
Defines functions gm_create_label gm_delete_label gm_update_label_patch gm_update_label gm_label gm_labels

Documented in gm_create_label gm_delete_label gm_label gm_labels gm_update_label gm_update_label_patch

#' Get a list of all labels
#' Get a list of all labels for a user.
#' @inheritParams gm_message
#' @references <https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/reference/rest/v1/users.labels/list>
#' @family label
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' my_labels <- gm_labels()
#' }
gm_labels <- function(user_id = "me") {
  gmailr_GET("labels", user_id)

#' Get a specific label
#' Get a specific label by id and user_id.
#' @param id label id to retrieve
#' @inheritParams gm_labels
#' @references <https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/reference/rest/v1/users.labels/get>
#' @family label
#' @export
gm_label <- function(id, user_id = "me") {
  gmailr_GET(c("labels", id), user_id)

#' Update a existing label.
#' Get a specific label by id and user_id. `gm_update_label_patch()` is
#' identical to `gm_update_label()` but the latter uses [HTTP
#' PATCH](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5789) to allow partial
#' update.
#' @param id label id to update
#' @param label the label fields to update
#' @inheritParams gm_labels
#' @references
#' <https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/reference/rest/v1/users.labels/update>
#' @references
#' <https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/reference/rest/v1/users.labels/patch>
#' @family label
#' @export
gm_update_label <- function(id, label, user_id = "me") {
  gmailr_PUT(c("labels", id), user_id, body = label, encode = "json")

#' @rdname gm_update_label
#' @family label
#' @export
gm_update_label_patch <- function(id, label, user_id = "me") {
  gmailr_PATCH(c("labels", id), user_id, body = label, encode = "json")

#' Permanently delete a label
#' Function to delete a label by id.  This cannot be undone!
#' @inheritParams gm_label
#' @references <https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/reference/rest/v1/users.labels/delete>
#' @family label
#' @export
gm_delete_label <- function(id, user_id = "me") {
  gmailr_DELETE(c("labels", id), user_id)

#' Create a new label
#' Function to create a label.
#' @param name name to give to the new label
#' @param label_list_visibility The visibility of the label in the label list in the Gmail web interface.
#' @param message_list_visibility The visibility of messages with this label in the message list in the Gmail web interface.
#' @inheritParams gm_labels
#' @references <https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/reference/rest/v1/users.labels/create>
#' @family label
#' @export
gm_create_label <- function(name,
                            label_list_visibility = c("show", "hide", "show_unread"),
                            message_list_visibility = c("show", "hide"),
                            user_id = "me") {
  label_list_visibility <- label_value_map[match.arg(label_list_visibility)]
  message_list_visibility <- match.arg(message_list_visibility)

  gmailr_POST("labels", user_id,
    body = c(rename(
    encode = "json"
r-lib/gmailr documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 6:22 a.m.