Man pages for qutang/mhealth-data-processing-r
Interactive visualizer for annotated mhealth data

AnnotationData.addToGgplotadd annotation bars to an existing ggplot (most likely a...
AnnotationData.clipClip annotation data according to the start and end time
AnnotationData.filter.originalfilter out/only include labels/categories presented in the...
AnnotationData.getLabelNamesget all matched label names given a timestamp, return NULL if...
AnnotationData.importCsvImport mhealth annotation data file and load into memory as... annotator Id from annotation file name ontology Id from annotation file name annotation data into mhealth folder structure and with...
AnnotationData.mergemerge two or more annotation data frames and sort according...
AnnotationData.offsetoffset annotation data's start and stop timestamp by an...
AnnotationData.simplifysimplify all annotations so that concurrent activities will...
AnnotationData.simplify.filterfilter out/include only simplified annotation data frame with...
FrequencyResponse.changeResolutionChange the frequency resolution of the input frequency...
FrequencyResponse.fftCompute frequency response for input sensor data.
FrequencyResponse.spectrum.ggplotPlot fft frequency response for input sensor data.
Magnitude.computeCompute the magnitude value of sensor data.
MhealthInteractiveVisualizer.getAppThe shiny app object of interactive visualizer for mhealth...
MhealthInteractiveVisualizer.runAn interactive visualizer for mhealth format data based on...
SamplingRate.ggplotPlot sampling rate over certain breaks (e.g. min, hour) using...
SamplingRate.plotPlot sampling rate over certain breaks (e.g. min, hour).
SamplingRate.summaryCalculate sampling rate for each column over a certain break...
SensorData.asconvert arbitrary dataframe to mhealth sensor data style
SensorData.bokehplotPlot sensor raw data using rbokeh interatively
SensorData.cleanupClean up sensor dataframe by removing invalid timestamps,...
SensorData.clipClip sensor data according to the start and end time.
SensorData.createActigraphCsvHeadercreate a character vector representing each line of the...
SensorData.cropcrop sensor data's y axis to a specific range
SensorData.filter.averageRemovalFIRApply average removal FIR filter to the input sensor data...
SensorData.filter.besselApply low pass bessel filter to the input sensor data frame...
SensorData.filter.iirApply iir filter to the input sensor data frame each column...
SensorData.filter.resampleApply bandlimited interpolation filter to the input sensor...
SensorData.getFilenamePartsGet the mhealth filename parts out of a mhealth sensor data...
SensorData.getSamplingRateGet sensor data's sampling rate from the time difference of...
SensorData.ggplotPlot sensor raw data using ggplot2.
SensorData.importActigraphCountCsvImport and convert Actigraph count csv files and load into...
SensorData.importActigraphCsvImport and convert Actigraph raw csv files and load into data...
SensorData.importCsvImport mhealth sensor data file and load into memory as data...
SensorData.interpolateInterpolate the missing points and unify sampling interval... sensor data into mhealth folder structure and with... sensor data frame into actigraph raw
SensorData.mergeMerge two or more mhealth data frames by rows and sorted by...
SensorData.offsetoffset sensor data's timestamp by an offset value in seconds
SensorData.parseActigraphCsvHeaderparse actigraph csv header to get related version and...
SensorData.plotPlot nicely the raw sensor data data frame.
SensorData.splitSplit sensor data into list of smaller data frame with...
SummaryData.absoluteMeanCalculate summary value (absolute mean value) for each column...
SummaryData.aucCalculate summary value (area under curve) for each column...
SummaryData.ggplotPlot summary data using ggplot2
SummaryData.simpleMeanCalculate summary value (mean value) for each column over a...
qutang/mhealth-data-processing-r documentation built on Sept. 3, 2019, 1:19 a.m.