
Defines functions a readLifeWatchDataportal alienNativeRichness nn

Documented in a alienNativeRichness nn readLifeWatchDataportal

#' test function
#' @param s1 
  return (c(s1,": this is almost a test"))  

#' Download a dataset from LifeWatch Service Centre dataportal
#' \code{readLifeWatchDataportal} The method returns the first row of the downloaded dataset
#' In openCPU, when the request is invoked with POST method, the dataset can then be found in /ocpu/tmp/{key}/files/lw_{dataUID}
#' The session {key} is given in "X-ocpu-session" http response header returned by openCPU. 
#' Alternatively, the complete path to session folder ({baseurl}/ocpu/tmp/{key}/) is given in "Location" header
#' @param dataUID unique identifier of the dataset, retrievable through dataportal API or search interface
#' @param user username (LW dataportal account)
#' @param pass password (LW dataportal account)
#' @import curl
#' @export
#' @return downloaded dataset
  h <- new_handle()
  handle_setopt(h, copypostfields = "moo=moomooo");
                    "Content-Type" = "text/moo",
                    "Cache-Control" = "no-cache",
                    "username" = user,
                    "password"= pass
  # cf. https://github.com/jeroenooms/opencpu/issues/175 "Writing to a unique temporary directory": in openCPU use the getwd dir.
  req<-curl_download(url = url,sprintf("%s/lw_%s",getwd(),dataUID),handle=h)
  ## extract just the first row with colnames as an example
  # header <- read.table(req, nrows = 1, header = TRUE, sep =';', stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # read and return file
    #read.table(req, header = TRUE, sep =';', stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' The function calculates alien and native species richness in a 
#'    @param aDatasetWith_eunishabitatstypename_alien_locality_eunisspeciesgroup_scientificname dataset containing
#'    the following columns-ranges (colnames are compliant with lifewatch dataportal harmonization):
#'    "eunishabitatstypename": (string) one of the eunishabitat codes like "C1.1" etc. 
#'      (See: http://eunis.eea.europa.eu/habitats-code-browser.jsp?expand=C#level_C)
#'      The current EEA linked data implementation seems not to dereference properly 
#'      eunishabitatstypenames URIs (of the form http://eunis.eea.europa.eu/eunishabitats/C1.1).
#'      The definition can be retrieved instead by the following service:
#'      http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/factsheet.action?uri=http://eunis.eea.europa.eu/eunishabitats/C1.1
#'      (passing the uri as the parameter value)
#'      or by the sparql query SELECT * WHERE{ <http://eunis.eea.europa.eu/eunishabitats/C1.1> ?p ?o. }
#'      running at the official eea endpoint:
#'      http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparql?selectedBookmarkName=&query=SELECT+*+WHERE%7B+%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Feunis.eea.europa.eu%2Feunishabitats%2FC1%3E+%3Fp+%3Fo.+%0D%0A+%7D&format=text%2Fhtml&nrOfHits=20&execute=Execute
#'    "alien": (boolean) an alien species with respect to the observing context 
#'    "locality": (string) a toponym where the observation occurred 
#'    [DEPRECATED] "eunisspeciesgroups": (string) species group according to eunis species list (cf. http://eunis.eea.europa.eu/species.jsp)
#'    "family": (string) family name according to LifeWatch Global Name Architecture - cf.(for auth users) http://www.servicecentrelifewatch.eu/global-names-architecture.
#'    "scientificname": (string) scientific name of the observed species (to be clarified: which harmonization we should expect)
#' It results in a new dataset accounting for alien and native species richness, grouping the original data
#' by locality, eunis habitat level-1 code, family 
#' [deprecated] eunis species group.
#' NOTE: We want to investigate the site vulnerability, distributed across different Eunis habitat, to different taxonomic groups. 
#' So we need to aggregate the data at site level by taxon name and Habita Eunis name
#' @author Paolo Colangelo (original script author), Paolo Tagliolato (engineering)
#' @importFrom vegan specnumber
#' @importFrom reshape2 dcast melt
#' @export
#' @return dataframe accounting for alien and native species richness. 
#' containing the fields: "locality", "EunisL1", "eunisspeciesgroup", "native_richness", "alien_richness"
#' original data are grouped by locality, eunis habitat level-1 code, eunis species group.
  ##### step 1: Matrix reshape #####

