Man pages for rettopnivek/utilityf
Useful Functions for Modeling and Plotting

addColorMapAdd Basic Color Map to a Plot
bGenerate Multi-line comments
binarySDTTransform Hit/False Alarm Rates into SDT Parameters
blankPlotGenerate a Blank Plot
catPropCompute Category Proportions
colorblindPaletteColorblind Friendly Palette
commonStatsCommon Summary Statistics
convertMagnitudeAngleConversion to Cartesian Coordinates
correlationHeatmapPlot a Heatmap for a Correlation Matrix
covCreateExtract Unique Levels from Combined Covariates
createIncrementCreate a Variable with Incremental Unit Intervals
customAxesGenerate Custom Plot Axes
defaultAxesAdd an Axis to a Plot with Default Options
degreesRadiansConversion between Degrees and Radians
densityPointsEstimate Density for Individual Observations
drawEllipseFunction to Draw Ellipses
erfError Function
errorBarsDraw Error Bars
EZdiffusionEstimate Parameters for a Two-Boundary Unbiased Wiener...
findModeFind the Mode
findNAFunction to Identify NA Values by Row
formatNumberConvert Number to Nicely Formatted Character String
headerTemplateTemplate for Project Headers
higherOrderMomentsCalculate the First Four Moments
histogramNicely Formatted Histogram
horizLinesAdd Horizontal Lines to a Plot
icWeightsRelative Weights for Information Criterion Values
infoCritCalculate Select Information Criterion Values
logisticLogistic Function
logitLogit Function
lowerUpperPlotting Range Function
lsosImproved List of Objects
nominalCodingCoding Schemes for Nominal Variables
plotTemplateTemplate for Standard Plotting Code
powRaise a Value to a Power
printTablePrint a Nicely Formatted Table
pvalueMCEstimate or Format p-values from Monte Carlo Samples
quickDocTemplateTemplate for Documentation
reverseSoftmaxReverse of the Softmax Function
semStandard Error of the Mean
simpleBootstrapSimple Bootstrap Function
simplePiecewiseRegFit a Basic Piecewise Regression
softmaxSoftmax Function
standardizeCustom Function to Standardize a Variable
tickFunctions to Evaluate Run Times
utilityf-packageAssorted Utility Functions
vertLinesAdd Vertical Lines to a Plot
violinPlotDraw a Violin Plot
rettopnivek/utilityf documentation built on March 1, 2021, 7:05 p.m.