + \beta_{1}^{(m)})$. $I^{(m)} = 1 - min(\mu_{0}^{(m)}, \mu_{1}^{(m)}) / max(\mu_{0}^{(m)}, \mu_{1}^{(m)})$. Where $\mu_{0}^{(m)} = E[Y_{i} \mid z_{i}^{(m)}=0, x_{ij}=0]$ and $\mu_{1}^{(m)} = E[Y_{i} \mid z_{i}^{(m)}=1, x_{ij}=0]$ are expected values for the observations given the binary partition $z_{i}^{(m)}$ and at 0 value for all $x_{ij}$. The strength of association of the species with a given partition is determined by $I^{(m)}$. The value of $I^{(m)}$ is minimal (0) when $\mu_{0}^{(m)} = \mu_{1}^{(m)}$, whereas $I^{(m)}$ is maximal (1) when one of the expected values is close to 0 (i.e. the species is absent). This is also referred to as high fidelity in plant ecology (citation). The sign of the association equals $sign(\beta_{1}^{(m)})$.

The ranking of the $M$ candidate models based on $I$ and $log(LR)$ is usually not identical because $I$ only considers the contrast between predicted abundances in the two strata, whereas $log(LR)$ represents goodness of fit and is a function of not only the model parameters but the data as well. $I$ and $log(LR)$ convey different information that needs to be presented together for meaningful statistical inference. Ranking of models should follow $log(LR)$ (best fit) and not $I$ (largest contrast).

!!! TODO: use DeCaceres 1-species example from Oikos paper to explain the Gaussian opticut approach.

## Gaussian example
(Y <- c(0, 0, 3, 0, 2, 3, 0, 5, 5, 6, 3, 4))
(z <- as.factor(rep(LETTERS[1:3], each=4)))

opticut1(Y, Z=z)
opticut1(ifelse(Y>0,1,0), Z=z, dist="binomial")

print(opticut1(Y, Z=allComb(z)), cut=-Inf)
print(opticut1(ifelse(Y>0,1,0), Z=allComb(z), dist="binomial"), cut=-Inf)

rankComb(Y, matrix(1, length(Y), 1), z)

oc <- opticut(Y ~ 1, strata=z)
uc1 <- uncertainty(oc, 1, type="asymp", B=9999)
#uc2 <- uncertainty(oc, 1, type="boot", B=999)
#uc3 <- uncertainty(oc, 1, type="multi", B=999)

Y <- cbind(Sp1=c(4, 6, 3, 5, 5, 6, 3, 4, 4, 1, 3, 2),
           Sp2=c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 5, 2, 3, 4),
           Sp3=c(0, 0, 3, 0, 2, 3, 0, 5, 5, 6, 3, 4))
oc <- opticut(Y ~ 1, strata=z)
uc1 <- uncertainty(oc, 1, type="asymp", B=9999)
#uc2 <- uncertainty(oc, 1, type="boot", B=999)
#uc3 <- uncertainty(oc, 2, type="multi", B=999)

Quantifying uncertainty

Model weights

The relative support for the candidate partitions can be measured by the log-likelihood ratio. A value of >2 means support for a partition over the null model, a value of >8 indicates strong support over the null model. Model weights can be calculated as $w^{(m)} = \Delta^{(m)} / \sum_{m=1}^{M} \Delta^{(m)}$, where $\Delta^{(m)} = exp(l^{(m)} - max(l^{(1)}, ..., l^{(M)}))$ (Burnham & Anderson).

Asymptotic (large sample) inference

Describe how to get asymptotic CIs for mu0, mu1, I (but best partition is fixed). This is of little value, because we rarely test if I for one species is different from I for another species. Also, significance of differences between mu0 and mu1 (contrasts) are of little value on their own. But one might want to explore the distributions and interpret the results visually.

Bootstrap based inference

Small sample based inference (CIs can be asymmetric and wider than asymptotics). Best partition can be fixed (same applies as for asymptotics). Best partition can be selected for each bootstrap iteration, thus giving a probabilistic measure of 'mixing'. DeCaceres also mentioned this.


K=2 case: study effect of:

K=3 case: recovering mixing proportions using bootstrap

Case studies


Confounding effect is fixed by opticut (IX), others are similar (I0: interpret only opticut, IV: IndVal, PH: phi coefficient, FR: F-ratio). Red = 1, yellow=0 (proportion passed).

r6v <- sapply(res6, function(z) rowMeans(z[2,,]>0))
op <- par(mfrow=c(2,3))
rr <- r6v[,vals2$b1==0.9 & vals2$b3==1]
for (i in 1:5)
image(unique(vals$b2), unique(vals$b4), 
    matrix(-rr[i,], length(unique(vals$b2)), length(unique(vals$b4))),
    xlab="Confounding", ylab="Misclassification")

Power (pass/fail) analyzed with Binomial GLM, see sign & magnitude of effects and deviance table. b1: contrast, b2: confounding, b3: noise, b4: misclassification (small value: small effect etc).

r6c <- sapply(res6, function(z) rowSums(z[2,,]>0))
xx <- data.frame(success=as.numeric(t(r6c)), 
    method=rep(rownames(r6c), nrow(vals2)), vals2)
xx$method <- relevel(xx$method, "IX")
mm <- glm(cbind(success, failure) ~ method + (b1 + b2 + b3 + b4), xx, family=binomial)
av <- anova(mm)
av$Perc <- round(100 * anova(mm)$Deviance / 1041142, 2)
sum(av$Perc, na.rm=TRUE)



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