use_package_doc: Package-level documentation

View source: R/documentation.R

use_package_docR Documentation

Package-level documentation


Adds a dummy .R file that will cause roxygen2 to generate basic package-level documentation. If your package is named "foo", this will make help available to the user via ?foo or package?foo. Once you call devtools::document(), roxygen2 will flesh out the .Rd file using data from the DESCRIPTION. That ensures you don't need to repeat (and remember to update!) the same information in multiple places. This .R file is also a good place for roxygen directives that apply to the whole package (vs. a specific function), such as global namespace tags like ⁠@importFrom⁠.


use_package_doc(open = rlang::is_interactive())



Open the newly created file for editing? Happens in RStudio, if applicable, or via utils::file.edit() otherwise.

See Also

The documentation chapter of R Packages

r-lib/usethis documentation built on Jan. 24, 2025, 12:25 a.m.