
#' Assessing whether phenotypic changes in response to climate are adaptive
#' This R package aims at providing the data and documenting the analysis behind
#' the results from the paper entitled 'Adaptive responses of animals to climate
#' change are most likely insufficient' by Radchuk et al. Nature Communications
#' (2019).
#' This package has not been conceived for general use!
#' All main functions of this package contain a short documentation and examples
#' which could be useful for those who try to understand our code. Type
#' \code{ls("package:adRes")} for a list of all exported functions.
#' We recommend you to follow the examples below to reproduce the results of our
#' analysis and understand the structure of our workflow.
#' You may also directly explore the files contained in the package after
#' uncompressing the content of the *.tar.gz file (link available on the GitHub
#' page \url{https://github.com/radchukv/adRes}). You can use
#' the R function \code{\link{untar}} to extract the content of the tarball.
#' The package also contains several fitted models directly, to spare you the
#' time required to fit them.
#' In the examples below, we provide the workflow leading the results presented
#' in the paper.
#' @name adRes-package
#' @aliases adRes-package adRes
#' @docType package
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @references
#' Radchuk et al. (2019) Adaptive responses of animals to climate change
#' are most likely insufficient". Nature Communications.
#' @keywords package
#' @examples
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ####              Settings for the workflow              ####
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  nb_cores <- 2L ## increase the number for using more cores
#'  digit <- 3L
#'  par_ini <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) ## default parameters for display
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ####              Temperature: Condition 1              ####
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ## for PRCS
#'  mod_T_prcs <- fit_all(data = dat_Clim, temperature = TRUE,
#'                        precipitation = FALSE, phenology = TRUE,
#'                        morphology = TRUE, condition = '1',
#'                        nb_cores = nb_cores, rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                        fixed = NULL, digit = digit)
#'  ## for PRC
#'  \dontrun{
#'  mod_T_prc <- fit_all(data = dat_Clim_prc, temperature = TRUE,
#'                       precipitation = FALSE, phenology = TRUE,
#'                       morphology = TRUE, condition = '1',
#'                       nb_cores = nb_cores, rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                       fixed = NULL, digit = digit)
#'  ## forest plot as in Fig. 2
#'  par(par_ini)
#'  plot_T_cond1 <- plot_forest(meta_obj1 = mod_T_prcs$meta_res,
#'                              meta_obj2 = NULL,
#'                              list_extra_meta_obj =
#'                              list(mod_T_prcs$meta_res, mod_T_prc$meta_res),
#'                              sort = c("Coord"),
#'                              increasing = FALSE,
#'                              labels = c(traits = FALSE,
#'                                         fitness = FALSE,
#'                                         country = TRUE,
#'                                         authors = FALSE))
#'  mtext('Across', side = 2, line = 3,
#'        at = -1, las = 2, cex = 0.9, col = 'black')
#'  mtext('studies', side = 2, line = 3,
#'        at = -2, las = 2, cex = 0.9, col = 'black')
#'  }
#'  ## plots of raw data and extracted slopes per study, as in Suppl. Fig. S11
#'  par(par_ini); par(oma = c(3, 5, 0, 0), mar = c(1, 2, 3, 1))
#'  plot_raw(data = dat_Clim, temperature = TRUE,
#'           precipitation = FALSE, phenology = TRUE, morphology = TRUE,
#'           condition = '1', id_to_do = c(1:20))
#'  ## in the full dataset there are 41 ids (21_41). In the publicly shared 36
#'  par(par_ini); par(oma = c(3, 5, 0, 0), mar = c(1, 2, 3, 1))
#'  plot_raw(data = dat_Clim, temperature = TRUE,
#'           precipitation = FALSE, phenology = TRUE,
#'           morphology = TRUE, condition = '1',
#'           id_to_do = c(21:36))
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ####        Temperature: Condition 2, phenology         ####
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ## for PRCS
#'  mod_phen_T_prcs <- fit_all(data = dat_Trait, temperature = TRUE,
#'                             precipitation = FALSE, phenology = TRUE,
#'                             morphology = FALSE, condition = '2',
#'                             nb_cores = nb_cores, rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                             fixed = NULL, digit = digit)
#'  ## fixed effects
#'  mod_phen_T_prcs_Type <- fit_all(data = dat_Trait,
#'                                  temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                                  phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'                                  condition = '2', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                                  rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = 'Trait_Cat',
#'                                  digit = digit)
#'  ## for PRC
#'  \dontrun{
#'  mod_phen_T_prc <- fit_all(data = dat_Trait_prc,
#'                            temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                            phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'                            condition = '2', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                            rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = NULL,
#'                            digit = digit)
#'  ## fixed effects
#'  mod_phen_T_prc_Type <- fit_all(data = dat_Trait_prc,
#'                                 temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                                 phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'                                 condition = '2', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                                 rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = 'Trait_Cat',
#'                                 digit = digit)
#'  mod_phen_T_prc_Taxon <- fit_all(data = dat_Trait_prc,
