use_vignette: Create a vignette or article

View source: R/vignette.R

use_vignetteR Documentation

Create a vignette or article


Creates a new vignette or article in ⁠vignettes/⁠. Articles are a special type of vignette that appear on pkgdown websites, but are not included in the package itself (because they are added to .Rbuildignore automatically).


use_vignette(name, title = name)

use_article(name, title = name)



Base for file name to use for new vignette. Should consist only of numbers, letters, ⁠_⁠ and -. Lower case is recommended.


The title of the vignette.

General setup

  • Adds needed packages to DESCRIPTION.

  • Adds inst/doc to .gitignore so built vignettes aren't tracked.

  • Adds ⁠vignettes/*.html⁠ and ⁠vignettes/*.R⁠ to .gitignore so you never accidentally track rendered vignettes.

See Also

The vignettes chapter of R Packages.


## Not run: 
use_vignette("how-to-do-stuff", "How to do stuff")

## End(Not run)

r-lib/usethis documentation built on Aug. 27, 2024, 4:49 a.m.