Man pages for rdisalv2/dismisc

addPlots2Overwrite of addPlots in WordR package, to not crash if a...
clear_all_df_labelsRemove all labels from a df
confirm_idsConfirm if the rows of data are uniquely identified by cols
confirm_joinConfirm if two datasets will join properly (before calling...
cut_midpointsCut number, return midpoints
dbExecute_selected_sqliteExecute SQLite
dbGetQuery_selected_sqliteGet query SQLite
dismisc_extrapolateExtrapolate (and interpolate) values
do_lbyl_pythonsend python code line-by-line
do_lbyl_statasend stata code line-by-line
do_statasend stata code to terminal via temporary do file
download_them_allDownload all files in a list of URLs into the working...
flextable_convert_standardStandard conversion to flextables
get_non_numericsGets all non-numerics of a vector
helloHello, World!
mdb_getRead in an mdb file.
parse_censored_data_edfactsParse censored data in the form used by EdFacts.
read_stackRead in and stack a vector of data frames
reverse_arrowsReverse arrows in code
setrtSet working directory, starting from a custom root directory
setwd2rtGo to an saved root directory.
simpleCapCapitalize a string
source_selected_sourceSource() selected source
suuplike -su- in stata, but ONLY for vectors
tablike tab from statar, but ONLY works for vectors
TexHelp_threePartTableTexHelp ThreePartTable
tlead-tlaglead and lag with respect to a time variable
to_case_when_blockBuild case_when block for a mutate()
t_pstarTexHelp functions to clean up regression tables
t_tdTexHelp round/signif chars
w_pstarGet stars of p-value for word papers.
wrap_in_dbGetQueryWrap select lines in dbGetQuery(con,...)
rdisalv2/dismisc documentation built on Nov. 2, 2021, 1:34 a.m.