
Defines functions all_indirect

Documented in all_indirect

#' @title test
#' @description test test
#' @param data ggafadfb
#' @param model test
#' @return All indirect effets in a data from the first independent variable to the last outcome.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @importFrom stats cov
#' @examples
#' all_indirect(model = y ~ m1 ~ x, data = medEX)
all_indirect <- function(data, model){
  # A function estimating all directs and indirects
  vars <- all.vars(model)
  p <-  length(vars)
  vars <- vars[p:1]
  ndata <- data[,vars]
  COV <- cov(ndata)

  # Compute regression coefficients from
  # covariance matrix
  BETA <- cov2beta(COV)

  # Record all estimates
  est <- as.matrix(BETA[lower.tri(BETA)])

  # Labels all direct effects
  label <- matrix(vars[combn(p, 2)], (p * (p-1) / 2), 2, byrow = TRUE)
  rname <- apply(FUN = paste, as.matrix(label[,1]), MARGIN = 2, "->")
  rname <- apply(FUN = paste, rname, label[,2], MARGIN = 2, "")
  row.names(est) <- rname

  # List all possibles indirect effects
  listeffects <- list_effects(p)

  # Compute all indirect effects and their labels
  for(i in 1:length(listeffects)){ # Number of levels
    J <- ncol(listeffects[[i]])    # Number of indirect effects at this level
    for(j in 1:J){
      ide <- listeffects[[i]][,j]  # Target indirect effect
      B <- BETA[ide, ide]          # Their coefficients
      B <- B[-1, -ncol(B)]         # Remove unneeded coefficients
      e <- as.matrix(prod(diag(B)))   # Compute the indirect effect
      rownames(e) <- paste(vars[ide], # Its label
                           collapse = " -> ")
      est <- rbind(est, e)         # Add to other indirect effects.

  # Add total effects
  totald <- as.matrix(solve(COV[1, 1], COV[p, 1]))
  totali <- as.matrix(totald - BETA[p, 1])

  # Add label for total indirect and total effect
  rownames(totali) <- paste("total indirect",
  rownames(totald) <- paste("total effect",

  # Put everything together
  estimates <- rbind(est, totali, totald)
quantmeth/pathanalysis documentation built on Aug. 6, 2023, 8:56 a.m.