
Title: Cheddar 0.1-623 released Tags: release Slug: Cheddar 0.1-623 released. Author: Lawrence Hudson

Cheddar 0.1-623 was released today and is available on CRAN.

This release adds functions to that compute the quantitative web stats defined by Bersier et al (2002) - descriptors that are based upon information-theory and that consider the strength of trophic interactions. The NodeQuantitativeDescriptors and QuantitativeDescriptors functions compute tables of node-level and community-level quantitative descriptors respectively, as presented in Bersier et al Tables 1 and 2.

QuantitativeDescriptors(ChesapeakeBay, 'biomass.flow')
NodeQuantitativeDescriptors(ChesapeakeBay, 'biomass.flow')

This release also introduces the NvMTriTrophicTable function, which builds upon existing functions within cheddar, and provides a convenient way to compute the set of statistics presented in Table 1 of

The RemoveNode function has been enhanced in this release - it now offers a range of methods for how species' removals are propagated through the food web.

See the release history for details.

quicklizard99/cheddar documentation built on July 25, 2024, 10:53 a.m.