Man pages for reyzaguirre/pepa
Package for the Execution of Pre Cooked Analysis modified version of of agricolae package
PBIB.test.modA modified version of Analysis of the Partially Balanced...
ptyPepa tells you
pty.aovmetPepa tells you about a MET with a RCBD
pty.elstonPepa tells you about the Elston index
pty.pesekbakerPepa tells you about the Pesek-Baker index
pvsf1Voting for selection criteria
pvsf2Voting for best clones at flowering
pvsf3Voting for best clones at harvest
pvsf6Organoleptic scores at mother trial
pvsf9Voting for best clones at post-harvest
pvssgPVS summary global
repo.a01dAutomatic report for an alpha (0,1) design
repo.abdAutomatic report for an augmented block design (ABD)
repo.crdAutomatic report for a Completely Randomized Design (CRD)
repo.fAutomatic report for a factorial experiment
repo.lxtAutomatic report for a Line x Tester genetic design.
repo.metAutomatic report for a MET with a RCBD
repo.met.agroAutomatic report for a MET with a RCBD
repo.ncAutomatic report for a North Carolina genetic design.
repo.pvsReport for PVS
repo.pvssgReport for PVS - Global summary
repo.rcbdAutomatic report for a Randomized Complete Block Design...
repo.spldAutomatic report for a split plot design
repo.strdAutomatic report for a strip plot design
repo.trendReport for repeated measures data
trend.dataRepeated measures data
reyzaguirre/pepa documentation built on April 20, 2024, 3:50 a.m.