Man pages for rbchan/unmarked
Models for Data from Unmarked Animals

backTransform-methodsMethods for Function backTransform in Package 'unmarked'
birdsBBS Point Count and Occurrence Data from 2 Bird Species
coef-methodsMethods for Function coef in Package 'unmarked'
colextFit the dynamic occupancy model of MacKenzie et. al (2003)
computeMPLElambdasCompute the penalty weight for the MPLE penalized likelihood...
confint-methodsMethods for Function confint in Package 'unmarked'
crossbillDetection/non-detection data on the European crossbill...
crossValCross-validation methods for fitted unmarked models and fit...
cruzLandscape data for Santa Cruz Island
csvToUMFConvert .CSV File to an unmarkedFrame
detFunsDistance-sampling detection functions and associated density...
distsampFit the hierarchical distance sampling model of Royle et al....
distsampOpenOpen population model for distance sampling data
extract-methodsMethods for bracket extraction [ in Package 'unmarked'
fitListconstructor of unmarkedFitList objects
fitted-methodsMethods for Function fitted in Package 'unmarked'
formatDistDataBin distance data
formatMultCreate unmarkedMultFrame from Long Format Data Frame
formatWideLongConvert between wide and long data formats.
frogs2001 Delaware North American Amphibian Monitoring Program...
gdistremovalFit the combined distance and removal model of Amundson et...
gdistsampFit the generalized distance sampling model of Chandler et...
getB-methodsMethods for Function getB in Package 'unmarked'
getFP-methodsMethods for Function getFP in Package 'unmarked'
getP-methodsMethods for Function getP in Package 'unmarked'
gfGreen frog count index data
gmultmixGeneralized multinomial N-mixture model
goccuFit multi-scale occupancy models
gpcountGeneralized binomial N-mixture model for repeated count data
IDSFit the integrated distance sampling model of Kery et al....
imputeMissingA function to impute missing entries in continuous obsCovs
issjDistance-sampling data for the Island Scrub Jay (_Aphelocoma...
jayEuropean Jay data from the Swiss Breeding Bird Survey 2002
lambda2psiConvert Poisson mean (lambda) to probability of occurrence...
linearComb-methodsMethods for Function linearComb in Package 'unmarked'
linetranSimulated line transect data
makePiFunsCreate functions to compute multinomial cell probabilities
mallardMallard count data
masspcruMassachusetts North American Amphibian Monitoring Program...
MesoCarnivoresOccupancy data for coyote, red fox, and bobcat
modSelModel selection results from an unmarkedFitList
multinomPoisMultinomial-Poisson Mixtures Model
multmixOpenOpen population multinomial N-mixture model
nmixTTDFit N-mixture Time-to-detection Models
nonparboot-methodsNonparametric bootstrapping in unmarked
occuFit the MacKenzie et al. (2002) Occupancy Model
occuCOPFit the occupancy model using count dta
occuFPFit occupancy models when false positive detections occur...
occuMSFit Single-Season and Dynamic Multi-State Occupancy Models
occuMultiFit the Rota et al. (2016) Multi-species Occupancy Model
occuPENFit the MacKenzie et al. (2002) Occupancy Model with the...
occuPEN_CVFit the MacKenzie et al. (2002) Occupancy Model with the...
occuRNFit the occupancy model of Royle and Nichols (2003)
occuTTDFit Single-Season and Dynamic Time-to-detection Occupancy...
optimizePenalty-methodsIdentify Optimal Penalty Parameter Value
ovendataRemoval data for the Ovenbird
parbootParametric bootstrap method for fitted models inheriting...
pcountFit the N-mixture model of Royle (2004)
pcountOpenFit the open N-mixture models of Dail and Madsen and...
pcount.spHDSFit spatial hierarchical distance sampling model.
piFunsCompute multinomial cell probabilities
plotEffectsPlot marginal effects of covariates in unmarked models
pointtranSimulated point-transect data
posteriorSamplesDraw samples from the posterior predictive distribution
powerAnalysisConduct a power analysis for an unmarked model
predict-methodsMethods for Function predict in Package 'unmarked'
randomTermsExtract estimates of random effect terms
ranef-methodsMethods for Function 'ranef' in Package 'unmarked'
SE-methodsMethods for Function SE in Package 'unmarked'
shinyPowerLaunch a Shiny app to help with power analysis
sight2perpdistConvert sight distance and sight angle to perpendicular...
sigmaExtract estimates of random effect standard deviations
simulate-methodsMethods for Function simulate in Package 'unmarked'
SSECompute Sum of Squared Residuals for a Model Fit.
SwitzerlandSwiss landscape data
unmarkedEstimate-classClass "unmarkedEstimate"
unmarkedEstimateList-classClass "unmarkedEstimateList"
unmarkedFit-classClass "unmarkedFit"
unmarkedFitList-classClass "unmarkedFitList"
unmarkedFrameCreate an unmarkedFrame, or one of its child classes.
unmarkedFrame-classClass "unmarkedFrame"
unmarkedFrameDSOrganize data for the distance sampling model of Royle et al....
unmarkedFrameDSOCreate an object of class unmarkedFrameDSO that contains data...
unmarkedFrameGDROrganize data for the combined distance and removal...
unmarkedFrameMMOCreate an object of class unmarkedFrameMMO that contains data...
unmarkedFrameMPoisOrganize data for the multinomial-Poisson mixture model of...
unmarkedFrameOccuOrganize data for the single season occupancy models fit by...
unmarkedFrameOccuCOPOrganize data for the occupancy model using count data fit by...
unmarkedFrameOccuFPOrganize data for the single season occupancy models fit by...
unmarkedFrameOccuMSOrganize data for the multi-state occupancy model fit by...
unmarkedFrameOccuMultiOrganize data for the multispecies occupancy model fit by...
unmarkedFrameOccuTTDCreate an unmarkedFrameOccuTTD object for the...
unmarkedFramePCOCreate an object of class unmarkedFramePCO that contains data...
unmarkedFramePCountOrganize data for the N-mixture model fit by pcount
unmarkedMultFrameCreate an unmarkedMultFrame, unmarkedFrameGMM,...
unmarked-packageModels for Data from Unmarked Animals
unmarkedPower-classMethods for unmarkedPower objects
unmarkedPowerListSummarize a series of unmarked power analyses
unmarkedRanef-classClass '"unmarkedRanef"'
vcov-methodsMethods for Function vcov in Package 'unmarked'
vifCompute Variance Inflation Factors for an unmarkedFit Object.
rbchan/unmarked documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 7:51 p.m.