#'                                  temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                                  phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'                                  condition = '2', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                                  rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = 'Taxon',
#'                                  digit = digit)
#'  }
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ####        Temperature: Condition 2, morphology        ####
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ## for PRCS
#'  mod_morph_T_prcs <- fit_all(data = dat_Trait, temperature = TRUE,
#'                              precipitation = FALSE, phenology = FALSE,
#'                              morphology = TRUE, condition = '2',
#'                              nb_cores = nb_cores, rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                              fixed = NULL, digit = digit)
#'  ## fixed effects
#'  mod_morph_T_prcs_Type <- fit_all(data = dat_Trait,
#'                                   temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                                   phenology = FALSE, morphology = TRUE,
#'                                   condition = '2', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                                   rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = 'Morph_type',
#'                                   digit = digit)
#'  ## for PRC
#'  \dontrun{
#'    mod_morph_T_prc <- fit_all(data = dat_Trait_prc,
#'                               temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                               phenology = FALSE, morphology = TRUE,
#'                               condition = '2', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                               rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = NULL,
#'                               digit = digit)
#'    ## fixed effects
#'    mod_morph_T_prc_Type <- fit_all(data = dat_Trait_prc,
#'                                    temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                                    phenology = FALSE, morphology = TRUE,
#'                                    condition = '2', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                                    rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = 'Morph_type',
#'                                    digit = digit)
#'    mod_morph_T_prc_Taxon <- fit_all(data = dat_Trait_prc,
#'                                     temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                                     phenology = FALSE, morphology = TRUE,
#'                                     condition = '2', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                                     rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = 'Taxon',
#'                                     digit = digit)
#'    mod_morph_T_prc_Therm <- fit_all(data = dat_Trait_prc,
#'                                     temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                                     phenology = FALSE, morphology = TRUE,
#'                                     condition = '2', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                                     rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = 'Blood',
#'                                     digit = digit)
#'  ## forest plot as in Fig. 3
#'  par(par_ini)
#'  plot_T_cond2 <- plot_forest(meta_obj1 = mod_phen_T_prcs$meta_res,
#'                              meta_obj2 = mod_morph_T_prcs$meta_res,
#'                              list_extra_meta_obj =
#'                              list(mod_phen_T_prcs$meta_res,
#'                                   mod_morph_T_prcs$meta_res,
#'                                   mod_phen_T_prc$meta_res,
#'                                   mod_phen_T_prc_Taxon$meta_res,
#'                                   mod_morph_T_prc$meta_res,
#'                                   mod_morph_T_prc_Taxon$meta_res),
#'                              sort = c('Species', 'Trait_Categ_det',
#'                                       'PaperID'),
#'                              increasing = TRUE,
#'                              labels = c(traits = TRUE,
#'                                         fitness = FALSE,
#'                                         country = FALSE,
#'                                         authors = FALSE))
#'  mtext('Across studies, ', at = -0.6, side = 2,
#'        line = 4, las = 2, cex = 0.9, col = 'black')
#'  mtext('PRCS dataset', at = -2.2, side = 2,
#'         line = 4.3, las = 2, cex = 0.9, col = 'black')
#'  mtext('Across studies, ', at = -7.4, side = 2,
#'        line = 4, las = 2, cex = 0.9, col = 'black')
#'  mtext('PRC dataset ', at = -9, side = 2,
#'        line = 4.3, las = 2, cex = 0.9, col = 'black')
#'  }
#'  ## plots of raw data and extracted slopes per study, as in Suppl. Fig. S12-S13
#'  par(par_ini); par(oma = c(2, 2, 0, 0), mar = c(1, 2, 3, 1))
#'  plot_raw(data = dat_Trait, temperature = TRUE,
#'           precipitation = FALSE, phenology = TRUE,
#'           morphology = FALSE, condition = '2',
#'           id_to_do = c(1:20))
#'  par(par_ini); par(oma = c(2, 2, 0, 0), mar = c(1, 2, 3, 1))
#'  plot_raw(data = dat_Trait, temperature = TRUE,
#'           precipitation = FALSE, phenology = TRUE,
#'           morphology = FALSE, condition = '2',
#'           id_to_do = c(21:38))
#'  par(par_ini); par(oma = c(2, 2, 0, 0), mar = c(1, 2, 3, 1))
#'  plot_raw(data = dat_Trait, temperature = TRUE,
#'           precipitation = FALSE, phenology = FALSE,
#'           morphology = TRUE, condition = '2',
#'           id_to_do = c(1:4))
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ####               Temperature: Condition 3             ####
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ## phenology
#'  mod_Sel_T_phen <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel, temperature = TRUE,
#'                            precipitation = FALSE, phenology = TRUE,
#'                            morphology = FALSE, condition = '3',
#'                            nb_cores = nb_cores, rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                            fixed = NULL, digit = digit)
