local_gtfs_path <- system.file("extdata", "routing.zip", package = "tidytransit")
gtfs_routing <- read_gtfs(local_gtfs_path)
test_from_stop_ids <- c("stop1a", "stop1b")
stop_times = gtfs_routing$stop_times
stop_times_0710 = dplyr::filter(gtfs_routing$stop_times, departure_time >= 7*3600+10*60)
stop_times_0711 = dplyr::filter(gtfs_routing$stop_times, departure_time >= 7*3600+11*60)
stop_times_0715 = dplyr::filter(gtfs_routing$stop_times, departure_time >= 7*3600+15*60)
transfers = gtfs_routing$transfers
test_that("raptor travel times", {
actual_tbl = raptor(stop_times, transfers,
test_from_stop_ids, time_range = 3600,
keep = "shortest")
expected_tbl = dplyr::tribble(~travel_time_expected, ~to_stop_id, ~from_stop_id,
0, "stop1a", "stop1a", # 00:00:00
0, "stop1b", "stop1b", # 00:00:00
04*60 + 00, "stop2", "stop1a", # 00:04:00
06*60 + 10, "stop3a", "stop1b", # 00:06:10 :18 - :12 + transfer
06*60 + 00, "stop3b", "stop1b", # 00:06:00 :18 - :12
20*60 + 00, "stop4", "stop1b", # 00:20:00 :37 - :17
05*60 + 00, "stop5", "stop1a", # 00:05:00 :15 - :10
10*60 + 00, "stop6", "stop1a", # 00:10:00 :20 - :10
15*60 + 00, "stop7", "stop1a", # 00:15:00 :25 - :10
12*60 + 10, "stop8a", "stop1b", # 00:12:10 :24 - :12 + transfer
12*60 + 00, "stop8b", "stop1b", # 00:12:00 :24 - :12
check = dplyr::inner_join(actual_tbl, expected_tbl, c("from_stop_id", "to_stop_id"))
expect_equal(check$travel_time, check$travel_time_expected)
test_that("only param stop_ids are returned as from_stop_ids", {
r = raptor(stop_times, transfers, "stop3a")
expect_equal(unique(r$from_stop_id), "stop3a")
test_that("ea and tt return the same result for one departure", {
shortest = raptor(stop_times, transfers, test_from_stop_ids,
time_range = 60,
keep = "shortest")[order(to_stop_id)]
shortest_tt <- shortest$travel_time
earliest_arrival = raptor(stop_times, transfers, test_from_stop_ids,
time_range = 60,
keep = "earliest")[order(to_stop_id)]
earliest_arrival_tt <- earliest_arrival$journey_arrival_time - 7*3600
check = inner_join(shortest[,1:3], earliest_arrival[,1:3], c("from_stop_id", "to_stop_id")) %>%
filter(!to_stop_id %in% test_from_stop_ids)
expect_equal(check$travel_time.x, check$travel_time.y)
test_that("raptor with one stop and reduced time_range", {
expected_tbl = dplyr::tribble(~expected_travel_time, ~to_stop_id,
00*60 + 00, "stop1a", # 00:00:00
00*60 + 10, "stop1b", # 00:00:10
18*60 + 00, "stop3a", # 00:18:00
18*60 + 10, "stop3b", # 00:18:10
27*60 + 00, "stop4", # 00:27:00
05*60 + 00, "stop5", # 00:05:00
10*60 + 00, "stop6", # 00:10:00
15*60 + 00, "stop7", # 00:15:00
22*60 + 00, "stop8a", # 00:22:00
22*60 + 10, "stop8b", # 00:22:10
actual_tbl = raptor(stop_times_0710, transfers, "stop1a",
time_range = 30,
keep = "shortest")[order(to_stop_id)]
check = dplyr::full_join(actual_tbl, expected_tbl, "to_stop_id")
expect_equal(check$travel_time, check$expected_travel_time)
test_that("parameters are checked", {
st = stop_times
tr = transfers
# keeps
raptor(st, tr, c("stop1a", "stop1b"), keep = "all")
raptor(st, tr, c("stop1a", "stop1b"), keep = "shortest")
raptor(st, tr, c("stop1a", "stop1b"), keep = "earliest")
expect_error(raptor(st, tr, c("stop1a", "stop1b"), keep = NULL))
expect_error(raptor(st, tr, c("stop1a", "stop1b"), keep = "NULL"))
