stevedore is an R package for interacting with docker from R. With stevedore you can

Almost everything that can be done with the docker command line client (the main exception being that is not possible to send input to a container as if you were on a terminal).

stevedore directly interacts with the docker server over its HTTP API. This gives a more direct access to docker than going via the command line.

This vignette quickly walks through the core features of the package. Because stevedore wraps the docker API directly there are many more arguments that can be used than are covered here. But this covers the core use.

{r include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(error = FALSE) lang_output <- function(x, lang) { cat(c(sprintf("%s", lang), x, "```"), sep="\n") } c_output <- function(x) lang_output(x, "cc") r_output <- function(x) lang_output(x, "r") plain_output <- function(x) lang_output(x, "plain") build_iterate <- function() { p <- system.file("images/iterate", package = "stevedore", mustWork = TRUE) stopifnot(file.copy(p, ".", recursive = TRUE)) stevedore::docker_client()$image$build("iterate", tag = "richfitz/iterate") }

``` {r include = FALSE}
nginx_ready <- function(port, attempts = 10) {

  f <- function() {
    url <- sprintf("http://localhost:%s", port)
  for (i in seq_len(attempts)) {
    if (tryCatch(f(), error = function(e) FALSE)) {
  stop("nginx not available in time")

The main function in the package is docker_client; this will construct an object with which we can talk with the docker server. By default this will look at a number of environment variables and try to connect to the correct daemon. See ?docker_client for information on controlling creating the connection.

docker <- stevedore::docker_client()

The client object looks a lot like an R6 object (though it is implemented differently because the interface here is automatically generated in ways that don't play nicely with R6). But if you are at all familiar with R6 objects it should seem quite familiar.


Each function call (e.g., ping) is callable by accessing with $, such as


In addition there are "collection" objects (e.g., container) that are accessed using $, like a directory structure


The interface is designed similarly to the command line docker client (and to the Python docker client), where container commands are within the container collection and image commands are within the image collection and so on (the main difference with the command line client is that the container commands are not at the top level, so it is docker$container$run(...) not docker$run(...)).

To run a container, the docker$container$run command follows the semantics of the command line client and will

res <- docker$container$run("hello-world")

This returns a list with two elements:


The "logs" element is the logs themselves:


This is a docker_stream object and codes the output stream using the stream attribute (it can otherwise be treated as a character vector).

The "container" element is an object that can be used to interact with a container


For example the function path_stat gets some information about paths on the container:


The image can also be returned

img <- res$container$image()

which is another object with methods that can be invoked to find out about the image, e.g.:



The $container object includes methods for interacting with containers:


$create creates a new container (similar to docker container create on the command line) but does not start it.

x <- docker$container$create("hello-world", name = "hello-stevedore")

$get creates a docker_container object from an container id or name:

y <- docker$container$get("hello-stevedore")

$list() lists containers (like docker list on the command line) - by default showing only running containers

docker$container$list(all = TRUE, limit = 2)

$remove() removes a container by name or id:


$prune() removes non-running containers (i.e., containers that have exited or containers that have been created but not yet started)


Working with containers

After creating a container object, there are many more methods to use - all apply to the individual container

x <- docker$container$create("richfitz/iterate", c("1000", "1"))

Most are analogues of similarly named docker command line functions.

First, there are some basic query methods - $id(), $name() and $labels()


More detailed information (much more detailed) can be retrieved with the $inspect() method


The image used by a container can be retrieved with the $image() method


(see below for working with images).

The status of the container (created, running, exited, paused, etc) can be read with $status()


The container created by by $create is not running - the $start() method will start it:


Once the container is running we can query to see what processes are running in it with $top (standing for Table Of Processes)


We can also get the logs:


This returns a special object type docker_stream which allows control over formatting with format() - the style argument controls how stderr and stdout are printed. There is a stream attribute that can be used to separate out lines too. If a tty was allocated with tty = TRUE the output will be a plain character vector

format(x$logs(), style = "plain")

It can generally be treated as a character vector:


The $logs() method can be used to do a blocking wait on a container. Pass follow = TRUE to follow the logs. You will want to provide a stream argument too, which is where to stream the log to. This can be stdout() or stderr(), a file or an R connection.

y <- docker$container$create("richfitz/iterate", c("10", "0.1"))
y$logs(stream = stdout(), follow = TRUE)

If running this interactively, the logs will print one line at a time - once control returns to R the container has exited. You can escape this streaming using whatever method you use to interrupt an R calculation (depends on which GUI/IDE you are using) but the container will continue regardless - we are just observing a running container.


The other way of blocking until a container has finished is with $wait() which blocks until the container exits, then returns the exit code.


Calling $wait() on an exited container is fine, and will just return immediately:


Containers can be paused with $pause()


Once paused, they can be restarted with $unpause()


Additionally, containers can be restarted with $restart()

x$restart(t = 0)
x$logs(tail = 5)

Containers can be stopped with $stop() and removed with $remove() (calling $remove(force = TRUE) will kill the container before removing.

x$stop(t = 0)

Once a container has been removed most methods will not work properly: ``` {r error = TRUE} x$status()

