Cleans and combines a large number of gazetteers of place names for looking up locations by name and retrieving their coordinates.

rm(list=ls()); gc()
# Hiding output and warnings
# !diagnostics off
library(tidyverse) #load independently just to make sure %>% gets imported

dir_figures <- glue::glue(getwd(), "/../paper/figures/")
dir_package_files <- glue::glue(getwd(), "/inst/extdata/")


knitr::opts_knit$set(progress = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width=8, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, cache=TRUE)
options(width = 160)

Load Gazetteer Files

1) NGA - National Geospatial Agency 2) Geonames 3) Historical gazetteer from the time period 4) GoogleMaps 5) BingMaps 6) KEN_adm 7) Livestock - International Livestock Research Institute map 8) Kenya Districts 1962 - Polygons derived from 1962 district map 9) Kenya Cadastral District - district polygons derived from the cadastral map 10) Kenya Cadastral - A contemporary cadastral map 11) Wikidata 12) TGN - Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names 13) OpenStreetMap

fromscratch <- F

# Bounding box of ROI
long_min <- 35.67
long_max <- 38.19
lat_min <- -1.43285
lat_max <- 0.54543

# Bounding Box Spatial Object
region_of_interest_sf_utm <- MeasuringLandscape:::create_roi(
  bottom_left_x = long_min,
  bottom_left_y = lat_min,
  top_right_x = long_max,
  top_right_y = lat_max

#Event locations
events_sf <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "events_sf.Rdata", package = "MeasuringLandscape")) 

events_sf_roi <- events_sf %>% 
                 MeasuringLandscape:::subset_roi(region_of_interest_sf_utm) %>% 
                 dplyr::select("name_cleaner","map_coordinate_clean_latitude","map_coordinate_clean_longitude","geometry") %>%
                 stats::setNames(c("name","latitude","longitude","geometry")) %>% 
                        source_dataset="events") %>% 
                 dplyr::filter(! & name !="" & ! & ! %>%

# Moderate Size Point Sources
nga_sf_roi <- MeasuringLandscape:::load_nga(roi = region_of_interest_sf_utm, fromscratch = fromscratch)
geonames_sf_roi <- MeasuringLandscape:::load_geonames(roi = region_of_interest_sf_utm, fromscratch = fromscratch)
historical_sf_roi <- MeasuringLandscape:::load_historical(roi = region_of_interest_sf_utm, fromscratch = fromscratch)

# Small API Sources
googlemaps_sf_roi <- MeasuringLandscape:::load_googlemaps(roi = region_of_interest_sf_utm, fromscratch = fromscratch)
bingmaps_sf_roi <- MeasuringLandscape:::load_bingmaps(roi = region_of_interest_sf_utm, fromscratch = fromscratch)

# Moderate Size mixed or polygon sources
KEN_adm_sf_roi <- MeasuringLandscape:::load_ken_adm(roi = region_of_interest_sf_utm, fromscratch = fromscratch)
livestock_sf_roi <- MeasuringLandscape:::load_livestock(roi = region_of_interest_sf_utm, fromscratch = fromscratch)
kenya_districts1962_sf_roi <- MeasuringLandscape:::load_kenya_districts1962(roi = region_of_interest_sf_utm, fromscratch = fromscratch)
kenya_cadastral_district_sf_roi <- MeasuringLandscape:::load_kenya_cadastral_district(roi = region_of_interest_sf_utm, fromscratch = fromscratch)
kenya_cadastral_sf_roi <- MeasuringLandscape:::load_kenya_cadastral(roi = region_of_interest_sf_utm, fromscratch = fromscratch)

