
Defines functions check_region_name_code_correspondence check_region_names.factor check_region_names.default check_region_names check_region_codes.factor check_region_codes.default check_region_codes check_region_classification

Documented in check_region_classification check_region_codes check_region_codes.default check_region_codes.factor check_region_name_code_correspondence check_region_names

#' Check region classifications
#' Functions for checking region classifications are divided into functions that
#' test whether input is a certain element of classification returning logicals
#' functions that check if input vector is ok. The checking functions return TRUE
#' if everything is ok and FALSE if not. In case of FALSE, they also return a message
#' containing information where the problem is.
#' Testing of the region information of data should proceed by first checking
#' if the region codes and names are ok and then whether they correctly
#' correspond to each other.
#' @param region_names a vector of standard region names
#' @param region_codes a vector of standard region codes
#' @param year double or character, year of classification
#' @param lang `"fi"`, `"sv"` or `"en"`. Language of the input name. Defaults to `"fi"`.
#' @param offline logical, whether works offline with package data. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @return logical
#' @export
check_region_classification <- function(region_names, region_codes,
                                        year = NULL,
                                        lang = "fi",
                                        offline = TRUE) {

    all(check_region_names(region_names, year = year, lang = lang, offline = offline),
      check_region_codes(region_codes, year = year, offline = offline),
      check_region_name_code_correspondence(region_names, region_codes, year = year, lang = lang, offline = offline))
  ) {message("Region classification check: passed.")}

#' Check region codes
#' Checks whether all the elements in the given vector of potential region codes
#' are standardized region codes. If they are returns `TRUE`, if they are
#' not, returns a message telling which elements are not recognized as region codes.
#' @param x character vector or factor
#' @param year double or character, year of classification
#' @param offline logical, whether works offline with package data. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @return vector of logicals
#' @export
check_region_codes <- function(x, year = NULL, offline = TRUE) {



#' @describeIn check_region_codes
#' @export
check_region_codes.default <- function(x, year = NULL, offline = TRUE) {

  logical <- is_region_code_with_prefix(x, offline = offline, year = year)
  if(all(logical)) {
  } else {
    message(paste0("Region classification check: region code(s) ",
                  paste(x[!logical], collapse = ", "),
                  " not recognized as standard region code(s)",
                  ifelse(!is.null(year), paste0("for year ", year, "."), ".")))

#' @describeIn check_region_codes
#' @export
check_region_codes.factor <- function(x, year = NULL, offline = TRUE) {

  check_region_codes(levels(x), offline = offline, year = year)


#' Check region names
#' For a vector or a factor of region names, find the names that are not recognized and
#' if does not find such names returns `TRUE`.
#' @param x character vector or factor.
#' @param year double or character, year of classification.
#' @param offline logical, whether works offline with package data. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param lang `"fi"`, `"sv"` or `"en"`. Language of the input name. Defaults to `"fi"`.
#' @return logical
#' @export
check_region_names <- function(x, lang = "fi", year = NULL, offline = TRUE) {


#' @describeIn Check region names
#' @export
check_region_names.default <- function(x, lang = "fi", year = NULL, offline = TRUE) {

  logical <- is_region_name(x, lang = lang, offline = offline, year = year)
  if(all(logical)) {
  } else {
    message(paste0("Region classification check: region name(s) ",
                  paste(x[!logical], collapse = ", "),
                  " not recognized as standard region name(s)",
                  ifelse(!is.null(year), paste0("for year ", year, "."), ".")))

#' @describeIn Check region names
#' @export
check_region_names.factor <- function(x, lang = "fi", year = NULL, offline = TRUE) {
  check_region_names(levels(x), lang = lang, offline = offline, year = year)

#' Check if region names and codes correspond as in regionkey.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param region_name_var character the name of the regional name variable in the data
#' @param region_code_var character the name of the regional code variable in the data
#' @param offline logical, whether works offline with package data. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @return logical
#' @export
check_region_name_code_correspondence <- function(region_names, region_codes,
                                                  year = NULL,
                                                  lang = "fi",
                                                  offline = TRUE) {

  if(!(check_region_names(region_names, year = year, lang = lang, offline = offline) &
       check_region_codes(region_codes, year = year, offline = offline))) {

  x <- as.character(region_names) ==
       as.character(codes_to_names(region_codes, year = year, lang = lang, offline = offline))
  if(all(x)) {
  } else {
    message(paste("Region classification check:", paste(unique(paste(region_codes[!x], region_names[!x], sep = "-")), collapse = ", "),
                  "not recognized as correct region name-code pairs."))

pttry/statficlassifications documentation built on Jan. 17, 2024, 4:36 p.m.