
#' Cached list of all available tables
#' @format ## `tables`
#' A data frame with 2339 rows and 8 columns:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{id}{Unique ID of the table}
#'  \item{text}{Description of the table}
#'  \item{unit}{The unit of the values represented in the table}
#'  \item{updated}{When this table was last updated}
#'  \item{firstPeriod}{The time of the first observation in the table}
#'  \item{latestPeriod}{The time of the latest observation in the table}
#'  \item{active}{Binary indicator of the table being active}
#'  \item{variables}{List of the variables in the table}
#' }
rOpenGov/dkstat documentation built on Dec. 13, 2024, 4:21 a.m.