# Very Large Sources
wikidata_sf_roi <- MeasuringLandscape:::load_wikidata(long_min, long_max, lat_min, lat_max, fromscratch = fromscratch)
tgn_sf_roi <- MeasuringLandscape:::load_tgn(long_min, long_max, lat_min, lat_max, fromscratch = fromscratch)
openstreetmap_sf_roi <- MeasuringLandscape:::load_openstreetmap(roi = region_of_interest_sf_utm, fromscratch = fromscratch)

if (fromscratch) {

  # combinedlist <- lapply(combinedlist, FUN=function(x) x %>% mutate(hash=apply(x,1 ,digest))) #add an id

  # This takes way too long but is the only easy way I've found to merge sf frames
  # For speed and debugging purposes splitting this up
  # For some reason this works when you split it up but not when you put them together
  # Double check that they're all sf data.frames, if one of them is a data.table it'll get rbindlist involved which will breaking when rbinding point and multipoint geometries

  # points
  flatfiles1 <- list( 
    events_sf_roi %>% distinct(),
    # ellipse_sf_roi %>% distinct(),
    tgn_sf_roi %>% distinct(),
    historical_sf_roi %>% distinct(),
    geonames_sf_roi %>% distinct(),
    nga_sf_roi %>% distinct()
  ) %>% reduce(rbind_sf)

  flatfiles1b <- list(
    googlemaps_sf_roi %>% distinct(),
    bingmaps_sf_roi %>% distinct(),
    wikidata_sf_roi %>% distinct()
  ) %>% reduce(rbind_sf)

  # Polygons
  flatfiles2 <- list( # ellipse_sf %>% distinct(),
    KEN_adm_sf_roi %>% distinct(),
    openstreetmap_sf_roi %>% distinct(),
    livestock_sf_roi %>% distinct(),
    kenya_cadastral_sf_roi %>% distinct(),
    kenya_cadastral_district_sf_roi %>% distinct(),
    kenya_districts1962_sf_roi %>% distinct()
  ) %>% reduce(rbind_sf)

  flatfiles <- list(
    flatfiles1 %>% distinct(),
    flatfiles1b %>% distinct(),
    flatfiles2 %>% distinct()
  ) %>% reduce(rbind_sf)
  flatfiles <- flatfiles %>% distinct() %>% st_cast()

  flatfiles$valid <- st_is_valid(flatfiles)
  flatfiles <- st_make_valid(flatfiles) # ok now we're going to fix the broken ones.

  # temp <- unique(flatfiles_sf_roi$name_cleaner_nospace)
  # flatfiles <-
  ## flatfiles[,livestock_kill:=F,]
  # flatfiles[source_dataset=="livestock" & name_cleaner %in% temp,livestock_kill:=T,] #Livestock doesn't have spaces unforutnately
  # flatfiles <- flatfiles[livestock_kill==F,]

  flatfiles_sf_roi <- flatfiles %>%
    # mutate_all(funs(stri_enc_toascii)) %>% #rbindlist tries to convert to factors
    # mutate(name = strsplit(names, ";| see | SEE | check if same as ")) %>%
    # tidyr::unnest(name) %>% # This trick doesn't work when there's multiple list columns, which geometry is
    mutate(name = str_trim((name))) %>%
    mutate(name = gsub(",$", "", name)) %>% # remove trailing comma
    mutate(name = gsub("\032", "", name)) %>% # remove end of line character
    mutate(name = gsub("_", " ", name)) %>% # convert underscores to spaces
    mutate(name = gsub(" -|- | - ", "-", name)) %>% # convert dashes with weird spacing to just a dash
    filter(! & name != "NA" & name != "") %>% # Remove anything that might be a missing name
    # filter(! & asciiname_either_clean!="" & nchar(asciiname_either_clean)>2) %>%

  flatfiles_sf_roi$names <- NULL

  # Fix geospatial stuff
  # library(feather)
  # condition <- st_is_valid(flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry) ; table(condition) # takes a long while
  # flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry[!condition] <- st_make_valid(flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry[!condition])
  flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry_dimensions <- sapply(flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry, FUN = function(x) st_dimension(x)) # takes a while
  table(flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry_dimensions, useNA = "always")

