addColorMap | Add Basic Color Map to a Plot |
b | Generate Multi-line comments |
binarySDT | Transform Hit/False Alarm Rates into SDT Parameters |
blankPlot | Generate a Blank Plot |
catProp | Compute Category Proportions |
colorblindPalette | Colorblind Friendly Palette |
commonStats | Common Summary Statistics |
convertMagnitudeAngle | Conversion to Cartesian Coordinates |
correlationHeatmap | Plot a Heatmap for a Correlation Matrix |
covCreate | Extract Unique Levels from Combined Covariates |
createIncrement | Create a Variable with Incremental Unit Intervals |
customAxes | Generate Custom Plot Axes |
defaultAxes | Add an Axis to a Plot with Default Options |
degreesRadians | Conversion between Degrees and Radians |
densityPoints | Estimate Density for Individual Observations |
drawEllipse | Function to Draw Ellipses |
erf | Error Function |
errorBars | Draw Error Bars |
EZdiffusion | Estimate Parameters for a Two-Boundary Unbiased Wiener... |
findMode | Find the Mode |
findNA | Function to Identify NA Values by Row |
formatNumber | Convert Number to Nicely Formatted Character String |
headerTemplate | Template for Project Headers |
higherOrderMoments | Calculate the First Four Moments |
histogram | Nicely Formatted Histogram |
horizLines | Add Horizontal Lines to a Plot |
icWeights | Relative Weights for Information Criterion Values |
infoCrit | Calculate Select Information Criterion Values |
logistic | Logistic Function |
logit | Logit Function |
lowerUpper | Plotting Range Function |
lsos | Improved List of Objects |
nominalCoding | Coding Schemes for Nominal Variables |
plotTemplate | Template for Standard Plotting Code |
pow | Raise a Value to a Power |
printTable | Print a Nicely Formatted Table |
pvalueMC | Estimate or Format p-values from Monte Carlo Samples |
quickDocTemplate | Template for Documentation |
reverseSoftmax | Reverse of the Softmax Function |
sem | Standard Error of the Mean |
simpleBootstrap | Simple Bootstrap Function |
simplePiecewiseReg | Fit a Basic Piecewise Regression |
softmax | Softmax Function |
standardize | Custom Function to Standardize a Variable |
tick | Functions to Evaluate Run Times |
utilityf-package | Assorted Utility Functions |
vertLines | Add Vertical Lines to a Plot |
violinPlot | Draw a Violin Plot |
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