# non-existent stop_id
expect_warning(raptor(st, tr, "stop99"))
expect_error(raptor(st, tr, 42))
# time range type
expect_error(raptor(st, tr, "stop5", time_range = "char"))
expect_error(raptor(st, tr, "stop5", time_range = NULL))
expect_error(raptor(st, tr, "stop5", time_range = 0))
expect_error(raptor(st, tr, "stop5", time_range = -99))
expect_error(raptor(st, tr, "stop5", time_range = hms::hms(900)))
# empty results
expect_equal(nrow(raptor(st, tr, "stop5", time_range = 60)), 1)
test_that("pick transfers from attributes", {
fst = filter_stop_times(gtfs_routing, "2018-10-01", 7*3600)
r1 = raptor(fst, stop_ids = "stop5")
r2 = raptor(gtfs_routing$stop_times, gtfs_routing$transfers, stop_ids = "stop5")
expect_equal(r1, r2)
expect_error(raptor(gtfs_routing$stop_times, stop_ids = "stop5"), 'argument "transfers" is missing, with no default')
expect_error(raptor(gtfs_routing, stop_ids = "stop5"), 'Travel times cannot be calculated with a tidygtfs object')
test_that("earliest arrival times", {
r = raptor(stop_times, transfers, "stop2", keep = "earliest")
actual = r[order(to_stop_id), journey_arrival_time]
expected = c(
7*3600 + 00*60 + 00, # stop2 07:05:00 departure time
7*3600 + 11*60 + 00, # stop3a 07:11:00
7*3600 + 11*60 + 10, # stop3b 07:11:10
7*3600 + 37*60 + 00, # stop4 07:37:00
7*3600 + 24*60 + 10, # stop8a 07:24:10
7*3600 + 24*60 + 00 # stop8b 07:24:00
expect_equal(actual, expected)
test_that("earliest arrival time without transfers", {
r = raptor(stop_times, NULL, test_from_stop_ids, keep = "earliest")
actual = r[order(to_stop_id), journey_arrival_time]
expected = c(
7*3600 + 00*60, # stop1a 07:00
7*3600 + 00*60, # stop1b 07:12
7*3600 + 04*60, # stop2 07:04
7*3600 + 11*60, # stop3a 07:11
7*3600 + 18*60, # stop3b 07:18
7*3600 + 37*60, # stop4 07:37
7*3600 + 15*60, # stop5 07:15
7*3600 + 20*60, # stop6 07:20
7*3600 + 25*60, # stop7 07:25
7*3600 + 32*60, # stop8a 07:32
7*3600 + 24*60 # stop8b 07:24
expect_equal(actual, expected)
test_that("transfers are returned", {
r = raptor(stop_times, transfers, "stop2", keep = "all")
setorder(r, travel_time)
expect_equal(r[to_stop_id == "stop3a"]$transfers, c(0,0))
expect_equal(r[to_stop_id == "stop4"]$transfers, c(1,1))
expect_equal(r[to_stop_id == "stop8a"]$transfers, c(1,1))
expect_equal(r[to_stop_id == "stop8b"]$transfers, c(1,1))
test_that("only max_transfers are used", {
expect_equal(max(raptor(stop_times, transfers, test_from_stop_ids, max_transfers = 0)$transfers), 0)
expect_equal(max(raptor(stop_times, transfers, test_from_stop_ids, max_transfers = 1)$transfers), 1)
expect_equal(max(raptor(stop_times, transfers, test_from_stop_ids, max_transfers = NULL)$transfers), 1)
test_that("raptor from stop without departures", {
expect_warning(raptor(stop_times_0711, transfers, "stop2"))
expect_equal(nrow(raptor(stop_times_0711, transfers, "stop4")), 1)
test_that("empty return data.table has the same columns as correct", {
r1 = suppressWarnings(raptor(stop_times_0711, transfers, "stop2"))
r2 = raptor(stop_times_0711, transfers, "stop3a")
expect_equal(colnames(r1), colnames(r2))
test_that("raptor errors without any stop_ids", {
expect_error(raptor(stop_times, transfers))
test_that("raptor travel times with arrival=TRUE", {
rptr = raptor(stop_times, transfers, stop_ids = "stop4", arrival = TRUE, keep = "shortest")
