Man pages for raredd/rawr
rawr miscellaneous

all_equal2Test if two or more objects are (nearly) equal
atrisk_data_Create a list of data frames for at-risk tables
ave_dt'ave' for date objects
binconBinomial probability confidence intervals
binconr'bincon' formatter
bindxBind objects
bintestSingle-stage designs
bniTwo-arm binomial non-inferiority trials
bplotBinomial confidence interval plot
bp.testBox plot tests
caseLetter case
ca.testCochran-Armitage test for trend
catlistConcatenate list for output
col_scalerColor scaling
combine_levelsCombine values
combine_tableCombine html tables
cor.nSample size calculation for correlation
countrCount formatter
coxph_pairsPairwise 'coxph' comparisons
ctcae_v3Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, v3
ctcae_v4Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, v4
ctcae_v5Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, v5
cumfunsCumulative functions
cuzick.testRank-sum test for trend of ordered groups
describeDateDescribe a date
describeFunsDescribe multiple functions
dmyDate parse
dodgePoint dodge
dodge2Point dodge
droplevels2Drop factor levels
factor2Combine values to factor levels
fapplyApply summary functions over list or vector
flattenFlatten lists
heatmap.3Enhanced heat map
html_alignAlign html
identical2Test two or more objects for exact equality
imgpalImage palettes
inject_divInject div
inline_statsIn-line stats
interleaveInterleave rows or columns
intrInterval formatter
iprintIn-line printing
jt.testJonckheere-Terpstra test
kinda_sortKinda sort
kmdiffDifference in two Kaplan-Meier estimates
kmplotSurvival curves
kmplot_data_Create data frame to plot survival data
kmplot_ticksAdd ticks to 'kmplot'
kw.testTest for trend in proportions
labellerAdd labels to a plot
local_coxph_testCompute local p-value from coxph
locfLast observation carried forward
lsplineLinear spline
luniqueNumber of unique values
match_ctcMatch CTCAE codes
merge2Recursively merge a list of data frames
moods.testMood's median test
num2charNumeric to character string
outer2Outer product of n-dimensional arrays
perm.t.testPermutation t-test
pfunPairwise binary functions
pickcolPick elements from columns
pickwinPick-the-winner design
plothcColor 'plot.hclust'
points.kmplot'kmplot' points
pr_tablesProbability tables
pvalrp-value formatter
rapply2Recursively apply a function to a list
rawr_lsList utilities
rawr_opsrawr operators
rawr_palettesrawr palettes
rawr_rownamesRowname tools
rawr_viewView data
regcapturesExtract captured substrings
rescalerRescale numeric vector
ReshapeReshape data
responseResponse data
rgbdiffColor similarity
riverRiver plots
rleidGenerate run-length type group id
rm_nonasciiRemove non ASCII characters
rm_nullRecursive 'rm' for lists
roll_funRolling functions
RoundRound vector to target sum
round_toRound to
rpart_utils'rpart' utilities
sample_eachSample each
show_colorsShow colors
show_htmlShow HTML
show_markdownShow markdown
show_mathShow math equations
show_pchShow plotting characters
sort2Sorting or ordering of vectors
sort_matrixSort matrix
split_nthSplit at nth pattern
surv_cpCreate counting process data
survdiff_pairsPairwise 'survdiff' comparisons
surv_distSurvival distributions
surv_extractExtract 'survfit' summaries
surv_summarySummary of a survival curve
surv_tableSummary table
surv_testSurvival curve tests
switch2Select one of a list of alternatives
sym_sortSymmetrical sort
tabler_respResponse table
tabler_statDescription statistics 'tabler'
tabler_stat2'tabler_stat' wrappers
tcolTransparent colors
tox_worstFind highest grade toxicities
tryCatch2Condition handling and recovery
twostg.testTwo-stage trials
vs.glmnetglmnet variable selection
vs.rfsrcrfsrc variable selection
waterfallWaterall plot
which.min2'which.min' and 'which.max' for n indices
writeftableWrite 'ftable'
write_htmlTableWrite an 'htmlTable' to file
xtableCross table
raredd/rawr documentation built on May 19, 2024, 1:02 p.m.