GenomicScores-defunct: Defunct methods in package 'GenomicScores'

GenomicScores-defunctR Documentation

Defunct methods in package ‘GenomicScores’


Defunct classes and methods in ‘GenomicScores’.


The following classes are defunct; use the replacement indicated below:

  • MafDb: The MafDb class has been replaced by the GScores-class class.

The following methods are defunct; use the replacement indicated below:

  • scores(): The scores() method has been replaced by the gscores() and score() methods.

  • mafByOverlaps(): The mafByOverlaps() method has been replaced by the gscores() and score() methods.

  • mafById(): The mafById() method has been replaced by the gscores() and score() methods.


Robert Castelo <>

rcastelo/GenomicScores documentation built on Feb. 1, 2025, 11:46 p.m.