```{css, echo = FALSE} d-article > * { grid-column: page; }

[Complete issue `r icons::fontawesome$solid$"file-pdf"`](RJ-{{issue}}.pdf)

<!-- [Complete bibliography](https://rjournal.github.io/archive/{{issue}}/index-bib.html) -->

<!-- Access the article landing page through its title or go straight to the article through the PDF icon: -->

## Table of contents

articles <- yaml::read_yaml("{{issue}}.yml")$articles
contents <- lapply(articles, function(x) {
  if(!is.null(x$heading)) {
    return(paste("\n\n###", x$heading))
"[{x$title}]({if(grepl('RJ-\\\\d{4}-\\\\d{2,}', x$slug)) '../../articles/' else '../../news/RJ-{{issue}}-'}{x$slug})<br>{glue::glue_collapse(x$author, sep = ', ', last = ' and ')} {x$pages[1]}\n\n")

cat(do.call(c, contents), sep = "\n")

rjournal/rj documentation built on April 30, 2024, 6:39 a.m.