Man pages for pzylstra/Impact
Fire impact functions for FRaME

ageCommunityUpdates the parameter file to a designated age
applyGrowthUpdates a parameter file with the growth parameters modelled...
arborealFire risk for an exposed arboreal animal
coverChangeModels the weighted mean of plant separation from time since...
fireDynamicsModels flammability dynamics from a weather set
growPlantsModels plant height from time since fire
hollowFire risk for an animal sheltering in a wooden hollow
LAIFinds the LAI for a horizontal slice of a community
LAIpFinds the LAI for a horizontal slice of a plant
olsonModels the weight of the o_horizon from time since fire and...
paramBuilderConstructs parameter files from imported tables
profileDetFinds the deterministic vertical wind profile for a community
shelterFinds the deterministic vertical wind profile for a...
shelterPCalculates a non-deterministic wind profile ovedr a screen...
suspModels the packing of materials in a suspended layer
undergroundFire risk for an animal sheltering underground
windProfileCalculates a non-deterministic wind profile
windProfilePCalculates a non-deterministic wind profile on parallel cores...
WRFCalculates the wind reduction factor from a single parameter...
pzylstra/Impact documentation built on April 1, 2021, 2:32 a.m.