Google Scholar

Distill articles automatically include metadata compatible with the format indexed by Google Scholar. This makes it easy for indexing engines (Google Scholar or otherwise) to extract not only a citation for your article but also information on other sources which you cited.

For example, here is the Google Scholar metadata automatically included for the home page of the Distill for R Markdown website:

<!-- -->
<meta name="citation_title" content="Distill for R Markdown"/>
<meta name="citation_fulltext_html_url" content=""/>
<meta name="citation_fulltext_world_readable" content=""/>
<meta name="citation_online_date" content="2018/05/04"/>
<meta name="citation_publication_date" content="2018/05/04"/>
<meta name="citation_author" content="JJ Allaire"/>
<meta name="citation_author_institution" content="RStudio"/>
<meta name="citation_author" content="Rich Iannone"/>
<meta name="citation_author_institution" content="RStudio"/>
<meta name="citation_author" content="Yihui Xie"/>
<meta name="citation_author_institution" content="RStudio"/>
<meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_title=Distill;
citation_publication_date=2016;citation_publisher=Distill Working
Group;citation_doi=10.23915/distill;citation_author=Shan Carter;
citation_author=Chirs Olah;citation_author=Arvind Satyanarayan"/>
<meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_title=Literate
citation_publisher=British Computer Society;citation_volume=27;
citation_author=Donald E. Knuth"/>
<meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_title=Dynamic
documents with r and knitr;citation_publication_date=2015;
citation_publisher=Chapman; Hall/CRC;citation_author=Yihui Xie"/>

Note that the citation_reference fields provide information on which works your article cited.

The code above is HTML so don't worry if you aren't familiar with the syntax. The important thing to know is that citation data is provided in a way that machines can easily read and index.

If you are publishing a Journal article, there are some additional metadata fields you can provide to enhance the Google Scholar metadata generated by Distill. These include additional fields describing the Journal (title, issn, and publisher) as well fields describing the volume and issue in which your article was published. For example:

title: "Distill for R Markdown"
description: | 
  Scientific and technical writing, native to the web
date: May 4, 2018
  - name: Norah Jones 
    affiliation: Spacely Sprockets
  title: "Journal of Data Science Software"
  issn: 2490-1752
  publisher: Data Science Press
volume: 10
issue: 4
doi: "10.23915/distill.00010"
slug: jones2018distill
bibliography: biblio.bib

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