``` {r include = FALSE}

Information about ports (for containers that expose them) can be retrieved with $ports(). The nginx image creates a web server/proxy that exposes port 80 from the container. We can map that to a random port by asking docker to expose port 80 but not saying what to map it to:

nginx <- docker$container$run("nginx", ports = 80,
                              detach = TRUE, rm = TRUE,
                              name = "stevedore-nginx")

(alternatively, use ports = TRUE to act like docker run's -P and "publish all ports to random ports).

``` {r include=FALSE} nginx_ready(nginx$ports()$host_port)

This shows that the port exposed by the the container (80) is
mapped to the port `r as.integer(nginx$ports()$host_port)` on the
host.  We can use this to communicate with the server:
``` {r }
url <- sprintf("http://localhost:%s", nginx$ports()$host_port)
nginx$stop(t = 0)

Run commands in running containers with exec

With the command-line tool, docker exec <container name> <command> lets you run an arbitrary command within a running container. stevedore does this with the exec method of a container object.

Reasons for doing this include debugging (using arbitrary commands to inspect/interact with a container while it does its primary task) but it can also be used in deployment (e.g., sending a "go" signal after copying files into the container).

To demonstrate, we need a long running container:

x <- docker$container$run("richfitz/iterate", c("1000", "10"),
                          detach = TRUE, rm = TRUE)

With the container running we can run additional commands:

res <- x$exec("ls")

This streams the output of the command by default (to the connection indicated by the stream) argument. Output is also returned as part of the object:


Copy files into and out of containers

Just like docker cp, stevedore lets you copy files into and out of containers. The logic mimics the logic in the docker command line client as closely as possible.

To copy a file into our container x, use $cp_in

path <- tempfile()
writeLines("hello", path)
x$cp_in(path, "/hello")

And the new file is on the container

x$exec(c("cat", "/hello"), stream = FALSE)$output

The input can be a single file or a single directory.

To copy out, use $cp_out

dest <- tempfile()
x$cp_out("/usr/local/bin/iterate", dest)

Here is the iterate script, from the container:

writeLines(readLines(dest, n = 10))

There is also a convenience method at the root of the docker object that behaves more like docker cp and requires that one of the source or destination arguments is given in <container>:<path> format:

src <- paste0(x$name(), ":/usr/local/bin/iterate")


dest2 <- tempfile()
docker$cp(src, dest2)

which achieves the same thing as the $cp_out command above.

unname(tools::md5sum(c(dest, dest2)))

(don't forget to remove your detached containers later!)




``` {r include = FALSE, error = TRUE} try(docker$image$remove("bash:latest"), silent = TRUE)

Images can be directly pulled with `docker$image$pull` providing
an image name (as either `<repo>` or `<repo>:<tag>`.  If the image
exists already this will be quick, and if the network connection is
down then this will fail.
``` {r }

The object returned by pull is an image object - that can be

created by using $get

img <- docker$image$get("bash:latest")


The other common way of getting images is to build them (the equivalent of docker build). So if we have a path (here, iterate) containing a Dockerfile:


The Dockerfile itself contains: ``` {r echo = FALSE, results = "asis"} plain_output(readLines("iterate/Dockerfile"))

and the `iterate` file is an executable shell script containing:
``` {r echo = FALSE, results = "asis"}
lang_output(readLines("iterate/iterate"), "shell")

We can build this image using:

img <- docker$image$build("iterate", tag = "richfitz/iterate", nocache = TRUE)

The newly created image is returned as an image object and can be used via $container$run()

  docker$container$run(img, c("10", "0.1"), rm = TRUE, stream = stdout()))

``` {r include = FALSE} unlink("iterate", recursive = TRUE)

### Importing

There is a third way of creating an image, which is to import it
from a tar archive.  This is not yet documented (**TODO**) but can
be done via `$image$import()`

