
Defines functions bbt_run

Documented in bbt_run

#' Run BEAST2
#' Do a full BEAST2 run: create a 'BEAST2' configuration file (like 'BEAUti 2'),
#' run 'BEAST2', parse results (like 'Tracer')
#' Prefer using \code{\link{bbt_run_from_model}}, as it has a cleaner interface.
#' @inheritParams default_params_doc
#' @return a list with the following elements:\cr
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{
#'     \code{estimates}: a data frame with 'BEAST2'
#'     parameter estimates
#'   }
#'   \item{
#'     \code{[alignment_id]_trees}: a \code{multiPhylo}
#'     containing the phylogenies
#'     in the 'BEAST2' posterior. \code{[alignment_id]}
#'     is the ID of the alignment. For example,
#'     when running \code{\link{bbt_run}} with
#'     \code{anthus_aco.fas}, this element will have
#'     name \code{anthus_aco_trees}
#'   }
#'   \item{
#'     \code{operators}: a data frame with the
#'     'BEAST2' MCMC operator acceptances
#'   }
#'   \item{
#'     \code{output}: a numeric vector with the output
#'     sent to standard output and error streams
#'   }
#'   \item{
#'     \code{ns}: (optional) the results of a marginal likelihood estimation,
#'     will exist only when \code{\link[beautier]{create_ns_mcmc}} was
#'     used for the MCMC.
#'     This structure will contain the following elements:
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item \code{marg_log_lik} the marginal log likelihood estimate
#'       \item \code{marg_log_lik_sd} the standard deviation around the estimate
#'       \item \code{estimates} the parameter estimates
#'         created during the marginal likelihood estimation
#'       \item \code{trees} the trees
#'         created during the marginal likelihood estimation
#'     }
#'   }
#' }
#' @author Richèl J.C. Bilderbeek
#' @examples
#' if (beautier::is_on_ci() && is_beast2_installed()) {
#'   beastier::remove_beaustier_folders()
#'   beastier::check_empty_beaustier_folders()
#'   # Setup for a short run
#'   mcmc <- create_test_mcmc()
#'   # Store filenames for cleanup.
#'   # Note that 'bbt_run_from_model allows for easier cleanup
#'   mcmc$tracelog$filename <- tempfile()
#'   mcmc$treelog$filename <- tempfile()
#'   mcmc$screenlog$filename <- tempfile()
#'   beast2_input_filename <- tempfile()
#'   beast2_output_state_filename <- tempfile()
#'   bbt_run(
#'     fasta_filename = get_babette_path("anthus_aco.fas"),
#'     beast2_input_filename = beast2_input_filename,
#'     beast2_output_state_filename = beast2_output_state_filename,
#'     mcmc = mcmc
#'   )
#'   # Cleanup
#'   # Again, note that 'bbt_run_from_model allows for easier cleanup
#'   file.remove(mcmc$tracelog$filename)
#'   file.remove(mcmc$treelog$filename)
#'   file.remove(mcmc$screenlog$filename)
#'   file.remove(beast2_input_filename)
#'   file.remove(beast2_output_state_filename)
#'   beastier::remove_beaustier_folders()
#'   beastier::check_empty_beaustier_folders()
#' }
#' @seealso Use \code{\link[tracerer]{remove_burn_ins}}
#'   to remove the burn-ins from
#'   the posterior's estimates (\code{posterior$estimates})
#' @export
bbt_run <- function(
  tipdates_filename = NA,
  site_model = beautier::create_jc69_site_model(),
  clock_model = beautier::create_strict_clock_model(),
  tree_prior = beautier::create_yule_tree_prior(),
  mrca_prior = NA,
  mcmc = beautier::create_mcmc(),
  beast2_input_filename = beastier::create_temp_input_filename(),
  rng_seed = 1,
  beast2_output_state_filename = beastier::create_temp_state_filename(),
  beast2_path = beastier::get_default_beast2_path(),
  overwrite = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE
) {
  inference_model <- beautier::create_inference_model(
    site_model = site_model,
    clock_model = clock_model,
    tree_prior = tree_prior,
    mrca_prior = mrca_prior,
    mcmc = mcmc,
    tipdates_filename = tipdates_filename
  beast2_options <- beastier::create_beast2_options(
    input_filename = beast2_input_filename,
    rng_seed = rng_seed,
    output_state_filename = beast2_output_state_filename,
    beast2_path = beast2_path,
    overwrite = overwrite,
    verbose = verbose
    fasta_filename = fasta_filename,
    inference_model = inference_model,
    beast2_options = beast2_options
richelbilderbeek/babette documentation built on July 1, 2024, 7:35 a.m.