  # we need to reshape the original matrix downloaded from Lifewatch data repository (as csv file). 
  # We want to investigate the site vulnerability, distributed across different Eunis habitat, to different taxonomic groups. 
  # So we need to aggregate the data at site level by taxon name and Habitat Eunis name 
  # first load raw data, in this example we'll used the freshwater dataset from Boggero et al. (2016)
  #Check needed columns
  # we are interested in investigating the Eunis habitat at level-1. We create a new variable.
  ds$EunisL1 <- as.factor(substr(ds$eunishabitatstypename, start = 1, stop = 2)) 
  # Additional step.Eunis C3 and J5 were poorly represented. 
  # For a definition of codes see http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/
  # (e.g. for C1) http://eunis.eea.europa.eu/eunishabitats/C1
  # See also the sparql query at the official eea endpoint:
  # SELECT * WHERE{ <http://eunis.eea.europa.eu/eunishabitats/C1> ?p ?o. }
  #  http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparql?selectedBookmarkName=&query=SELECT+*+WHERE%7B+%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Feunis.eea.europa.eu%2Feunishabitats%2FC1%3E+%3Fp+%3Fo.+%0D%0A+%7D&format=text%2Fhtml&nrOfHits=20&execute=Execute
  # We can remove any record except those with Eunis c1 and c2 from the dataset. 
  #  summary(ds["EunisL1"])
  # (Take, remove or change this step acording to the dataset)
  # ds<-droplevels(subset(ds,EunisL1=="c1"| EunisL1=="c2"))
  # Subsetting
  # we subset the dataset in alien and native
  # alien will contain solely the rows with alien species...
  # ...native the others
  # Reshaping and richness calculation 
  ## reshape alien and calculate the alien richness
  # (for a gentle introduction to melt see e.g. http://seananderson.ca/2013/10/19/reshape.html)
  # alien.melt is the "long format" of the alien dataset.
  # colnames(alien.melt)
  # unique(alien.melt$variable)
  # Note: without other args, the melt function treats each column with numeric values as a variable column. 
  #   All the others are considered id columns (and the function groups by them)
  # dcast: long->wide format of the dataset.
  # The table will be with the following columns: 
  # locality, EunisL1 (i.e. eunis habitat code of first level), family, [so many columns as the scientific names in the original scientificname column]
  alien_table<-reshape2::dcast(alien.melt,locality+ EunisL1 + family ~ scientificname)
  # maybe we can bypass the melting step (?)
  #alien_table2<-dcast(alien,locality+ EunisL1 + family ~ scientificname)
  alien_richness<-vegan::specnumber(alien_table[sapply(alien_table, class)!="factor"])
  alien_richness<-cbind(alien_table[sapply(alien_table, class)=="factor"],alien_richness)
  ## reshape native and calculate the native richness 
  native_table<-reshape2::dcast(native.melt, locality+ EunisL1 + family ~ scientificname)
  native_richness<-vegan::specnumber(native_table[sapply(native_table, class)!="factor"])
  native_richness<-cbind(native_table[sapply(native_table, class)=="factor"],native_richness)
  ##merge native+aliene
  # remove unnecessary files 

#' Title
#' @param alienNativeRichnessData a dataset accounting for alien and native species richness 
#' with the following fields: 
#'    "locality": (string) a toponym where the observation occurred 
#'    "EunisL1": (string) eunis habitat level-1 code
#'    "family": (string) family name according to LifeWatch Global Name Architecture - cf.(for auth users) http://www.servicecentrelifewatch.eu/global-names-architecture.
#'    "native_richness": (int) richness of native species in the locality for the eunisspeciesgroup
#'    "alien_richness": (int) richness of alien species in the locality for the eunisspeciesgroup
#'    [DEPRECATED]"eunispeciesgroups": (string) species group according to eunis species list (cf. http://eunis.eea.europa.eu/species.jsp)
#' @note the parameter, for ocpu execution, should be the previous session id, in order for ocpu to retrieve the data computed by the preceding method
#' @importFrom MuMIn dredge
#' @import lme4
#' @importFrom stats getCall
#' @importFrom visreg visreg
#' @export
nn<-function(alienNativeRichnessData){ #alienSpeciesOccurrenceProbability_byGLMM
  #####  Step 2: Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) fitting usign the lme4 package #####
  message("I m here")
  # now we are ready to fit our model. We will use a generalized linear mixed models in order to take into account the structure of our new dataset. 
  #Taxonomic group and locality are not the focus of our investigation but largely influence our sampling. 
  #We will include these two factor in the random effect. 
  # First fit full model (a negative bionomial family is assumed for richness data)
  message("I m here before ")
  gfit_Eu_Ri <- try(lme4::glmer.nb(alien_richness ~native_richness+ EunisL1 +(1| family)+(1|locality), data= new_table))
  # automatically calculate best model according to AIC
  options(na.action = "na.fail")
  ms1; # the full model has the highest AICc support 
  # fit the best model according to AIC
  mod.fit<-try(lme4::glmer.nb(as.formula(stats::getCall(ms1,1)), data = new_table))
  # results 
  table<-summary(mod.fit) #table.
  visreg::visreg(mod.fit,trans=exp,nn=101,alpha=1,rug=F,partial=T, ylab='Alien Species occurrence probability') #graph (visualize regression function) #this statement should plot in the "graphics" env (made available by ocpu)
  return(table) #check if it is useful
ptagliolato/vlab documentation built on May 26, 2019, 11:32 a.m.