
Defines functions oauth_flow_device_poll oauth_flow_device_request oauth_flow_device req_oauth_device

Documented in oauth_flow_device req_oauth_device

#' OAuth with device flow
#' @description
#' Authenticate using the OAuth **device flow**, as defined by `r rfc(8628)`.
#' It's designed for devices that don't have access to a web browser (if you've
#' ever authenticated an app on your TV, this is probably the flow you've used),
#' but it also works well from within R.
#' Learn more about the overall OAuth authentication flow in
#' <https://httr2.r-lib.org/articles/oauth.html>.
#' @export
#' @inheritParams oauth_flow_password
#' @inheritParams req_oauth_auth_code
#' @returns `req_oauth_device()` returns a modified HTTP [request] that will
#'   use OAuth; `oauth_flow_device()` returns an [oauth_token].
#' @examples
#' req_auth_github <- function(req) {
#'   req_oauth_device(
#'     req,
#'     client = example_github_client(),
#'     auth_url = "https://github.com/login/device/code"
#'   )
#' }
#' request("https://api.github.com/user") |>
#'   req_auth_github()
req_oauth_device <- function(req,
                             scope = NULL,
                             auth_params = list(),
                             token_params = list(),
                             cache_disk = FALSE,
                             cache_key = NULL) {

  params <- list(
    client = client,
    auth_url = auth_url,
    scope = scope,
    auth_params = auth_params,
    token_params = token_params
  cache <- cache_choose(client, cache_disk, cache_key)
  req_oauth(req, "oauth_flow_device", params, cache = cache)

#' @export
#' @rdname req_oauth_device
oauth_flow_device <- function(client,
                              pkce = FALSE,
                              scope = NULL,
                              auth_params = list(),
                              token_params = list()) {
  oauth_flow_check("device", client, interactive = is_interactive())

  if (pkce) {
    code <- oauth_flow_auth_code_pkce()
    auth_params$code_challenge <- code$challenge
    auth_params$code_challenge_method <- code$method
    token_params$code_verifier <- code$verifier

  request <- oauth_flow_device_request(client, auth_url, scope, auth_params)

  # User interaction
  # https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8628#section-3.3
  # Azure provides a message that we might want to print?
  # Google uses verification_url instead of verification_uri
  # verification_uri_complete is optional, it would ship the user
  # code in the uri https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8628#section-3.2
  url <- request$verification_uri_complete %||% request$verification_uri %||% request$verification_url

  if (is_interactive()) {
    cli::cli_alert("Copy {.strong {request$user_code}} and paste when requested by the browser")
    readline("Press <enter> to proceed:")
  } else {
    inform(glue("Visit <{url}> and enter code {request$user_code}"))

  token <- oauth_flow_device_poll(client, request, token_params)
  if (is.null(token)) {
    cli::cli_abort("Expired without user confirmation; please try again.")

  exec(oauth_token, !!!token)

# Device authorization request and response
# https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8628#section-3.1
# https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8628#section-3.2
oauth_flow_device_request <- function(client,
                                      error_call = caller_env()) {
  req <- request(auth_url)
  req <- req_body_form(req, scope = scope, !!!auth_params)
  req <- oauth_client_req_auth(req, client)
  req <- req_headers(req, Accept = "application/json")

  oauth_flow_fetch(req, "auth_url", error_call = error_call)

# Device Access Token Request
# https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8628#section-3.4
oauth_flow_device_poll <- function(client,
                                   error_call = caller_env()) {
  cli::cli_progress_step("Waiting for response from server", spinner = TRUE)

  delay <- request$interval %||% 5
  deadline <- Sys.time() + request$expires_in

  token <- NULL
  while (Sys.time() < deadline) {
    for (i in 1:20) {
      Sys.sleep(delay / 20)

        token <- oauth_client_get_token(client,
          grant_type = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code",
          device_code = request$device_code,
          error_call = error_call
      httr2_oauth_authorization_pending = function(err) {},
      httr2_oauth_slow_down = function(err) {
        delay <<- delay + 5
r-lib/httr2 documentation built on Sept. 28, 2024, 4:41 a.m.