
Defines functions get_pairwise

Documented in get_pairwise

#' Characterise contacts by comparing case attributes
#' This function extract attributes of cases involved in contacts using case
#' information provided in the linelist of an \code{\link{epicontacts}}
#' dataset. If not provided, the function used to process attributes will adjust
#' to the type of attribute selected (see details).
#' @export
#' @author
#' Thibaut Jombart (\email{thibautjombart@@gmail.com})
#' Tom Crellen (\email{tomcrellen@@gmail.com})
#' @param x an \code{\link{epicontacts}} object
#' @param attribute the attribute to be examined between contact pairs
#' @param f a function processing the attributes of 'from' and 'to'
#' @param hard_NA a logical indicating if the output should be NA whenever one
#'     of the paired values is NA (TRUE, default); otherwise, 'NA' may be
#'     treated as another character (e.g. when pasting paired values)
#' @examples
#' if (require(outbreaks)) {
#' ## example using MERS outbreak in Korea, 2014
#' head(mers_korea_2015[[1]])
#' head(mers_korea_2015[[2]])
#' x <- make_epicontacts(linelist=mers_korea_2015[[1]],
#' contacts=mers_korea_2015[[2]], directed=TRUE)
#' ## estimate serial interval (onset->onset)
#' SI <- get_pairwise(x, "dt_onset")
#' SI
#' summary(SI)
#' hist(SI, col="grey", border="white", xlab="Days after symptoms",
#'      main="MERS Korea 2014 - Serial Interval")
#' ## check gender mixing:
#' get_pairwise(x, "sex") # not good, we want 2-way table
#' get_pairwise(x, "sex", f=table) # use custom function
#' fisher.test(get_pairwise(x, "sex", f=table)) # test association
#' }
get_pairwise <- function(x, attribute, f=NULL, hard_NA=TRUE){
    ## This function pulls values of a variable defined in the linelist for the
    ## 'from' and 'to' of the contacts. 'f' is the function processing these
    ## paired values, with some pre-defined behaviours for some types (dates,
    ## numeric); 'hard_NA' defines the behaviour for NAs, and if TRUE will
    ## enforce a NA wherever the pair contained at least one NA.

    ## checks
    if (!inherits(x, "epicontacts")) {
        stop("x is not an 'epicontacts' object")
    if (!is.character(attribute)) {
        attribute <- names(x$linelist)[attribute]
    if (!attribute %in% names(x$linelist)){
        stop("attribute does not exist; available attributes are: ",
             paste(names(x$linelist)[-1], collapse =", "))

    ## find values for from and to
    values <- x$linelist[, attribute, drop=TRUE]
    names(values) <- x$linelist$id
    values.from <- values[x$contacts$from]
    values.to <- values[x$contacts$to]
    ori.NA <- is.na(values.from) | is.na(values.to)

    ## define default function if not provided:
    ## - for 'Date': absolute number of difference in days
    ## - for 'numeric'/'integer': absolute difference
    ## - for other stuff: paste values
    if (is.null(f)){
        if (inherits(values, "Date")) {
            f <- function(a, b) {
        } else if (is.numeric(values)) {
            f <- function(a, b) {
        } else {
            f <- function(a, b){
                sep <- ifelse(x$directed, " -> "," - ")
                paste(a, b, sep=sep)
    out <- f(values.from, values.to)
    if (length(out)==length(ori.NA) && hard_NA) {
        out[ori.NA] <- NA

reconhub/epicontacts documentation built on April 30, 2024, 5:38 a.m.