knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Some notation

Let $Y_t$ be an observed case count at time $t$ from a latent, unobserved process $Z_t$. Also, let the population be $N_t$.

Several processes govern how $Z$ is observed. Specifically, we assume that $\pi^{T|Z}$ is the probability of getting tested given that you have disease and $Se$ is the sensitivity of the test (i.e. the probability that the test will be positive given that you have the disease). Also, if $\pi^Z_t$ is the probability at time $t$ of having the disease, then a simple observation model is: $$Y_t \sim Binom(\pi^Z_t \cdot \pi^{T|Z} \cdot Se, N_t)$$

We can also use a simple model for the disease process. E.g. $$ Z_t \sim NB(\frac{r}{r+\lambda_t}, r) $$ where the mean of the negative binomial is then $\lambda_t$. Also, $$ \lambda_t = \beta \cdot Z_{t-1} \cdot S_t / N_t $$ and $$ S_t = S_{t-1} - Z_{t-1}. $$ Further, $Z_0$ is an estimated parameter, with $S_1 := N_t-Z_0$.

A simple simulation

tsir_sim <- function(beta, r, N, nsteps=104, plot=TRUE) {
    Z_0 <- dpois(1, round(N/10))
    Z <- S <- p <- lam <- rep(NA, nsteps)
    S[1] <- N - Z_0
    lam[1] <- beta * Z_0 * S[1] / N
    p[1] <- r/(r+lam[1]) 
    Z[1] <- rnbinom(1, size=p[1], prob=r)
    for(t in 2:nsteps){
        S[t] <- S[t-1] - Z[t-1]
        lam[t] <- beta * Z[t-1] * S[t] / N
        p[t] <- r/(r+lam[t]) 
        Z[t] <- rnbinom(1, size=p[t], prob=r)
tsir_sim(beta=2, r=0.5, N=10000, nsteps=104)

Open questions

A better simple simulation

sample.z = sim_tsir_simple(pop = 3.5e6, 
                           r.init = 0, 
                           z.init = 10, 
                           beta = 1.5, 
                           p.obs = 0.2, 
test <- fit_sim_data(pop = 0.5e6, n.sim=1000, 

reichlab/TSIRsim documentation built on May 27, 2019, 4:53 a.m.