
#' Test function for help
#' The purpose of this function is to test out \code{help} and \code{?} from
#' devtools.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' a <- 101
foofoo <- function() "You called foofoo."

#' testHelp: some title
#' Some description

#' Function level help for testHelp
#' @export
testHelp <- function() "You called testHelp"

#' Function that has a system macro
#' This is \CRANpkg{pkgload}.
#' @export
testSysMacro <- function() "It is all good"

#' Function that has a system and a custom macro
#' This is \CRANpkg{pkgload}. \foobar{Yeah!}
#' @export
testCustomMacro <- function() "It is still all good"
r-lib/pkgload documentation built on Aug. 2, 2024, 3:37 p.m.