rrq_destroy: Destroy queue

View source: R/rrq_misc.R

rrq_destroyR Documentation

Destroy queue


Entirely destroy a queue, by deleting all keys associated with it from the Redis database. This is a very destructive action and cannot be undone.


  delete = TRUE,
  worker_stop_type = "message",
  timeout_worker_stop = 0,
  controller = NULL



Either TRUE (the default) indicating that the keys should be immediately deleted. Alternatively, provide an integer value and the keys will instead be marked for future deletion by "expiring" after this many seconds, using Redis' EXPIRE command.


Passed to rrq_worker_stop(); Can be one of "message", "kill" or "kill_local". The "kill" method requires that the workers are using a heartbeat, and "kill_local" requires that the workers are on the same machine as the controller. However, these may be faster to stop workers than "message", which will wait until any task is finished.


A timeout to pass to the worker to respond the request to stop. See worker_stop's timeout argument for details.


The controller to destroy

richfitz/rrq documentation built on July 15, 2024, 8:12 p.m.