
Defines functions scalar_in_linter

Documented in scalar_in_linter

#' Block usage like x %in% "a"
#' `vector %in% set` is appropriate for matching a vector to a set, but if
#'   that set has size 1, `==` is more appropriate.
#' `scalar %in% vector` is OK, because the alternative (`any(vector == scalar)`)
#'   is more circuitous & potentially less clear.
#' @param in_operators Character vector of additional infix operators that behave like the `%in%` operator,
#'   e.g. `{data.table}`'s `%chin%` operator.
#' @examples
#' # will produce lints
#' lint(
#'   text = "x %in% 1L",
#'   linters = scalar_in_linter()
#' )
#' lint(
#'   text = "x %chin% 'a'",
#'   linters = scalar_in_linter(in_operators = "%chin%")
#' )
#' # okay
#' lint(
#'   text = "x %in% 1:10",
#'   linters = scalar_in_linter()
#' )
#' @evalRd rd_tags("scalar_in_linter")
#' @seealso [linters] for a complete list of linters available in lintr.
#' @export
scalar_in_linter <- function(in_operators = NULL) {
  # TODO(#2085): Extend to include other cases where the RHS is clearly a scalar
  # NB: all of logical, integer, double, hex, complex are parsed as NUM_CONST
  xpath <- glue("
  //SPECIAL[{xp_text_in_table(c('%in%', {in_operators}))}]
    /following-sibling::expr[NUM_CONST[not(starts-with(text(), 'NA'))] or STR_CONST]

  Linter(linter_level = "expression", function(source_expression) {
    xml <- source_expression$xml_parsed_content

    bad_expr <- xml_find_all(xml, xpath)
    in_op <- xml_find_chr(bad_expr, "string(SPECIAL)")
    lint_msg <- glue(
      "Use comparison operators (e.g. ==, !=, etc.) to match length-1 scalars instead of {in_op}. ",
      "Note that comparison operators preserve NA where {in_op} does not."

      source_expression = source_expression,
      lint_message = lint_msg,
      type = "warning"
r-lib/lintr documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 4:41 a.m.