Man pages for rhlee12/Noble
Work With NEON Project Instrumented Data

air.temp.cnst.plotGenerate Pairwise Comparison Plots for SAAT Measurements by...
air.temp.dq.testTest NEON Air Temperature data for Stability of Variance,...
air.temp.plotAir Temperature Plot
ais_site_configSite Configuration for NEON AIS Stations
co2.dq.testPerform A Commissioning DQ Test on CO2 Concentration Data #'...
co2.pq.testPerform A Commissioning PQ Test on IRGA CO2 Concentration...
date.extractDate Extract
distorted.fieldDistorted Field Calculations
dp.surveySave Summary Graphs of Data Product Health by Month
dp.survey.plotSave Summary Graphs of Data Product Health by Month
fan.testTests fan aspiration system performance
gap.findReturns indicies for missing NEON data
gap.reportGenerate and Write Data Product Gap Summaries
gap.visGenerate Data Product Gap Visualization NEON Eddy Covaraince Data From hdf5 to Data Frames
health.dataProduce a Summary Table of Data Product Health by Month
help.time.seqGenerates a time sequence over the specified interval
is_site_configSite Configuration for NEON IS Stations the end date and time within a specified month
ml.extractRefine a data frame with multiple measurement levels down to...
neon.availReturns a data frame of data product availability by month
par.cnst.plotGenerate Pairwise Comparison Plots for PAR by ML
parse.resultsParse a Raw Commissioning Results File for Most Recent...
pull.dataDownloads data for a specified data product or products, and...
pull.dateReturn TIS Data in a Specific Date-time Range
pull.dp.locsReturn the Current Sensor Location Information for a Given...
pull.eddy.dataDownload NEON Eddy Covaraince Data
pull.n.plotReturns PDF(s) of data for the specified site and data...
rad_dq_info'Hard-coded' TIS Site Information for Radiation DQ...
rad.dq.testExecute Radiation Data Quality Testing
soil.temp.plotPlot Soil Temperature Profiles at a Given Time
soni.pq.testPerform A Commissioning PQ Test on 3D Sonic Anemometer Data
sp.extractRefine Data from Multiple Soil Plot Locations Down to a...
test.sitesReturns a list of sites where a given data product exists in...
tis.pq.loc.testDownloads and performs process quality checks on NEON data
tis.pq.testDownloads and performs process quality checks on NEON data
tis_pri_varsTIS Primary Variable database
tis_site_configSite Configuration for NEON AIS Stations
USCRN_sitesUSCRN Site List
wind.dir.histPlot 2D Wind Direction Histograms
wind.dq.testDownloads and performs data quality checks on NEON wind data
wind.rose.plotCreate wind roses for NEON instrumented sites
wind_thresholdsATBD Specific Thresholds: 2D Wind Speed and Direction
rhlee12/Noble documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:36 a.m.