
Defines functions summary.colspace

Documented in summary.colspace

#' Colourspace data summary
#' Returns the attributes of `colspace` objects.
#' @param object (required) a `colspace` object.
#' @param by when the input is in `tcs` colourspace, `by` is either
#'  a single value specifying the range of colour points for which
#'  summary tetrahedral-colourspace variables should be calculated (for example, `by` = 3
#'  indicates summary will be calculated for groups of 3 consecutive colour points (rows)
#'  in the quantum catch colour data frame) or a vector containing identifications for
#'  the rows in the quantum catch colour data frame (in which case summaries will be
#'  calculated for each group of points sharing the same identification). If `by`
#'  is left blank, the summary statistics are calculated across all colour points in the
#'  data.
#' @param ... class consistency (ignored).
#' @return returns all attributes of the data as mapped to the selected colourspace, including
#' options specified when calculating the visual model. Also return the default
#' `data.frame` summary, except when the object is the result of [tcspace()],
#' in which case the following variables are output instead:
#' - `centroid.u, .s, .m, .l` the centroids of `usml` coordinates of points.
#' - `c.vol` the total volume occupied by the points, computed with a convex
#'    hull.
#' - `rel.c.vol` volume occupied by the points (convex hull volume) relative to
#'    the tetrahedron volume.
#' - `colspan.m` the mean hue span.
#' - `colspan.v` the variance in hue span.
#' - `huedisp.m` the mean hue disparity.
#' - `huedisp.v` the variance in hue disparity.
#' - `mean.ra` mean saturation.
#' - `max.ra` maximum saturation achieved by the group of points.
#' - `a.vol` colour volume computed with \eqn{\alpha}{alpha}-shapes.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Colour hexagon
#' data(flowers)
#' vis.flowers <- vismodel(flowers,
#'   visual = "apis", qcatch = "Ei", relative = FALSE,
#'   vonkries = TRUE, bkg = "green"
#' )
#' flowers.hex <- hexagon(vis.flowers)
#' summary(flowers.hex)
#' # Tetrahedral model
#' data(sicalis)
#' vis.sicalis <- vismodel(sicalis, visual = "avg.uv")
#' csp.sicalis <- colspace(vis.sicalis)
#' summary(csp.sicalis, by = rep(c("C", "T", "B"), 7))
#' @author Rafael Maia \email{rm72@@zips.uakron.edu}
#' @references Stoddard, M. C., & Prum, R. O. (2008). Evolution of avian plumage
#'  color in a tetrahedral color space: A phylogenetic analysis of new world buntings.
#'  The American Naturalist, 171(6), 755-776.
#' @references Endler, J. A., & Mielke, P. (2005). Comparing entire colour patterns
#'  as birds see them. Biological Journal Of The Linnean Society, 86(4), 405-431.
#' @references
#' Gruson H. (2020). Estimation of colour volumes as concave hypervolumes using
#' \eqn{\alpha}{alpha}-shapes. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11(8), 955-963
#' \doi{10.1111/2041-210X.13398}

summary.colspace <- function(object, by = NULL, ...) {

  if (is.null(attr(object, "clrsp"))) {
    message("Cannot return full colspace summary on subset data")

  # Check 'by' is correctly specified when relevant (space = tcs)
  if (is.numeric(by) && attr(object, "clrsp") == "tcs" && nrow(object) %% by != 0) {
    stop("The value passed to 'by' is not a multiple of the number of spectra", call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(attr(object, "data.maxgamut"))) {
    maxgamut <- attr(object, "data.maxgamut")
    if (attr(object, "clrsp") == "dispace") {
      maxvol <- max(maxgamut) - min(maxgamut)
    } else {
      maxvol <- tryCatch(
        convhulln(attr(object, "data.maxgamut"), "FA")$vol,
        error = function(e) NA
  } else {
    maxvol <- NA

    "Colorspace & visual model options:\n",
    "* Colorspace:", attr(object, "clrsp"), "\n",
    "* Quantal catch:", attr(object, "qcatch"), "\n",
    "* Visual system, chromatic:", attr(object, "visualsystem.chromatic"), "\n",
    "* Visual system, achromatic:", attr(object, "visualsystem.achromatic"), "\n",
    "* Illuminant:", attr(object, "illuminant"), "\n",
    "* Background:", attr(object, "background"), "\n",
    "* Relative:", attr(object, "relative"), "\n",
    "* Max possible chromatic volume:", maxvol, "\n"


  if (attr(object, "clrsp") != "tcs") {

  if (attr(object, "clrsp") == "tcs") {
    if (!is.null(by)) {
      if (length(by) == 1) {
        by.many <- by
        by <- rep(seq_len(dim(object)[1] / by), each = by)
        by <- factor(by,
          labels = row.names(object)[seq(1, length(row.names(object)), by = by.many)]

      by <- factor(by)
      res.c <- data.frame(t(sapply(levels(by), function(z) tcssum(object[which(by == z), ]))))
      row.names(res.c) <- levels(by)
    } else {
      res.c <- data.frame(t(tcssum(object)))
      row.names(res.c) <- "all.points"

    if (anyNA(res.c$c.vol)) {
      warning("Not enough points to calculate volume", call. = FALSE)

rmaia/pavo documentation built on Aug. 3, 2024, 1:49 p.m.