Man pages for qunhualilab/hicrep
Measuring the reproducibility of Hi-C data

bed2matconverting 3-column contact matrix to squared HiC matrix
cool2matrixconverting cooler format to Hi-C matrices
depth.adjSequencing depth adjustment
fast.mean.filterA fast mean filter algorithm to smooth a matrix
get.scccalculate the stratum-adjusted correlation coefficient
hic2matextract HiC data from .hic file and convert it to squared HiC...
hicrep-packageHiCRep pipeline calculates reproducibility of Hi-C...
htrainTrain the smoothing parameter (neighborhood size).
MatToVecConvert the HiC matrix format to vector format
prepPre-processing the Hi-C matrices
smoothMatsmooth the Hi-C matrix with mean filter
vstranVariance stablization transformation
qunhualilab/hicrep documentation built on Feb. 27, 2020, 9:17 p.m.