#'  ## fixed effects
#'  mod_Sel_T_phen_Fitn <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel, temperature = TRUE,
#'                                 precipitation = FALSE, phenology = TRUE,
#'                                 morphology = FALSE, condition = '3',
#'                                 nb_cores = nb_cores, rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                                 fixed = 'Fitness_Categ', digit = digit)
#'  mod_Sel_T_phen_Gener <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel, temperature = TRUE,
#'                                  precipitation = FALSE, phenology = TRUE,
#'                                  morphology = FALSE, condition = '3',
#'                                  nb_cores = nb_cores, rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                                  fixed = 'GenerationLength_yr',
#'                                  digit = digit)
#'  ## morphology
#'  mod_Sel_T_morph <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel, temperature = TRUE,
#'                             precipitation = FALSE, phenology = FALSE,
#'                             morphology = TRUE, condition = '3',
#'                             nb_cores = nb_cores, rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                             fixed = NULL, digit = digit)
#'  ## fixed effects
#'  mod_Sel_T_morph_Fitn <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel, temperature = TRUE,
#'                                  precipitation = FALSE, phenology = FALSE,
#'                                  morphology = TRUE, condition = '3',
#'                                  nb_cores = nb_cores, rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                                  fixed = 'Fitness_Categ', digit = digit)
#'  mod_Sel_T_morph_Gener <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel, temperature = TRUE,
#'                                   precipitation = FALSE, phenology = FALSE,
#'                                   morphology = TRUE, condition = '3',
#'                                   nb_cores = nb_cores, rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                                   fixed = 'GenerationLength_yr',
#'                                   digit = digit)
#'  ## forest plot as in Fig. 4
#'  par(par_ini)
#'  plot_Sel_T_cond3 <- plot_forest(meta_obj1 = mod_Sel_T_phen$meta_res,
#'                          meta_obj2 = mod_Sel_T_morph$meta_res,
#'                          list_extra_meta_obj =
#'                          list(mod_Sel_T_phen$meta_res,
#'                               mod_Sel_T_morph$meta_res,
#'                               mod_Sel_T_phen_Fitn$meta_res),
#'                          sort = c('Species', 'Fitness_Categ', 'PaperID'),
#'                          increasing = TRUE,
#'                          labels = c(traits = TRUE,
#'                                     fitness = TRUE,
#'                                     country = FALSE,
#'                                     authors = FALSE))
#'  mtext('Across', side = 2, line = 4.5, at = -2.2,
#'        las = 2, cex = 0.85, col = 'black')
#'  mtext('studies', side = 2, line = 4.5, at = -3.4,
#'        las = 2, cex = 0.85, col = 'black')
#'  ## plot of raw data for supplementary, as in S14-S15
#'  par(par_ini); par(oma = c(2, 2, 0, 0), mar = c(1, 2, 3, 1))
#'  plot_raw(data = dat_Sel, temperature = TRUE,
#'           precipitation = FALSE, phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'           condition = '3', id_to_do = c(1:20))
#'  par(par_ini); par(oma = c(2, 2, 0, 0), mar = c(1, 2, 3, 1))
#'  plot_raw(data = dat_Sel, temperature = TRUE,
#'           precipitation = FALSE, phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'           condition = '3', id_to_do = c(21:36))
#'  par(par_ini); par(oma = c(2, 2, 0, 0), mar = c(1, 2, 3, 1))
#'  plot_raw(data = dat_Sel, temperature = TRUE,
#'           precipitation = FALSE, phenology = FALSE, morphology = TRUE,
#'           condition = '3', id_to_do = c(1:9))
#'  ## change of selection over years, phenology
#'  mod_Sel_T_phen_year <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel, temperature = TRUE,
#'                                 precipitation = FALSE, phenology = TRUE,
#'                                 morphology = FALSE, condition = '3b',
#'                                 nb_cores = nb_cores, rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                                 fixed = NULL, digit = digit)
#'  ## change of selection over years, morphology
#'  mod_Sel_T_morph_year <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel, temperature = TRUE,
#'                                 precipitation = FALSE, phenology = FALSE,
#'                                 morphology = TRUE, condition = '3b',
#'                                 nb_cores = nb_cores, rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                                 fixed = NULL, digit = digit)
#'  par(par_ini)
#'  plot_Sel_T_overYrs <- plot_forest(meta_obj1 = mod_Sel_T_phen_year$meta_res,
#'                        meta_obj2 = mod_Sel_T_morph_year$meta_res,
#'                        list_extra_meta_obj =
#'                        list(mod_Sel_T_phen_year$meta_res,
#'                             mod_Sel_T_morph_year$meta_res),
#'                        sort = c('Species', 'Study_Authors',
#'                                  'Fitness_Categ'),
#'                        increasing = TRUE,
#'                        labels = c(traits = TRUE,
#'                                   fitness = TRUE,
#'                                   country = FALSE,
#'                                   authors = FALSE))
#'  mtext('Across', side = 2, line = 6, at = -1,
#'        las = 2, cex = 0.8, col = 'black')
#'  mtext('studies', side = 2, line = 6, at = -2.2,
#'        las = 2, cex = 0.8, col = 'black')
#' #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#' ####  Assess whether responses are adaptive: products of slopes             #
#' ####   from conditions 1 & 2 vs. the slopes from condition 3                #
#' ####                       binomial test                                    #
#' #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  # assess condition 3: whether response is adaptive?