### Working with image objects

Each image object has a number of methods.
``` {r }
img <- docker$image$get("richfitz/iterate")

The $id(), $short_id(), $labels(), $name() and $tags() query basic information about an image


(short_idis always 10 characters long and does not include a leadingsha256:`).

The inspect() method returns detailed information about the image


the exact format varies between docker API versions but should be the same for all images within an API version.

The history() method returns a data.frame of information about the history of an image (i.e., the layers that it is constructed from)


(printing these objects is a real challenge!).

The export() method exports an image as a tar object. There is some work still required to make this work nicely (currently it returns a [potentially long] raw vector).

There are several methods that operate to modify or destroy the image:

The $tag() method will tag an image, for example

img$tag("richfitz/iterate", "0.0.1")

While the $untag() method will remove a tag


The $remove() method will remove an image - this returns a data.frame indicating what actually happened (images are only actually deleted if there are no other tags pointing at an image and if noprune is not TRUE.


``` {r include = FALSE} build_iterate()

## Volumes

Docker volumes provide a useful abstraction for interacting with
(possibly persistent) file volumes across containers.  To create a
volume using `stevedore` (equivalent to `docker volume create`) use
``` {r }
vol <- docker$volume$create("myvolume")

Volumes can be listed:


Working with volume objects

There's very little that can be done with volume objects:


We can get the name:


Inspect the metadata


Generate mount definitions:


and can remove the volume


everything else comes from using volumes with containers.

Containers are mounted the same way as from the docker command line - with a string in the form <host>:<container>. Here we can use the volume name on the host side, so saying <myvolume>:/myvolume mounts our volume at /myvolume within the container. This can be done easily with the $map() method.

vol <- docker$volume$create("myvolume")
  c("sh", "-c", "echo hello world > /myvolume/output"),
  volumes = vol$map("/myvolume"),
  rm = TRUE)

(We use sh -c here so that the redirect operates within the container - the third argument is evaluated by the shell within the container and redirects the value that is echoed to a file.)

We can see the result of this by using a second container to read the file:

  c("cat", "/myvolume/output"),
  volumes = vol$map("/myvolume"),
  rm = TRUE)$logs

``` {r include = FALSE} vol$remove()

## Networks

Docker "networks" make it easy to get containers communicating with
each other without exposing ports to the host.  To achive this, one
creates a docker network, then create containers attached to that
network (containers can also be attached to networks after
``` {r }
nw <- docker$network$create("mynetwork")

Networks can be listed:


The networks bridge, host and none always exist - they are special to docker.

Working with network objects

Like volume objects, network objects do very little themselves:


The $name() and $id() methods get the name and id of the network


$inspect() gets detailed metadata


$containers() lists containers attached to the network (currently an empty list - this network has no attached containers)


$remove() removes the network


Generally you'll want to put containers onto a network.

The setup here is to create a network, and then use the network argument to $container$run() to attach a container to that network. Once established, containers on the same network can use another docker container's name as the hostname and communicate!

nw <- docker$network$create("mynetwork")
server <- docker$container$run("nginx", network = nw, name = "server",
                               detach = TRUE, rm = TRUE)

Now we can attach other networks to this container and communicate with the server:

docker$container$run("alpine:latest", c("ping", "server", "-c", "3"),
                     network = nw, stream = stdout(), rm = TRUE)

Omitting the network argument, the second container can't find the server: ``` {r error = TRUE} docker$container$run("alpine:latest", c("ping", "server", "-c", "3"), stream = stdout(), rm = TRUE)

The server container exposes a webserver on port 80.  For
containers on the network we can access this port:
``` {r }
res <- docker$container$run("richfitz/curl", c("curl", "-s", "http://server"),
                            network = nw, rm = TRUE)
head(res$logs, 10)


Other docker functions

There are a few functions at the top level of the docker_client object:

$ping() tests the connection to the server and reports the API version for the server - this is a (for docker) very fast function to use to test that things seem to be working.


$api_version() reports the API version that the client is using (this can be varied from r stevedore:::DOCKER_API_VERSION_MIN to r stevedore:::DOCKER_API_VERSION_MAX)


$version() reports detailed version information from the server:


$info() reports a bunch of other information about the state of the server (Docker describes this as "get system information" in its documentation) - this is equivalent to running docker info


Finally, $df() will return information about resource and data usage by docker - all containers, networks, volumes, etc.

richfitz/stevedore documentation built on July 22, 2023, 1:13 p.m.