rrq_worker_envir_set: Set worker environment

View source: R/rrq_workers.R

rrq_worker_envir_setR Documentation

Set worker environment


Register a function to create an environment when creating a worker. When a worker starts, they will run this function.


rrq_worker_envir_set(create, notify = TRUE, controller = NULL)



A function that will create an environment. It will be called with one parameter (an environment), in a fresh R session. The function rrq_envir() can be used to create a suitable function for the most common case (loading packages and sourcing scripts). Set to NULL to remove environment creation function (i.e., to start workers with an essentially empty environment).


Boolean, indicating if we should send a REFRESH message to all workers to update their environment.


The controller to use. If not given (or NULL) we'll use the controller registered with rrq_default_controller_set().


obj <- rrq_controller("rrq:example")

rrq_worker_envir_set(rrq_envir(packages = "ids"), controller = obj)
t <- rrq_task_create_expr(search(), controller = obj)
rrq_task_wait(t, controller = obj)
rrq_task_result(t, controller = obj)
rrq_worker_log_tail(n = 5, controller = obj)

rrq_worker_envir_set(NULL, controller = obj)

richfitz/rrq documentation built on July 15, 2024, 8:12 p.m.