Man pages for rbertolusso/intubate
Interface to Popular R Functions for Data Science Pipelines

adabagInterfaces for adabag package for data science pipelines.
AERInterfaces for AER package for data science pipelines.
aodInterfaces for aod package for data science pipelines.
apeInterfaces for ape package for data science pipelines.
armInterfaces for arm package for data science pipelines.
betaregInterfaces for betareg package for data science pipelines.
brglmInterfaces for brglm package for data science pipelines.
caperInterfaces for caper package for data science pipelines.
carInterfaces for car package for data science pipelines.
caretInterfaces for caret package for data science pipelines.
coinInterfaces for coin package for data science pipelines.
CORElearnInterfaces for CORElearn package for data science pipelines.
drcInterfaces for drc package for data science pipelines.
e1071Interfaces for e1071 package for data science pipelines.
earthInterfaces for earth package for data science pipelines.
EnvStatsInterfaces for EnvStats package for data science pipelines.
extensionsExperimental features.
fGarchInterfaces for fGarch package for data science pipelines.
flexmixInterfaces for flexmix package for data science pipelines.
forecastInterfaces for forecast package for data science pipelines.
frontierInterfaces for frontier package for data science pipelines.
gamInterfaces for gam package for data science pipelines.
gbmInterfaces for gbm package for data science pipelines.
geeInterfaces for gee package for data science pipelines.
glmnetInterfaces for glmnet package for data science pipelines.
glmxInterfaces for glmx package for data science pipelines.
gmnlInterfaces for gmnl package for data science pipelines.
gplotsInterfaces for gplots package for data science pipelines.
graphicsInterfaces for graphics package for data science pipelines.
gssInterfaces for gss package for data science pipelines.
hdmInterfaces for hdm package for data science pipelines.
HmiscInterfaces for Hmisc package for data science pipelines.
intubate1) Interfaces "on demand" and 2) calling of non-pipe-aware...
intubate-packageInterface to Popular R Functions for Data Science Pipelines.
ipredInterfaces for ipred package for data science pipelines.
iRegressionInterfaces for iRegression package for data science...
ivfixedInterfaces for ivfixed package for data science pipelines.
kernlabInterfaces for kernlab package for data science pipelines.
kknnInterfaces for kknn package for data science pipelines.
klaRInterfaces for klaR package for data science pipelines.
larsInterfaces for lars package for data science pipelines.
latticeInterfaces for lattice package for data science pipelines.
latticeExtraInterfaces for latticeExtra package for data science...
leapsInterfaces for leaps package for data science pipelines.
lfeInterfaces for lfe package for data science pipelines.
lme4Interfaces for lme4 package for data science pipelines.
lmtestInterfaces for lmtest package for data science pipelines.
MASSInterfaces for MASS package for data science pipelines.
MCMCglmmInterfaces for MCMCglmm package for data science pipelines.
mdaInterfaces for mda package for data science pipelines.
metaforInterfaces for metafor package for data science pipelines.
mgcvInterfaces for mgcv package for data science pipelines.
mhurdleInterfaces for mhurdle package for data science pipelines.
minpack.lmInterfaces for minpack.lm package for data science pipelines.
mlogitInterfaces for mlogit package for data science pipelines.
mnlogitInterfaces for mnlogit package for data science pipelines.
modeltoolsInterfaces for modeltools package for data science pipelines.
nlmeInterfaces for nlme package for data science pipelines.
nlregInterfaces for nlreg package for data science pipelines.
nnetInterfaces for nnet package for data science pipelines.
ordinalInterfaces for ordinal package for data science pipelines.
partyInterfaces for party package for data science pipelines.
partykitInterfaces for partykit package for data science pipelines.
plotrixInterfaces for plotrix package for data science pipelines.
plsInterfaces for pls package for data science pipelines.
pROCInterfaces for pROC package for data science pipelines.
psclInterfaces for pscl package for data science pipelines.
psychomixInterfaces for psychomix package for data science pipelines.
psychotoolsInterfaces for psychotools package for data science...
psychotreeInterfaces for psychotree package for data science pipelines.
quantregInterfaces for quantreg package for data science pipelines.
randomForestInterfaces for randomForest package for data science...
RchoiceInterfaces for Rchoice package for data science pipelines.
rminerInterfaces for rminer package for data science pipelines.
rmsInterfaces for rms package for data science pipelines.
robustbaseInterfaces for robustbase package for data science pipelines.
rpartInterfaces for rpart package for data science pipelines.
RRFInterfaces for RRF package for data science pipelines.
RWekaInterfaces for RWeka package for data science pipelines.
sampleSelectionInterfaces for sampleSelection package for data science...
semInterfaces for sem package for data science pipelines.
spBayesInterfaces for spBayes package for data science pipelines.
statsInterfaces for stats package for data science pipelines.
strucchangeInterfaces for strucchange package for data science...
surveyInterfaces for survey package for data science pipelines.
survivalInterfaces to survival package for data science pipelines.
SwarmSVMInterfaces for SwarmSVM package for data science pipelines.
systemfitInterfaces for systemfit package for data science pipelines.
treeInterfaces for tree package for data science pipelines.
vcdInterfaces for vcd package for data science pipelines.
veganInterfaces for vegan package for data science pipelines.
rbertolusso/intubate documentation built on May 27, 2019, 3 a.m.