Man pages for qingyuanzhao/CrossScreening
Cross-Screening in Observational Studies that Test Many Hypotheses

bonferroni.fgBonferroni's correction with fixed Gamma
CrossScreening-packageCross-screening for observational studies
fallback.testFallback procedure for multiple testing
kappa2gammaTransform sensitivity parameter in different scales
leadLead in children
methotrexateMethotrexate workers
multrnksApproximate scores for ranks.
nhanes.fishHealth effects of fish matching result
nhanes.log2diffObtains treatment-minus-control differences in the...
recycle.testRecycling procedure for multiple testing
senSensivity analysis with signed score test
sen.ciPoint estimate and confidence interval for sensitivity...
sen.valueCompute sensitivity value
table5Generate Table 5 of the paper
qingyuanzhao/CrossScreening documentation built on May 26, 2019, 11:35 a.m.