#'  ## extracting slopes
#'  all_slopes_phen <- merge_3slopes(meta_obj = mod_T_prcs,
#'                                 meta_obj1 = mod_phen_T_prcs,
#'                                 meta_obj2 = mod_Sel_T_phen)
#' all_slopes_morph <- merge_3slopes(meta_obj = mod_T_prcs,
#'                                  meta_obj1 = mod_morph_T_prcs,
#'                                  meta_obj2 = mod_Sel_T_morph)
#'  ## testing adaptation
#'  res_phen <- table(all_slopes_phen$slope.x * all_slopes_phen$slope.y > 0)
#'  (bc_phenT <- binom.confint(res_phen["TRUE"], sum(res_phen)))
#'  (bc_phenF <- binom.confint(res_phen["FALSE"], sum(res_phen)))
#'  binom.test(res_phen["TRUE"], sum(res_phen))
#'  res_morph <- table(all_slopes_morph$slope.x * all_slopes_morph$slope.y > 0)
#'  (bc_morphT <- binom.confint(res_morph["TRUE"], sum(res_morph)))
#'  (bc_morphF <- binom.confint(res_morph["FALSE"], sum(res_morph)))
#'  binom.test(res_morph["TRUE"], sum(res_morph))
#'  par(par_ini)
#'  mat <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 3), 2,2, byrow = TRUE)
#'  layout(mat, widths =  rep.int(1, ncol(mat)),
#'         heights = rep.int(1, nrow(mat)), respect = TRUE)
#'  plot_slopes_products(data = merge_3slopes(meta_obj = mod_T_prcs,
#'                       meta_obj1 = mod_phen_T_prcs,
#'                       meta_obj2 = mod_Sel_T_phen),
#'                       phenological = TRUE)
#' plot_slopes_products(data = merge_3slopes(meta_obj = mod_T_prcs,
#'                      meta_obj1 = mod_morph_T_prcs,
#'                      meta_obj2 = mod_Sel_T_morph),
#'                      phenological = FALSE, xlim = c(-0.1, 0.1),
#'                      ylim = c(-0.1, 0.1))
#'  par(par_ini); par(mar = c(4, 8, 3, 6))
#'  theplot_Adapt <- barplot(cbind(c(res_phen["TRUE"]/sum(res_phen),
#'                                   res_phen["FALSE"]/sum(res_phen)),
#'                                     c(res_morph["TRUE"]/sum(res_morph),
#'                                       res_morph["FALSE"]/sum(res_morph))),
#'                           names.arg = c("Phenology", "Morphology"),
#'                           las = 1, ylim = c(0, 1.1),
#'                           ylab = "Proportion of studies",
#'                           col = c("grey", "black"),
#'                           cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3, cex.names = 1.3)
#'  legend(x = 0.8, y = 1, horiz = TRUE, fill = c("grey", "black"),
#'         legend = c("adaptative", "maladaptive"), bg = 'white')
#'  arrows(x0 = theplot_Adapt[1], x1 = theplot_Adapt[1],
#'         y0 = bc_phenT[11, "lower"], y1 = bc_phenT[11, "upper"],
#'         code = 3, angle = 90, col = "grey30", lwd = 4, length = 0.1)
#'  arrows(x0 = theplot_Adapt[2], x1 = theplot_Adapt[2],
#'         y0 = bc_morphT[11, "lower"], y1 = bc_morphT[11, "upper"],
#'         code = 3, angle = 90, col = "grey30", lwd = 4, length = 0.1)
#'  mtext('C)', side = 3, line = 0, adj = 0, cex = 2)
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ####         Assess whether responses are adaptive         ####
#'  ####                     meta-analysis                     ####
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  dat_AllTPhen <- prepare_data(data = dat_All, temperature = TRUE,
#'                                phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE)
#'  dat_Adpt <- compute_adaptation(data = dat_AllTPhen)
#'  dat_Adpt$slope <- dat_Adpt$WMS * sign(dat_Adpt$prod12)
#'  dat_Adpt$SE_slope <- dat_Adpt$se_WMS
#'  mod_Adapt_T_Phen <- fit_meta(meta_data = dat_Adpt, fixed = NULL)
#'  ## morphology
#'  dat_AllTMorph <- prepare_data(data = dat_All, temperature = TRUE,
#'                                phenology = FALSE, morphology = TRUE)
#'  dat_AllTMorph <- dat_AllTMorph[! is.na(dat_AllTMorph$ScaledSE), ]
#'  dat_Adpt_Morph <- compute_adaptation(data = dat_AllTMorph)
#'  dat_Adpt_Morph$slope <- dat_Adpt_Morph$WMS * sign(dat_Adpt_Morph$prod12)
#'  dat_Adpt_Morph$SE_slope <- dat_Adpt_Morph$se_WMS
#'  mod_Adapt_T_Morph <- fit_meta(meta_data = dat_Adpt_Morph, fixed = NULL)
#'  # using selection dataset only: to identify whether the sign
#'  # is in the same direction as phenotypic change
#'  dat_SelT <- prepare_data(data = dat_Sel, temperature = TRUE,
#'                                phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE)
#'  dat_AllTPhen_Sel <- dat_All[dat_All$id %in% unique(dat_SelT$id), ]
#'  dat_Adpt_Sel <- compute_adaptation(data = dat_AllTPhen_Sel)
#'  dat_Adpt_Sel$slope <- dat_Adpt_Sel$WMS * sign(dat_Adpt_Sel$prod12)
#'  dat_Adpt_Sel$SE_slope <- dat_Adpt_Sel$se_WMS
#'  mod_Adapt_T_Sel <- fit_meta(meta_data = dat_Adpt_Sel, fixed = NULL)
#'  mod_Adapt_T_Sel_Sens <- fit_meta(meta_data =
#'                                   dat_Adpt_Sel[dat_Adpt_Sel$slope < 0.6, ],
#'                                   fixed = NULL)
#'  ## morphology
#'  dat_SelT_Morph <- prepare_data(data = dat_Sel, temperature = TRUE,
#'                                phenology = FALSE, morphology = TRUE)
#'  dat_AllMorph_Sel <- dat_All[dat_All$id %in% unique(dat_SelT_Morph$id), ]
#'  dat_AllMorph_Sel <- dat_AllMorph_Sel[! is.na(dat_AllMorph_Sel$ScaledSE), ]
#'  dat_Adpt_Morph_Sel <- compute_adaptation(data = dat_AllMorph_Sel)
#'  dat_Adpt_Morph_Sel$slope <- dat_Adpt_Morph_Sel$WMS *
#'                              sign(dat_Adpt_Morph_Sel$prod12)
#'  dat_Adpt_Morph_Sel$SE_slope <- dat_Adpt_Morph_Sel$se_WMS
#'  mod_Adapt_T_Morph_Sel <- fit_meta(meta_data = dat_Adpt_Morph_Sel, fixed = NULL)
#'  par(par_ini)
#'  plot_adapt_T_Sel <- plot_forest(meta_obj1 = mod_Adapt_T_Sel,
#'                                  meta_obj2 = mod_Adapt_T_Morph_Sel,
#'                                  list_extra_meta_obj =
#'                                    list(mod_Adapt_T_Sel, mod_Adapt_T_Morph_Sel),
#'                                  sort = c('Species', 'Study_Authors',
#'                                           'Fitness_Categ'),
#'                                  increasing = TRUE,
#'                                  labels = c(traits = TRUE,
#'                                             fitness = TRUE,
#'                                             country = FALSE,
#'                                             authors = FALSE),
#'                                  mar = c(7, 10, 2, 2))
#'  mtext('the direction of climate-driven', side = 1, line = 4.2, cex = 1.3)