  condition <-$geometry_dimensions)
  table(flatfiles_sf_roi$source_dataset, flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry_dimensions, useNA = "always")
  flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry[condition] <- st_point() # Replace these empty polygons the make valid put in with empty points
  condition <-$geometry_dimensions)
  table(flatfiles_sf_roi$source_dataset, flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry_dimensions, useNA = "always")
  flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry_type <- sapply(flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry, FUN = function(x) class(x)[2])
  table(flatfiles_sf_roi$source_dataset, flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry_type, useNA = "always")

  condition <- flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry_type %in% c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")
  flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry_area <- NA
  flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry_area[condition] <- st_area(flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry[condition]) # ok is failing for empty polygons

  condition <- flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry_type %in% c("LINESTRING")
  flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry_length <- NA
  flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry_length[condition] <- st_length(flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry[condition])

  # By definition, all ROI matches are intersections with the ROI
  # flatfiles_sf_roi <- flatfiles_sf_roi %>% mutate(region_of_interest_overlap =
  #                                          as.vector(st_overlaps(  geometry, region_of_interest_sf_utm,   sparse=F) )  ) #Flag the Region of Interest
  # flatfiles_sf_roi <- flatfiles_sf_roi %>% mutate(region_of_interest_within =
  #                                          as.vector(st_within(    geometry, region_of_interest_sf_utm,   sparse=F) )  ) #Flag the Region of Interest
  # flatfiles_sf_roi <- flatfiles_sf_roi %>% mutate(region_of_interest_intersects =
  #                                          as.vector(st_intersects(geometry, region_of_interest_sf_utm,   sparse=F) )   ) #Flag the Region of Interest

  # table(flatfiles_sf_roi$region_of_interest_overlap) #I guess just for polygons
  # table(flatfiles_sf_roi$region_of_interest_within) #requires polys to be entirely inside
  # table(flatfiles_sf_roi$region_of_interest_intersects) #just requires polys to overlap a little bit

  # #Time to fix livestock names
  # temp <- flatfiles_sf_roi %>% filter(!source_dataset %in% c('livestock_boundaries',  'livestock_points')) %>% %>%
  #   select(c("name_cleaner","name_cleaner_nospace")) %>%
  #         distinct() %>%
  #         filter(!duplicated(name_cleaner_nospace)) #for some reason multiple names are maping to the same name without spaces
  # rownames(temp) <- temp$name_cleaner_nospace
  # flatfiles_sf_roi$name_cleaner_spaced <- temp[flatfiles_sf_roi$name_cleaner,"name_cleaner"] #
  # condition <- flatfiles_sf_roi$source_dataset %in% c('livestock_boundaries',  'livestock_points') & !$name_cleaner_spaced) ; table(condition)
  # flatfiles_sf_roi$name_cleaner[condition] <- flatfiles_sf_roi$name_cleaner_spaced[condition]

  flatfiles_sf_roi$eventsource <- flatfiles_sf_roi$source_dataset %in% "events"

  # Get lat longs back
  cords <- st_coordinates(flatfiles_sf_roi %>% filter(geometry_type %in% "POINT"))
  condition1 <- flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry_type %in% "POINT" &$longitude)
  condition2 <-$longitude)[flatfiles_sf_roi$geometry_type %in% "POINT"]

  flatfiles_sf_roi$longitude[condition1] <- cords[condition2, 1]
  flatfiles_sf_roi$latitude[condition1] <- cords[condition2, 2]

  flatfiles_sf_roi <- flatfiles_sf_roi %>%
    # This distinct is very important, it correctly removes duplicates
    distinct(feature_code, latitude, longitude, name, source_dataset,
             geometry_type, region_of_interest_intersects, name_alternates, .keep_all = T) %>%
    mutate(name_clean = str_trim(tolower(name))) %>%
    mutate(name_clean_posessive = grepl("'s|`s", name_clean)) %>%
    mutate(name_cleaner = trimws(name_clean)) %>%
    mutate(name_cleaner = gsub("'s|`s", "", name_cleaner, fixed = T)) %>%
    mutate(name_cleaner = str_replace_all(name_cleaner, "[[:punct:]]|", "")) %>%
    mutate(name_cleaner = trimws(name_cleaner)) %>%
    mutate(name_cleaner_nospace = str_replace_all(name_cleaner, " ", ""))

  sort(unique(unlist(strsplit(flatfiles_sf_roi$name_clean, ""))))
  flatfiles_sf_roi$name_cleaner <- clean_noascii(flatfiles_sf_roi$name_cleaner)
  sort(unique(unlist(strsplit(flatfiles_sf_roi$name_cleaner, "")))) # only number and lowercase letters from now on