setorder(rptr, from_stop_id)
arr_expected = c(
37*60, # stop1a
37*60, # stop1b
37*60, # stop2
37*60, # stop3a
37*60, # stop3b
-15*60, # stop4
37*60, # stop5
37*60, # stop6
41*60, # stop7
41*60, # stop8a
41*60 # stop8b
dep_expected = c(
17*60 - 10, # stop1a
17*60 - 00, # stop1b
10*60 - 00, # stop2
29*60 - 00, # stop3a
29*60 - 10, # stop3b
-15*60 - 00, # stop4
15*60 - 00, # stop5
21*60 - 00, # stop6
26*60 - 00, # stop7
32*60 - 00, # stop8a
32*60 - 10 # stop8b
tt_expected = arr_expected - dep_expected
expect_equal(rptr$journey_arrival_time, arr_expected)
expect_equal(rptr$journey_departure_time, dep_expected)
expect_equal(rptr$travel_time, tt_expected)
expect_equal(unique(rptr$to_stop_id), "stop4")
test_that("raptor with arrival=TRUE and reduced time_range", {
rptr_2 = raptor(stop_times, transfers, stop_ids = "stop4",
arrival = TRUE, time_range = 6*60,
keep = "shortest")
setorder(rptr_2, from_stop_id)
arr_expected_2 = c(
41*60, # stop1a
41*60, # stop1b
41*60, # stop2
41*60, # stop3a
41*60, # stop3b
39*60, # stop4
41*60, # stop5
41*60, # stop6
41*60, # stop7
41*60, # stop8a
41*60 # stop8b
dep_expected_2 = c(
17*60 - 10, # stop1a
17*60 - 00, # stop1b
10*60 - 00, # stop2
23*60 - 10, # stop3a
23*60 - 00, # stop3b
39*60 - 00, # stop4
15*60 - 00, # stop5
22*60 - 00, # stop6
26*60 - 00, # stop7
32*60 - 00, # stop8a
32*60 - 10 # stop8b
tt_expected_2 = arr_expected_2 - dep_expected_2
rptr_2$dep_expected_2_time <- dep_expected_2
rptr_2$arr_expected_2_time <- arr_expected_2
rptr_2 %>% filter(arr_expected_2_time != journey_arrival_time | dep_expected_2_time != journey_departure_time)
expect_equal(rptr_2$journey_arrival_time, arr_expected_2)
expect_equal(rptr_2$journey_departure_time, dep_expected_2)
expect_equal(rptr_2$travel_time, tt_expected_2)
test_that("raptor with with time_range vector", {
r1.1 = raptor(stop_times, transfers, "stop1a", time_range = c("07:00:00", "07:05:00"))
expect_length(unique(r1.1$journey_departure_time), 2)
r1.2 = raptor(stop_times, transfers, "stop1b", time_range = c("07:11:00", "07:17:00"))
expect_length(unique(r1.2$journey_departure_time), 3)
r2.1 = raptor(stop_times, transfers, "stop2", time_range = c("07:00:00", "07:05:00"))
expect_equal(r2.1$journey_arrival_time[r2.1$to_stop_id == "stop8b"], 24*60+7*3600)
r2.2 = raptor(stop_times, transfers, "stop2", time_range = c("07:05:00", "07:10:00"))
expect_equal(nrow(r2.2[r2.2$to_stop_id == "stop8b"]), 2)
r2.3 = raptor(stop_times, transfers, "stop2", time_range = c("07:05:01", "07:10:00"))
expect_equal(r2.3$journey_arrival_time[r2.3$to_stop_id == "stop8b"], 24*60+7*3600)
# with arrival
r8.1 = raptor(stop_times, transfers, "stop8b", time_range = c("07:00:00", "07:30:00"), arrival = TRUE)
c(0, 24*60, 29*60))
r8.2 = raptor(stop_times, transfers, "stop8b", time_range = c("07:32:10", "07:32:10"), arrival = TRUE)
expect_equal(sort(unique(r8.2$from_stop_id)), c("stop1a", "stop1b", "stop5", "stop6", "stop7", "stop8a", "stop8b"))
raptor(stop_times, transfers, c("stop1a", "stop1b"), time_range = c("07:11:50", "07:12:00")) %>% filter(to_stop_id == "stop4")
# short time_ranges
no_connections = raptor(stop_times, transfers, "stop1a", time_range = c("07:09:00", "07:09:00")) %>% filter(to_stop_id == "stop4")
expect_equal(nrow(no_connections), 0)