#'  mtext('trait change', side = 1, line = 5.3, cex = 1.3)
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ####                   Precipitation: Condition 1              ####
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ## for PRCS
#'  mod_Prec_prcs <- fit_all(data = dat_Clim, temperature = FALSE,
#'                           precipitation = TRUE, phenology = TRUE,
#'                           morphology = TRUE, condition = '1',
#'                           nb_cores = nb_cores, rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                           fixed = NULL, digit = digit)
#'  ## for PRC
#'  mod_Prec_prc <- fit_all(data = dat_Clim_prc, temperature = FALSE,
#'                          precipitation = TRUE, phenology = TRUE,
#'                          morphology = TRUE, condition = '1',
#'                          nb_cores = nb_cores, rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                          fixed = NULL, digit = digit)
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ####                Precipitation: Condition 2                 ####
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ## for PRCS
#'  mod_phen_Prec_prcs <- fit_all(data = dat_Trait, temperature = FALSE,
#'                                precipitation = TRUE, phenology = TRUE,
#'                                morphology = FALSE, condition = '2',
#'                                nb_cores = nb_cores, rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                                fixed = NULL, digit = digit)
#'  ## for PRC
#'  mod_phen_Prec_prc <- fit_all(data = dat_Trait_prc, temperature = FALSE,
#'                               precipitation = TRUE, phenology = TRUE,
#'                               morphology = FALSE, condition = '2',
#'                               nb_cores = nb_cores, rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                               fixed = NULL, digit = digit)
#'  ## fixed effects
#'  mod_phen_Prec_prc_Taxon <- fit_all(data = dat_Trait_prc,
#'                                     temperature = FALSE,
#'                                     precipitation = TRUE,
#'                                     phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'                                     condition = '2', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                                     rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = 'Taxon',
#'                                     digit = digit)
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ####                  Precipitation: Condition 3               ####
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ## for phenology, because there is no data on morphological traits
#'  ## in the dataset on precipitation
#'  mod_Sel_Prec_phen <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel,
#'                               temperature = FALSE, precipitation = TRUE,
#'                               phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'                               condition = '3', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                               rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = NULL,
#'                               digit = digit)
#'  ## fixed effects
#'  mod_Sel_Prec_phen_Fitn <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel, temperature = FALSE,
#'                                    precipitation = TRUE, phenology = TRUE,
#'                                    morphology = FALSE, condition = '3',
#'                                    nb_cores = nb_cores, rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                                    fixed = 'Fitness_Categ', digit = digit)
#'  mod_Sel_Prec_phen_Gener <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel, temperature = FALSE,
#'                                     precipitation = TRUE, phenology = TRUE,
#'                                     morphology = FALSE, condition = '3',
#'                                     nb_cores = nb_cores, rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                                     fixed = 'GenerationLength_yr',
#'                                     digit = digit)
#'  ## supplementary plot of all effects for each condition (as Fig. S3)
#'  par(par_ini); par(oma = c(2,1,1,0), mfrow = c(1,3))
#'  ## panel a)
#'  plot_Prec_Cond1 <- plot_forest(meta_obj1 = mod_Prec_prcs$meta_res,
#'                                 meta_obj2 = NULL,
#'                                 list_extra_meta_obj =
#'                                 list(mod_Prec_prcs$meta_res,
#'                                      mod_Prec_prc$meta_res),
#'                                 sort = c("Coord"),
#'                                 increasing = FALSE,
#'                                 labels = c(traits = FALSE,
#'                                            fitness = FALSE,
#'                                            country = TRUE,
#'                                            authors = FALSE),
#'                                 mar = c(4, 9, 2, 2))
#'  mtext('Across', side = 2, line = 5,
#'        at = -1.2, las = 2, cex = 0.9, col = 'black')
#'  mtext('studies', side = 2, line = 5,
#'        at = -1.8, las = 2, cex = 0.9, col = 'black')
#'  mtext('a)', side = 2, at = 11.1, cex = 1.5, las = 2, line = 1)
#'  ## panel b)
#'  plot_Prec_Trait_Cond2 <- plot_forest(meta_obj1 = mod_phen_Prec_prcs$meta_res,
#'                          meta_obj2 = NULL,
#'                          list_extra_meta_obj =
#'                          list(mod_phen_Prec_prcs$meta_res,
#'                               mod_phen_Prec_prc$meta_res),
#'                          sort = c('Species', 'Trait_Categ_det'),
#'                          increasing = FALSE,
#'                          labels = c(traits = TRUE,
#'                                     fitness = FALSE,
#'                                     country = FALSE,
#'                                     authors = FALSE),
#'                          mar = c(4, 9, 2, 2))
#'  mtext('Across', side = 2, line = 6,
#'        at = -1.2, las = 2, cex = 0.8, col = 'black')
#'  mtext('studies', side = 2, line = 6,
#'        at = -1.8, las = 2, cex = 0.8, col = 'black')
#'  mtext('b)', side = 2, at = 12.3, cex = 1.5, las = 2, line = 1.2)