  # Geonames Code Descriptions
  # flatfiles_sf_roi$feature_code %>% janitor::tabyl( sort = TRUE)  #512 unique codes
  geonames_code_descriptions <-"extdata", "geonames_code_descriptions.csv", package = "MeasuringLandscape"), col_names = F))
  names(geonames_code_descriptions) <- c("code", "code_txt", "description")
  rownames(geonames_code_descriptions) <- geonames_code_descriptions$code

  flatfiles_sf_roi$feature_code_txt <- tolower(geonames_code_descriptions[flatfiles_sf_roi$feature_code, "code_txt"])
  flatfiles_sf_roi$feature_code_txt[$feature_code_txt)] <- tolower(flatfiles_sf_roi$feature_code[$feature_code_txt)])

  flatfiles_sf_roi$feature_code_txt <- gsub("_", " ", flatfiles_sf_roi$feature_code_txt)
  flatfiles_sf_roi$feature_code_txt <- gsub("(-ies)", " ", flatfiles_sf_roi$feature_code_txt, fixed = T)
  flatfiles_sf_roi$feature_code_txt <- gsub("(s)", " ", flatfiles_sf_roi$feature_code_txt, fixed = T)
  flatfiles_sf_roi$feature_code_txt <- gsub("(es)", " ", flatfiles_sf_roi$feature_code_txt, fixed = T)
  flatfiles_sf_roi$feature_code_txt <- trimws(flatfiles_sf_roi$feature_code_txt)

  flatfiles_sf_roi$place_hash <- apply(flatfiles_sf_roi, 1, digest, algo = "xxhash64") # create a hash id to reference
  rownames(flatfiles_sf_roi) <- flatfiles_sf_roi$id_hash # actually getting collisions

    file = glue::glue(getwd(), "/../inst/extdata/flatfiles_sf_roi.Rdata") 

  # st_write(obj=flatfiles_sf_roi,
  #   "/home/rexdouglass/Dropbox (rex)/Kenya Article Drafts/MeasuringLandscapeCivilWar/inst/extdata/flatfiles_sf_roi.gpkg",
  #   delete_layer = TRUE)

flatfiles_sf_roi <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "flatfiles_sf_roi.Rdata", package = "MeasuringLandscape"))

Table comparing the gazetteers

flatfiles_sf_roi %>% janitor::tabyl(source_dataset) %>% janitor::adorn_crosstab(., denom = "col", show_n = T, digits = 1, show_totals = T)

Handle types

Different gazetteers record what type of location a name belongs to slightly differently. We've partially merged some categories to provide greater overlap.

flatfiles_sf_roi$feature_code_txt %>% janitor::tabyl(sort = TRUE) %>% janitor::adorn_crosstab(., denom = "all", rounding = "half up", show_n = T, digits = 1, show_totals = T) # 459 unique codes