one_connection = raptor(stop_times, transfers, "stop1a", time_range = c("07:10:00", "07:10:00")) %>% filter(to_stop_id == "stop4")
expect_equal(nrow(one_connection), 1)
one_connection_with_transfer = raptor(stop_times, transfers, "stop1a", time_range = c("07:11:50", "07:12:00")) %>% filter(to_stop_id == "stop4")
expect_equal(nrow(one_connection_with_transfer), 1)
expect_equal(one_connection_with_transfer$transfers, 1)
three_connections = raptor(stop_times, transfers, "stop1a", time_range = c("07:10:00", "07:20:00")) %>% filter(to_stop_id == "stop4")
expect_equal(nrow(three_connections), 3)
test_that("latest arrivals are correct", {
r0 = raptor(stop_times, transfers, time_range = 7200, stop_ids = "stop1b", arrival = FALSE, keep = "all")
r1 = raptor(stop_times, transfers, time_range = 7200, stop_ids = "stop1b", arrival = FALSE, keep = "latest")
expect_equal(r1[which(r1$to_stop_id == "stop4")]$journey_arrival_time, 37*60+7*3600)
expect_equal(r1[which(r1$to_stop_id == "stop3a")]$journey_arrival_time, 28*60+7*3600)
r2 = raptor(stop_times, transfers, stop_ids = "stop4", arrival = TRUE, keep = "latest")
expect_equal(r2[which(r2$from_stop_id == "stop1a")]$journey_arrival_time, 45*60+7*3600)
expect_equal(r2[which(r2$from_stop_id == "stop4")]$journey_arrival_time, 7.75*3600)
r6 = raptor(stop_times, transfers, time_range = 7200, stop_ids = "stop6", keep = "latest")
expect_equal(r6[which(r6$to_stop_id == "stop4")]$journey_arrival_time, 41*60+7*3600)
r6 = raptor(stop_times, transfers, time_range = 7200, stop_ids = "stop6", keep = "all")
test_that("set_num_times w/o hms or num", {
local_gtfs_path = system.file("extdata", "routing.zip", package = "tidytransit")
g2 = read_gtfs(local_gtfs_path)
g_st_dt = as.data.table(g2$stop_times)
expect_true(all(c("arrival_time_num", "departure_time_num") %in% colnames(g_st_dt)))
test_that("filter feed without min/max time", {
st.1 = filter_stop_times(gtfs_routing, "2018-10-01")
st.2 = filter_stop_times(gtfs_routing, "2018-10-01", "00:00:00", 999*3600)
expect_true(all(st.1 == st.2))
test_that("routing with missing NA", {
gtfs_routing2 = read_gtfs(system.file("extdata", "routing-NA-times.zip", package = "tidytransit"))
fst1 = filter_stop_times(gtfs_routing, "2018-10-01", 7*3600, 24*3600)
fst2 = filter_stop_times(gtfs_routing2, "2018-10-01", 7*3600, 24*3600)
tts1a = raptor(gtfs_routing$stop_times, gtfs_routing$transfers, "stop1b")
tts1b = raptor(fst1, attributes(fst1)$transfers, "stop1b")
tts2 = raptor(fst2, attributes(fst2)$transfers, "stop1b")
expect_equal(tts1a, tts2)
expect_equal(tts1b, tts2)
test_that("raptor considers each stop_id as a separate starting journey", {
possible_routes = read.csv("possible_routes.csv", sep = ";")
all_stop_ids = sort(unique(stop_times$stop_id))
rptr_all = raptor(stop_times, transfers, all_stop_ids, keep = "all") %>%
arrange(from_stop_id, to_stop_id) %>% dplyr::as_tibble()
rptr_stop_pairs = unique(rptr_all[,c("from_stop_id", "to_stop_id")])
rptr_stop_pairs$raptor_route <- TRUE
stop_pairs = dplyr::full_join(rptr_stop_pairs, possible_routes, c("from_stop_id", "to_stop_id")) %>%
arrange(from_stop_id, to_stop_id)
missing_routes = stop_pairs %>% filter(is.na(raptor_route) & possible == TRUE)
expect_equal(nrow(missing_routes), 0)
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