refObjTable-class: Reference class to represent table-like reference objects

Description Fields Methods


A reference object of reference class refObjTable assumes that a table simply consists of a tabel header and a table body. Those components are represented by the fields of the reference class. Apart from the initialisation method, the getter and setter methods for the table header, we have a method to add additional rows to the existing table body. The two methods to_knitr_kable and to_pander_pandoc write tables in markdown format using functions knitr::kable() and pander::pandoc.table()



vector of table headers


list of table body



Adding a row represented by a list to the body of the table. The list representing the row must have the same names as the existing table body, otherwise, the row is not added to the table body.


Getter for table header


Initialisation of table with empty body.


Setter for table header


Output current table in markdown format using function knitr::kable(). In case the length of the specified table header is consistent with the number of columns, then the table header is added as columnnames of the data.frame representation of the table body.

to_pander_pandoc(psStyle = "rmarkdown", psJustify = NULL, pnSplitCells = 30)

Output current table in markdown format using the function pander::pandoc.table(). This method accepts two parameters psStyle and psJustify which are passed to to pander::pandoc.table().

pvrqualitasag/rqudocuhelper documentation built on May 26, 2019, 11:34 a.m.