
co2 <- 

dir ( tempdir())

be_io <- iotable_get(source = "naio_10_cp1700", geo = "NL",year =2020, labelling = "short" )

cp1700 <- iotables_read_tempdir(source = "naio_10_cp1700")

be_io <- cp1700 %>% filter ( geo == "BE", 
                    time == as.Date("2015-01-01"), 
                    stk_flow == "TOTAL", 
                    unit == "MIO_EUR") 
BE <- iotable_get(source = "naio_10_cp1700", geo = "BE",
                  year =2015, 
                  labelling = "short", unit = "MIO_EUR", 
                  stk_flow = "TOTAL")

names ( BE)
cv <- conforming_vector_create(BE) %>%
  pivot_longer (cols = everything(), 
                names_to = "nace_r2", 
                values_to = "co2")

co2 <- eurostat::get_eurostat("env_ac_ainah_r2")
names ( co2)


id =  "env_ac_ainah_r2"

ghg <- airpol_get (airpol = "GHG", geo="BE", year = 2020, unit = "THS_T")

be_io <- BE %>% bind_rows(ghg %>% rename ( prod_na = .data$indicator ))

ghg_indicator <- input_indicator_create ( 
  data_table  = be_io,
  input_vector = "GHG_output")

View (ghg_indicator)
rOpenGov/iotables documentation built on Jan. 26, 2024, 3:06 a.m.