Visually Comparing Spatial Coverage of each Sources

Visual inspection reveals differences between the spatial coverage of each source. (Appendix Figure 1 and Appendix Figure 3)

```{R, fig.width=12, fig.height=8}

flatfiles %>% ggplot(aes(x=longitude,y=latitude, col=as.factor(source_dataset))) + geom_point(alpha = 0.1)

p_points <- flatfiles_sf_roi %>% filter(geometry_type %in% "POINT") %>% ggplot(aes(x = longitude, y = latitude, col = as.factor(source_dataset))) + geom_point(alpha = 0.1) + facet_wrap(~as.factor(source_dataset), drop = T) + guides(color = FALSE) + theme_bw() + xlim(35.67, 38.19) + ylim(-1.43285, 0.54543)

ggsave( filename = glue::glue(dir_figures, "flatfiles_sf_roi_facet_source_dataset_points.png"), plot = p_points, width = 12, height = 10 ) p_points

flatfiles_sf_roi %>% filter(region_of_interest_intersects==T) %>% ggplot(aes(col=as.factor(source_dataset))) + geom_sf(alpha = 0.1)

devtools::install_github("tidyverse/ggplot2") # geom_sf requires ggplot installed off of the dev server

p_notpoints <- flatfiles_sf_roi %>% filter(!geometry_type %in% "POINT") %>% ggplot(aes(color = as.factor(source_dataset))) + ### geom_sf requires ggplot installed off of the dev server geom_sf(alpha = 0.1, size = 1) + facet_wrap(~as.factor(source_dataset), drop = T) + # ggtitle("Locations in Region of Interest Stratified by Source") + guides(color = FALSE) + xlim(35.67, 38.19) + ylim(-1.43285, 0.54543) + theme_bw()

ggsave( filename = glue::glue(dir_figures, "flatfiles_sf_roi_facet_source_dataset_notpoints.png"), plot = p_notpoints, width = 12, height = 6 ) p_notpoints

# Visually Comparing Spatial Precision of each Sources

(Appendix Figure 2 on Longitude)

```{R, fig.width=12, fig.height=8}

# Events and historical have the smoothest distributions, but that's misleading because conversion from degrees to decimal
# Wikidata has lots of truncated precision entries, at 0 degrees
# TGN has so few it's hard to tell
# Open streetmap has a disproportionate number of business in the capital which leads to a weird distribution
# NGA, geonames and historical look like a comb
# livestock looks like comb with teeth missing
# Events look fairly continuous with some spikes

# It looks like a lot of these that don't match have truncated precision
p_combs_lat <- flatfiles_sf_roi %>%
  filter(geometry_type %in% "POINT") %>% %>%
  select(latitude, source_dataset) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = latitude - round(latitude), col = as.factor(source_dataset))) + geom_histogram(bins = 1000) + facet_wrap(~source_dataset, scales = "free")
  filename = glue::glue(dir_figures, "p_combs_lat.pdf"),
  plot = p_combs_lat, width = 12, height = 6

p_combs_long <- flatfiles_sf_roi %>%
  filter(geometry_type %in% "POINT") %>% %>%
  select(longitude, source_dataset) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = longitude - round(longitude), col = as.factor(source_dataset))) + geom_histogram(bins = 1000) + facet_wrap(~source_dataset, scales = "free")
  filename = glue::glue(dir_figures, "p_combs_long.pdf"),
  plot = p_combs_long, width = 12, height = 6

temp <- flatfiles_sf_roi %>%
  filter(geometry_type %in% "POINT") %>% %>%
  select(longitude, source_dataset) %>%
  group_by(source_dataset) %>%
  mutate(longitude_trunc = longitude - round(longitude))

#temp %>% filter(source_dataset %in% "historical") %>% ungroup() %>% select("longitude_trunc") %>% as.vector() %>% table()

#temp %>% filter(source_dataset %in% "geonames") %>% ungroup() %>% select("longitude_trunc") %>% as.vector() %>% round(5) %>% table() %>% sort(decreasing = T) %>% %>% filter(Freq > 10)

temp <- flatfiles_sf_roi %>%
  filter(geometry_type %in% "POINT") %>% %>%
  select(longitude, source_dataset) %>%
  group_by(source_dataset) %>%
  arrange(longitude) %>%
  mutate(longitude_l1 = lag(longitude, 1)) %>%
  mutate(longitude_fd = round(longitude - longitude_l1, 4))
d <- as.matrix(table(temp$longitude_fd, temp$source_dataset)) # ok so the most common difference between points is 0.016. That's about 1.776 km 

rexdouglass/MeasuringLandscape documentation built on May 13, 2019, 6:16 p.m.