Man pages for r-lib/desc
Manipulate DESCRIPTION Files

check_encodingCheck encoding of new or existing fields
check_fieldSyntactical check of a DESCRIPTION field
cran_ascii_fieldsThe DESCRIPTION fields that are supposed to be in plain ASCII...
cran_valid_fieldsA list of DESCRIPTION fields that are valid according to the...
dep_typesDESCRIPTION fields that denote package dependencies
descRead a DESCRIPTION file
desc_add_authorAdd an author to Authors@R in DESCRIPTION
desc_add_author_ghAdd a GitHub user as an author to DESCRIPTION
desc_add_meAdd the current user as an author to DESCRIPTION
desc_add_orcidAdd an ORCID to one or more authors in Authors@R, in...
desc_add_remotesAdd locations in the Remotes field in DESCRIPTION
desc_add_roleAdd a role to one or more authors in Authors@R, in...
desc_add_to_collateAdd one or more files to the Collate field, in DESCRIPTION
desc_add_urlsAdd URLs to the URL field in DESCRIPTION
desc_bump_versionIncrease the version number in DESCRIPTION
desc_change_maintainerChange maintainer of the package, in DESCRIPTION
desc_clear_remotesRemove all locations from the Remotes field of DESCRIPTION
desc_clear_urlsRemove all URLs from the URL field of DESCRIPTION
desc_coerce_authors_at_rCoerce Author and Maintainer Fields to Authors@R
desc_delRemove fields from a DESCRIPTION file
desc_del_authorRemove one or more authors from DESCRIPTION.
desc_del_collateDelete the Collate field from DESCRIPTION
desc_del_depRemove a package dependency from DESCRIPTION
desc_del_depsRemove all dependencies from DESCRIPTION
desc_del_from_collateRemove files from the Collate field.
desc_del_remotesDelete locations from the Remotes field in DESCRIPTION
desc_del_roleDelete a role of an author, in DESCRIPTION
desc_del_urlsDelete URLs from the URL field in DESCRIPTION
desc_fieldsList all fields in a DESCRIPTION file
desc_getGet a field from a DESCRIPTION file
desc_get_authorQuery authors by role in Authors@R, in DESCRIPTION
desc_get_authorsQuery all authors in Authors@R, in DESCRIPTION
desc_get_builtQuery the built field in DESCRIPTION
desc_get_collateQuery the Collate field in DESCRIPTION
desc_get_depsList all package dependencies from a DESCRIPTION file
desc_get_fieldGet a single field from a DESCRIPTION file, fail if not found
desc_get_maintainerQuery the package maintainer in DESCRIPTION
desc_get_remotesList the locations in the Remotes field in DESCRIPTION
desc_get_urlsQuery the URL field in DESCRIPTION
desc_get_versionQuery the package version in DESCRIPTION
desc_has_depCheck for a dependency
desc_has_fieldsCheck if some fields are present in a DESCRIPTION file
desc_normalizeNormalize a DESCRIPTION file
desc-packagedesc: Manipulate DESCRIPTION Files
desc_printPrint the contents of a DESCRIPTION file to the screen
desc_reformat_fieldsReformat fields in a DESCRIPTION file
desc_reorder_fieldsReorder fields in a DESCRIPTION file
descriptionRead, write, update, validate DESCRIPTION files
desc_setSet one or more fields in a DESCRIPTION file
desc_set_authorsSet authors in Authors@R, in DESCRIPTION
desc_set_collateSet the Collate field in DESCRIPTION
desc_set_depAdd a package dependency to a DESCRIPTION file
desc_set_depsSet all package dependencies in DESCRIPTION
desc_set_remotesSet the Remotes field in DESCRIPTION
desc_set_urlsSet the URL field in DESCRIPTION
desc_set_versionSet the package version in DESCRIPTION
desc_to_latexConverts a DESCRIPTION file to LaTeX
desc_validateValidate a DESCRIPTION file
r-lib/desc documentation built on Aug. 29, 2024, 5:23 p.m.