
#' Update lookup table for namespace method applied to readyforwhatsnext S3 class CLASS PROTOTYPE LOOKUP TABLE.
#' @description update_lup_for_ns.ready4_class_pt_lup() is an Update Lookup Table for Namespace method that updates a lookup table with namespace data. This method is implemented for the readyforwhatsnext S3 class CLASS PROTOTYPE LOOKUP TABLE. The function returns Instance (a readyforwhatsnext S3 class CLASS PROTOTYPE LOOKUP TABLE).
#' @param x An instance of readyforwhatsnext S3 class CLASS PROTOTYPE LOOKUP TABLE
#' @param attached_nss_chr Attached namespaces (a character vector)
#' @return Instance (a readyforwhatsnext S3 class CLASS PROTOTYPE LOOKUP TABLE)
#' @rdname update_lup_for_ns.ready4_class_pt_lup
#' @export 
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select
#' @importFrom purrr pmap_chr
update_lup_for_ns.ready4_class_pt_lup <- function (x, attached_nss_chr) 
    attached_nss_chr <- c("base", attached_nss_chr) %>% unique()
    inst_ready4_class_pt_lup <- x %>% dplyr::mutate(val_chr = purrr::pmap_chr(dplyr::select(x, 
        pt_ns_chr, fn_to_call_chr, default_val_chr), ~make_alg_to_get_pt_val(pt_ns_1L_chr = ..1, 
        fn_to_call_1L_chr = ..2, default_val_1L_chr = ..3, attached_nss_chr = attached_nss_chr)))
methods::setMethod("update_lup_for_ns", "ready4_class_pt_lup", update_lup_for_ns.ready4_class_pt_lup)
readyforwhatsnext/ready4class documentation built on Nov. 14, 2020, 1:29 a.m.