ConfusionMatrix: Confusion matrix

Description See Also


The result of calculateConfusionMatrix.

Object members:

result [matrix]

Confusion matrix of absolute values and marginals. Can also contain row and column sums of observations.

task.desc [TaskDesc]

Additional information about the task.

sums [logical(1)]

Flag if marginal sums of observations are calculated.

relative [logical(1)]

Flag if the relative confusion matrices are calculated.

relative.row [matrix]

Confusion matrix of relative values and marginals normalized by row.

relative.col [matrix]

Confusion matrix of relative values and marginals normalized by column.

relative.error [numeric(1)]

Relative error overall.

See Also

Other performance: calculateConfusionMatrix, calculateROCMeasures, estimateRelativeOverfitting, makeCostMeasure, makeCustomResampledMeasure, makeMeasure, measures, performance, setAggregation, setMeasurePars

riebetob/mlr documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:58 p.m.