#'  ## panel c)
#'  plot_Sel_Prec_cond3 <- plot_forest(meta_obj1 = mod_Sel_Prec_phen$meta_res,
#'                          meta_obj2 = NULL,
#'                          list_extra_meta_obj =
#'                          list(mod_Sel_Prec_phen$meta_res,
#'                               mod_Sel_Prec_phen_Fitn$meta_res),
#'                          sort = c('Species', 'Study_Authors',
#'                                   'Fitness_Categ'),
#'                          increasing = FALSE,
#'                          labels = c(traits = TRUE,
#'                                     fitness = TRUE,
#'                                     country = FALSE,
#'                                     authors = FALSE),
#'                          mar = c(4, 13, 2, 2))
#'  mtext('Across', side = 2, line = 8,
#'        at = -2, las = 2, cex = 0.8, col = 'black')
#'  mtext('studies', side = 2, line = 8,
#'        at = -3, las = 2, cex = 0.8, col = 'black')
#'  mtext('c)', side = 2, at = 13.3, cex = 1.5, las = 2, line = 1.2)
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ####                      Sensitivity analysis                           ####
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ## excluding the study by Goodenough et al. (2011)
#'  mod_phen_T_prcs_noOutlier <- fit_all(data = dat_Trait[
#'                               dat_Trait$Study_Authors != 'Goodenough', ],
#'                               temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                               phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'                               condition = '2', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                               rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = NULL,
#'                               digit = digit)
#'  ## selection
#'  mod_Sel_T_phen_noOutlier <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel[
#'                              dat_Sel$Study_Authors != 'Goodenough', ],
#'                              temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                              phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'                              condition = '3', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                              rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = NULL,
#'                              digit = digit)
#'  ## fixed effects
#'  mod_Sel_T_phen_Fitn_noOutlier <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel[
#'                                   dat_Sel$Study_Authors != 'Goodenough', ],
#'                                   temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                                   phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'                                   condition = '3', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                                   rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = 'Fitness_Categ',
#'                                   digit = digit)
#'  mod_Sel_T_phen_Gener_noOutlier <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel[
#'                                    dat_Sel$Study_Authors != 'Goodenough', ],
#'                                    temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                                    phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'                                    condition = '3', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                                    rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                                    fixed = 'GenerationLength_yr',
#'                                    digit = digit)
#'  ## excluding the study on mammal
#'  mod_phen_T_prcs_noMammal <- fit_all(data = dat_Trait[
#'                              dat_Trait$Study_Authors != 'Plard_et_al', ],
#'                              temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                              phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'                              condition = '2', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                              rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = NULL,
#'                              digit = digit)
#'  ## phenology
#'  mod_Sel_T_phen_noMammal <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel[
#'                             dat_Sel$Study_Authors != 'Plard_et_al', ],
#'                             temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                             phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'                             condition = '3', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                             rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = NULL,
#'                             digit = digit)
#'  ## fixed effects
#'  mod_Sel_T_phen_Fitn_noMammal <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel[
#'                                  dat_Sel$Study_Authors != 'Plard_et_al', ],
#'                                  temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                                  phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'                                  condition = '3', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                                  rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = 'Fitness_Categ',
#'                                  digit = digit)
#'  mod_Sel_T_phen_Gener_noMammal <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel[
#'                                   dat_Sel$Study_Authors != 'Plard_et_al', ],
#'                                   temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                                   phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'                                   condition = '3', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                                   rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                                   fixed = 'GenerationLength_yr',
#'                                   digit = digit)
#'  ## excluding both the study on mammal and the study by Goodenough et al. (2011)
#'  mod_phen_T_prcs_noBoth <- fit_all(data = dat_Trait[!
