
Defines functions make_cache md5

# Generate checksums for a vector of file paths.
# @keywords internal
md5 <- function(paths) {
  unlist(lapply(paths, tools::md5sum))

make_cache <- function() {
  .file_cache <- character()

  make <- function(paths) {
    paths <- path.expand(paths)
    new_hash <- md5(paths)
    old_hash <- .file_cache[paths]

    changed <- is.na(old_hash) | new_hash != old_hash
    .file_cache[paths[changed]] <<- new_hash[changed]


  clear <- function() {
    .file_cache <<- character()

  list(make = make, clear = clear)
.cache <- make_cache()

# Given vector of paths, return only those paths that have changed since the
# last invocation.
# @keywords internal
changed_files <- .cache$make

# Clear file cache.
# @keywords internal
clear_cache <- .cache$clear
r-pkgs/pkgload documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 4:21 p.m.