raise_get_rf: Get raising factors

View source: R/raise_get_rf.R

raise_get_rfR Documentation

Get raising factors


Provided two datasets, one for which the information information is usually stratified is space and/or time but the associated measure represents only part of the reality ("incomplete" dataset), and one for wich the the information is usually less stratified (i.e. more aggregated) but the measure represents the reality ("total" dataset): this function outputs a data.frame of raising factors that represents, for a given stratum, the proportion of data that of the "total" dataset that are available in the "incomplete" dataset See section "Details" for a use case.


raise_get_rf(df_input_incomplete, df_input_total, x_raising_dimensions)



data.frame "incomplete", to raise. Must have a set of dimensions (columns) + a value column


data.frame "total". Must have a set of dimensions (columns) + a value column


vector of dimensions (i.e. dimensions that compose the stratum) to use for the computation of the raising factors. The dimensions must be available in both input data.frames.


It is possible to understand the concept of raising factors with the following example.

Catch-and-effort data are data aggregated over spatio-temporal strata that are collected by the CPCs or the tRFMOs in some cases. Generally, catch-and-effort data are defined over one month time period and 1° or 5° size square spatial resolution. Following ICCAT, catch and fishing effort statistics are defined as “the complete species (tuna, tuna like species and sharks) catch composition (in weight <kg> or/and in number of fish) obtained by a given amount of effort (absolute value) in a given stratification or detail level (stratum). T2CE are basically data obtained from sampling a portion of the individual fishing operations of a given fishery in a specified period of time.” (ICCAT Task 2). Hence, geo-referenced catch data and associated effort can represent only part of the total catches. Total catches are also available in separated datasets. Their spatio-temporal resolution is usually the area of competence of the RFMO and 1 year. The data are then more aggregated, however, they represent the real catch in a given stratum.

Calculating the raising factors in this case means getting the proportion of total catches that are given in the catch-and-effort data for each stratum (i.e. combination of species, fishing gear, fishing country, etc.).

In the output raising factor dataset, the column "sum_value_df_input" gives the sum of the catch/effort in the partial dataset for the considered statum, and the column "sum_value_df_input_total" gives the sum of the catch/effort in the total dataset for the considered statum. The meaning of the raising factors (column rf) is the following:

  • "rf>1": for the stratum, the sum of the catch/effort in the partial dataset is inferior to the sum of the catch in the total dataset

  • "rf<1": for the stratum, the sum of the catch/effort in the partial dataset is greater to the sum of the catch in the total dataset

  • "rf=1": for the stratum, the sum of the catch/effort in the partial dataset is equal to the sum of the catch in the total dataset

  • "rf=NA": for the stratum, values of catch/effort exist in the partial dataset, but there is no existing value for the same statum in the total dataset; or reversely

NB: You can raise by year by providing "year" as one of the elements of the parameter x_raising_dimensions.

This function is usually used together with the function raise_incomplete_dataset_to_total_dataset, that applies the factors of conversion to raise an "incomplete" dataset to a "total" dataset.


a data.frame of raising factors that will provide, for each stratum defined by the elements of x_raising_dimensions, the raising factor; i.e. the proportion of data of the "total" dataset that are available in the "incomplete" dataset. The output dataset is composed of:

  • the columns of x_raising_dimensions

  • a column named "sum_value_df_input_incomplete": Provides, for the stratum, the sum of the value in the "incomplete" dataset

  • a column named "sum_value_df_input_total": Provides, for the stratum, the sum of the value in the "total" dataset

  • a column named "rf": Provides, for the stratum, the raising factor (sum_value_df_input_total/sum_value_df_input), i.e. the proportion of data of the "total" dataset that are available in the "incomplete" dataset.

See Also


Other process data: convert_units, create_calendar, create_grid, get_rfmos_datasets_level0, map_codelist, raise_datasets_by_dimension, raise_incomplete_dataset_to_total_dataset, rasterize_geo_timeseries, spatial_curation_downgrade_resolution, spatial_curation_intersect_areas, spatial_curation_reallocate_data, spatial_curation_upgrade_resolution


# Connect to Sardara DB
con <- db_connection_sardara_world()

# Extract IOTC georeferenced catch time series of catches from Sardara DB

# Extract IOTC total (nominal) catch time series from Sardara DB

# Get raising factors by stratum defined by the following dimensions: {gear, flag, species, year, source_authority, unit}

x_raising_dimensions=c("gear","flag","species","year","source_authority","unit") )



ptaconet/rtunaatlas documentation built on June 23, 2024, 9:35 p.m.