
Save, load, share, or view state

It is convenient to work with state files if you want complete your work at another time, perhaps on another computer, or to review previous work you completed using Radiant. You can save and load the state of the Radiant app just as you would a data file. The state file (extension .rda) will contain (1) the data loaded in Radiant, (2) settings for the analyses you were working on, (3) and any reports or code from the Report menu. To save the current state of the app to your hard-disk click the icon in the navbar and then click Save radiant state file. To load load a previous state click the icon in the navbar and the click Load radiant state file.

You can also share a state file with others that would like to replicate your analyses. As an example, download and then load the state file radiant-example.state.rda as described above. You will navigate automatically to the Data > Visualize tab and will see a plot. See also the Data > View tab for some additional settings loaded from the state file. There is also a report in Report > Rmd created using the Radiant interface. The html file radiant-example.nb.html contains the output created by clicking the Knit report button.

Loading and saving state also works with Rstudio. If you start Radiant from Rstudio and use and then click Stop, the r_data environment and the r_info and r_state lists will be put into Rstudio's global workspace. If you start radiant again from the Addins menu it will use r_data, r_info, and r_state to restore state. Also, if you load a state file directly into Rstudio it will be used when you start Radiant.

Use Refresh in the menu in the navbar to return to a clean/new state.

radiant-rstats/ documentation built on July 30, 2024, 3:34 a.m.