#'                              dat_Trait$Study_Authors %in%
#'                              c('Goodenough', 'Plard_et_al'), ],
#'                              temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                              phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'                              condition = '2', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                              rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = NULL, digit = digit)
#'  mod_Sel_T_phen_noBoth <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel[!
#'                                   dat_Sel$Study_Authors %in%
#'                                   c('Goodenough', 'Plard_et_al'), ],
#'                                   temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                                   phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'                                   condition = '3', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                                   rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = NULL,
#'                                   digit = digit)
#'  ## fixed effects
#'  mod_Sel_T_phen_Fitn_noBoth <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel[!
#'                                  dat_Sel$Study_Authors %in%
#'                                  c('Goodenough', 'Plard_et_al'), ],
#'                                  temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                                  phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'                                  condition = '3', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                                  rand_trait = FALSE, fixed = 'Fitness_Categ',
#'                                  digit = digit)
#' mod_Sel_T_phen_Gener_noBoth <- fit_all(data = dat_Sel[!
#'                                    dat_Sel$Study_Authors %in%
#'                                    c('Goodenough', 'Plard_et_al'), ],
#'                                    temperature = TRUE, precipitation = FALSE,
#'                                    phenology = TRUE, morphology = FALSE,
#'                                    condition = '3', nb_cores = nb_cores,
#'                                    rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                                    fixed = 'GenerationLength_yr',
#'                                    digit = digit)
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ####              Sensitivity to the inclusion of abundance             ####
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  dat_PhenT_ab <- prepare_data(data = dat_Trait, temperature = TRUE,
#'                               precipitation = FALSE, phenology = TRUE,
#'                               morphology = FALSE)
#'  dat_PhenT_ab <- dat_PhenT_ab[! is.na(dat_PhenT_ab$ScaledPop), ]
#'  # to exclude studies with < 11 years
#'  num_years <- dat_PhenT_ab %>%
#'               dplyr::group_by(., id) %>%
#'               dplyr::summarise(num = dplyr::n())
#'  num_years <- num_years[num_years$num > 10, ]
#'  dat_PhenT_ab <- dat_PhenT_ab[dat_PhenT_ab$id %in% num_years$id, ]
#'  EfSizes_phen_ab <- extract_effects_all_ids(data = dat_PhenT_ab, condition = '2b',
#'                                            nb_cores = nb_cores)
#'  EfSizes_phen_ab$slope <- EfSizes_phen_ab$slope_clim
#'  EfSizes_phen_ab$SE_slope <- EfSizes_phen_ab$se_slope_clim
#'  meta_phen_abund <- fit_meta(EfSizes_phen_ab, fixed = NULL,
#'                             rand_trait = FALSE, digit = 3)
#'  ## and a model without abundance on this subset of data
#'  mod_phen_T_prcs_subs <- fit_all(data = dat_PhenT_ab, temperature = TRUE,
#'                                  precipitation = FALSE, phenology = TRUE,
#'                                  morphology = FALSE, condition = '2',
#'                                  nb_cores = nb_cores, rand_trait = FALSE,
#'                                  fixed = NULL, digit = digit)
#'  ## plot as Supplementary Fig. S14 (for all slopes)
#'  par(par_ini)
#'  plot_abund_effects(meta_data = EfSizes_phen_ab)
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ####               Supplementary: Funnel plots                          ####
