Man pages for rOpenHealth/rpubmed

abstract_to_textconcatenates abstract list to a single string
chunkerHelper function to split a vector v into list of chunks of...
entrez_emailSet global variables
fetch_in_chunksDownloads abstracts and Metadata from Pubmed, storing as R...
geocodeHelper function for geocode_address
geocode_addressFunction to get coordinates from a supplied address If no...
geocode_addressesReturns a data frame of geocoded addresses with longitude and...
get_article_location_dataExtracts addresses of affiliated departments from Pubmed...
get_articles_by_termsReturns a list of articles matching the termlist items in the...
get_mesh_headingsReturns a list of MeSH headings for an article
in_abstract_ppredicate function for searching abstracts
in_mesh_abstract_ppredicate function for searching abstracts and MeSH headings
in_mesh_headings_ppredicate function for searching MeSH headings
in_record_text_ppredicate function for searching in title and abstract
keyword_assoc_tableBuilds an association table for a character vector of search...
mesh_assoc_tableBuilds an association matrix for all MeSH terms in an article...
mesh_heading_frequencyReturns a data frame of all MeSH headings in a corpus, with...
mesh_tablehelper function for mesh_assoc_table
mesh_to_textconcatenates a list of MeSH headings to a single string
pubmed_fetchDownload data from Pubmed
read_article_jsonRedundant wrapper around fromJSON
record_counts_by_yearGives a breakdown of records per year in a corpus of Pubmed...
term_in_text_ppredicate function for presence of a term in an article text
title_to_textconcatenates a list of MeSH headings to a single string
write_JSON_fileWrite a list of (e.g.) Pubmed records (e.g.) from...
write_record_listWrites article title and citation data to file or stdout....
rOpenHealth/rpubmed documentation built on May 26, 2019, 8:51 p.m.