pickcol: Pick elements from columns

pickcolR Documentation

Pick elements from columns


This function will return colnames or column values (if value = TRUE) for "indicator-like" matrices or data frames.


pickcol(data, ind = 1L, value = FALSE, default = NA)



a data frame or matrix


if value = FALSE (default), a vector (usually a single value) to match and return column name(s) of data where ind is found; if value = TRUE, a vector of values to be ignored, e.g., NAs or empty strings


logical; if TRUE, returns column value(s); otherwise, returns column name(s) (default)


for value = FALSE, the default value returned if a row of data contains no ind in any column; for value = TRUE, the value returned if all data in a row is NA


If value is FALSE (default), the column names of data for which each row of data contained ind.

If value is TRUE, the column values of data which are not values of ind.


ss <- sample(10)
dd <- as.matrix(ftable(1:10, ss))

all(pickcol(dd) == ss)

rn <- rnorm(10)
dd[dd == 1] <- rn
all(pickcol(dd, value = TRUE, ind = 0) == rowSums(dd))

dd <- data.frame(
  x = c(1, 0, 0, NA),
  y = c(0, 0, 1, NA),
  z = c(0, 1, 0, NA),
  a = c('one', '', '', NA),
  b = c('', '', 'three', NA),
  c = c('', 'two', '', NA)

pickcol(dd[1:2], 0)
pickcol(dd[1:3] + 1, ind = 2)

pickcol(dd[4:6], value = TRUE, ind = '')
pickcol(dd, value = TRUE, ind = c('', 0:1))

dd[dd == ''] <- NA
pickcol(dd[4:6], value = TRUE)

raredd/rawr documentation built on May 19, 2024, 1:02 p.m.