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ## funnel plots for PRCS, as Supplementary Fig. S16
#'  par(par_ini); par(mfrow = c(2, 3))
#'  plot_funnel(meta_obj = mod_T_prcs)
#'  mtext('a)', line = 1, adj = 0, cex = 1.7)
#'  plot_funnel(meta_obj = mod_phen_T_prcs)
#'  mtext('b)', line = 1, adj = 0, cex = 1.7)
#'  plot_funnel(meta_obj = mod_morph_T_prcs)
#'  mtext('c)', line = 1, adj = 0, cex = 1.7)
#'  plot_funnel(meta_obj = mod_Sel_T_phen, model = 'lm')
#'  mtext('d)', line = 1, adj = 0, cex = 1.7)
#'  plot_funnel(meta_obj = mod_Sel_T_morph)
#'  mtext('e)', line = 1, adj = 0, cex = 1.7)
#'  ## funnel plots for PRC, as Supplementary Fig. S17
#'  ## run only if the models were fit
#'  \dontrun{
#'    par(par_ini); par(mfrow = c(1,3))
#'    plot_funnel(meta_obj = mod_T_prc)
#'    mtext('a)', line = 1, adj = 0, cex = 1.7)
#'    plot_funnel(meta_obj = mod_phen_T_prc)
#'    mtext('b)', line = 1, adj = 0, cex = 1.7)
#'    plot_funnel(meta_obj = mod_morph_T_prc)
#'    mtext('c)', line = 1, adj = 0, cex = 1.7)
#' }
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ####           Supplementary: temperature over years VS                ####
#'  ####                    study duration VS first year                   ####
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ## make sure the model is fitted before running this model
#'  \dontrun{
#'    plot_eff_dur_firstY(data = dat_Clim_prc, meta_obj = mod_T_prc)
#'  }
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  ####              Prepare Supplementary Tables                          ####
#'  #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
#'  # a list of models
#'  # can only be run if all the models were fitted,
#'  # some of which are time-consuming to fit
#'  \dontrun{
#'    mod_list <- list(mod_T_prcs, mod_phen_T_prcs, mod_phen_T_prcs_Type,
#'                   mod_morph_T_prcs, mod_morph_T_prcs_Type, mod_Sel_T_phen,
#'                   mod_Sel_T_phen_Fitn, mod_Sel_T_phen_Gener, mod_Sel_T_morph,
#'                   mod_Sel_T_morph_Fitn, mod_Sel_T_morph_Gener, mod_Prec_prcs,
#'                   mod_phen_Prec_prcs, mod_Sel_Prec_phen, mod_Sel_Prec_phen_Fitn,
#'                   mod_Sel_Prec_phen_Gener, mod_T_prc, mod_phen_T_prc,
#'                   mod_phen_T_prc_Taxon, mod_phen_T_prc_Type, mod_morph_T_prc,
#'                   mod_morph_T_prc_Taxon, mod_morph_T_prc_Type,
#'                   mod_morph_T_prc_Therm, mod_Prec_prc, mod_phen_Prec_prc,
#'                   mod_phen_Prec_prc_Taxon)
#'    ## A table with the effect sizes and their SE
#'    tab_efSizes_ST1(model_list = mod_list)
#'    ## A table with LRT statistics
#'    tab_LRT_ST2(model_list = mod_list)
#'  }
#'  # a list of models
#'  mod_list_sens <- list(mod_phen_T_prcs_noOutlier,
#'                        mod_Sel_T_phen_noOutlier,
#'                        mod_Sel_T_phen_Fitn_noOutlier,
#'                        mod_Sel_T_phen_Gener_noOutlier,
#'                        mod_phen_T_prcs_noMammal,
#'                        mod_Sel_T_phen_noMammal,
#'                        mod_Sel_T_phen_Fitn_noMammal,
#'                        mod_Sel_T_phen_Gener_noMammal,
#'                        mod_phen_T_prcs_noBoth,
#'                        mod_Sel_T_phen_noBoth,
#'                        mod_Sel_T_phen_Fitn_noBoth,
#'                        mod_Sel_T_phen_Gener_noBoth)
#'  tab_efSizes_ST4(model_list = mod_list_sens)
#'  ## a table for the LRT statistics and the variation due to random effects
#'  ## for the sensitivity analysis
#'  tab_LRT_ST5(model_list = mod_list_sens)
#'  ## a table for heterogeneity
#'  ## make sure all models are fitted before running this
#'  \dontrun{
#'   mod_heterogen <- list(mod_T_prcs, mod_phen_T_prcs, mod_morph_T_prcs,
#'                         mod_Sel_T_phen, mod_Sel_T_morph, mod_Prec_prcs,
#'                         mod_phen_Prec_prcs, mod_Sel_Prec_phen, mod_T_prc,
#'                         mod_phen_T_prc, mod_morph_T_prc, mod_Prec_prc,
#'                         mod_phen_Prec_prc, mod_phen_T_prcs_noOutlier,
#'                         mod_Sel_T_phen_noOutlier, mod_phen_T_prcs_noMammal,
#'                         mod_Sel_T_phen_noMammal, mod_phen_T_prcs_noBoth,
#'                         mod_Sel_T_phen_noBoth)
#'   tab_heterog(model_list = mod_heterogen)
#'  }

radchukv/adRes documentation built on June 1, 2019, 7:05 p.m.