scoreFACT_Taxane: Score the FACT-Taxane

View source: R/tx-scoreFACT_Taxane.R

scoreFACT_TaxaneR Documentation

Score the FACT-Taxane


Generates all of the scores of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Taxane (FACT-Taxane, v4) from item responses.


  id = NULL,
  AConly = FALSE,
  updateItems = FALSE,
  keepNvalid = FALSE



A data frame with the questionnaire items, appropriately-named.


(optional) The quoted name of a variable in df with a unique value for each row of df. If an id variable is provided here, it will also be included with the scale scores in the output data frame. This can facilitate accurate merging of the scale scores back into the input df.


(optional) Logical, if omitted or set to FALSE (the default) then the function will expect df to contain the FACT-General items as well as the more specific "Additional Concerns" (AC) items. If TRUE, then the function will only find the AC items in df, and will only score the subscale(s) produced by the AC items.


(optional) Logical, if TRUE then updated versions of the items (i.e., re-coded for score calculation) will be returned in the output data frame with the scale scores. The default, FALSE, does not save any updated versions of the items in the resulting data frame. Most users will want to omit this argument or, equivalently, set it to FALSE.


(optional) Logical, if TRUE then the output data frame will have additional variables containing the number of valid, non-missing responses from each respondent to the items on a given scale (see Details). If FALSE (the default), these variables will not be in the returned data frame. Most users will want to omit this argument or, equivalently, set it to FALSE.


Given a data frame that includes all of the FACT-Taxane (Version 4) items as variables, appropriately named, this function generates all of the FACT-Taxane scale scores. It is crucial that the item variables in the supplied data frame are named according to FACT conventions. For example, the first physical well-being item should be named GP1, the second GP2, and so on. Please refer to the materials provided by for the particular questionnaire you are using. In particular, refer to the left margin of the official questionnaire (i.e., from for the appropriate item variable names.

This questionnaire consists of two components: (1) FACT-G items and (2) "Additional Concerns" items. The FACT-G items (G for General) measure general aspects of QoL common to all cancer patients. The "Additional Concerns" items measure issues relevant for a specific cancer type, treatment, or symptom. These two questionnaire components are typically administered together. In some studies, however, ONLY the "Additional Concerns" items are administered. The AConly argument is provided to accommodate such cases, and should be set to AConly = TRUE if ONLY the "Additional Concerns" items were administered.

For more details on the updateItems and keepNvalid arguments, see the documentation entry for scoreFACTG and FACTscorer.


A data frame with the following scale scores is returned:

  • PWB - Physical Well-Being subscale

  • SWB - Social/Family Well-Being subscale

  • EWB - Emotional Well-Being subscale

  • FWB - Physical Well-Being subscale

  • FACTG - FACT-G Total Score (PWB+SWB+EWB+FWB)

  • TaxS - Taxane subscale

  • FACT_Taxane_TOTAL - FACT-Taxane Total Score (PWB+SWB+EWB+FWB+TaxS)

  • FACT_Taxane_TOI - FACT-Taxane Trial Outcome Index (PWB+FWB+TaxS)

If AConly = TRUE, the only scale score returned is TaxS.

If a variable was given to the id argument, then that variable will also be in the returned data frame. Additional, relatively unimportant, variables will be returned if updateItems = TRUE or keepNvalid = TRUE.


Keep in mind that this function (and R in general) is case-sensitive.

All items in df should be numeric (i.e., of type integer or double).

This function expects missing item responses to be coded as NA, 8, or 9, and valid item responses to be coded as 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. Any other value for any of the items will result in an error message and no scores.


FACT-Taxane Scoring Guidelines, available at

See Also

This function is very similar to the scoreFACT_B function. See the documentation for scoreFACT_B for more details on the arguments and for examples. Also see the documentation entry for the FACTscorer package. For brevity, examples are omitted below, but can be accessed by running example(scoreFACT_Taxane).


raybaser/FACTscorer documentation built on March 29, 2022, 7:50 p.m.