fmdatamcf7parp1: Nucleosome bound PARP1 in MCF-7 and MDA-MB231 Cells Data

Authored by: Robert M Flight ( on r Sys.Date()

Data Collection and Formatting

This document describes the processing to generate all the raw data used in the analysis of nucleosome bound PARP1 in MCF-7 generated by the Fondufe-Mittendorf lab at the University of Kentucky. This includes the actual unique reads of nucleosome bound PARP1, as well as expression data, methylation data, histone marks, and CTCF transcription factor binding. The processing for each one follows in the rest of this document. Although some of the code is not run in the generation of this vignette, all of the code was run once to process and save the data in the RData format.

PARP1 Reads

The original data existed as comma delimited files (one for each chromosome), with an id (id), the bead id (bead_id), start location (startx), and strand (strand). They were named with this convention: YFM_LNX_chrX.csv, where LNX could be either LN4 (MCF-7) or LN5 (MDA-MB231) (two lanes on the sequencer) and chrX where X is the chromosome number. Each lane had three barcoded biological replicates. This data contains aggregated reads for each lane after removing barcoding, and then removing duplicate reads (i.e. completely identical sequence and alignment).

raw_data_dir <- "/mlab/data/rmflight/Projects/work/fondufe-mittendorf_lab/parp1_data/"
save_dir <- "/mlab/data/rmflight/Projects/work/fondufe-mittendorf_lab/fmdatamcf7parp1/data"

Read in LN4 reads and save as a GenomicRanges

Not evaluated in the vignette, was run once.

ln4_files <- file.path(raw_data_dir, dir(raw_data_dir, pattern = "YFM_LN4"))

parp1_ln4_reads_all <- GRanges(seqnames = "chr1", ranges = IRanges(start = 1, end = 1), strand = "*")

for (i_file in ln4_files){
  tmp_reads <- read.table(i_file, sep = ",", header = TRUE)
    use_chr <- get_chr(i_file, "_")
    parp1_ln4_reads_all <- c(parp1_ln4_reads_all, GRanges(seqnames = use_chr,
                      ranges = IRanges(start = tmp_reads[, "startx"], width = 1),
                      strand = "*"))
parp1_ln4_reads_all <- parp1_ln4_reads_all[2:(length(parp1_ln4_reads_all))]
save(parp1_ln4_reads_all, file = file.path(save_dir, "parp1_ln4_reads_all.RData"))

Read in LN5 reads and save as GenomicRanges

Not evaluated in the vignette, was run once.

ln5_files <- file.path(raw_data_dir, dir(raw_data_dir, pattern = "YFM_LN5"))

parp1_ln5_reads_all <- GRanges(seqnames = "chr1", ranges = IRanges(start = 1, end = 1), strand = "*")

for (i_file in ln5_files){
  tmp_reads <- read.table(i_file, sep = ",", header = TRUE)
  use_chr <- get_chr(i_file, "_")
    parp1_ln5_reads_all <- c(parp1_ln5_reads_all, GRanges(seqnames = use_chr,
                      ranges = IRanges(start = tmp_reads[, "startx"], width = 1),
                      strand = "*"))
parp1_ln5_reads_all <- parp1_ln5_reads_all[2:(length(parp1_ln5_reads_all))]
save(parp1_ln5_reads_all, file = file.path(save_dir, "parp1_ln5_reads_all.RData"))

Stopped, re-install package to make data available.

Quality Check

We want to double check the quality of the PARP1 data. Based on having pooled three replicate experiments and removed duplicates, ignoring the strand information, we should have a maximum of 6 reads at any given location. Lets check.

Chromosome 3

We will initially check chromosome 3 in LN4.

chr3_reads <- parp1_ln4_reads_all[seqnames(parp1_ln4_reads_all) == "chr3"]
chr3_unique <- unique(chr3_reads)
chr3_overlap <- countOverlaps(chr3_unique, chr3_reads)
mcols(chr3_unique)$overlap <- chr3_overlap
chr3_unique <- sort(chr3_unique)

So, what values do we have and how many of them?

chr3_overlap_rle <- rle(sort(chr3_overlap))
chr3_counts <- chr3_overlap_rle$values
names(chr3_counts) <- chr3_overlap_rle$lengths

Wow. Some of these have really large counts. One might expect to get counts >= 20 or 30, but having counts of > 100 points to some intrinsic bias. Given that all of the bead id's are unique, indicating that there are unique reads, then there is something odd about these regions.

What is the value that accounts for 99% of the total reads?

chr3_totals <- data.frame(n_loc = chr3_overlap_rle$lengths, count_at_loc = chr3_overlap_rle$values)
chr3_totals$tot_reads <- chr3_totals$n_loc * chr3_totals$count_at_loc
chr3_totals$cum_reads <- cumsum(chr3_totals$tot_reads)
chr3_totals$perc_reads <- chr3_totals$cum_reads / sum(chr3_totals$tot_reads) * 100

From this, it looks like we should have a maximum at 5 or 6. This is in line with what we expect based on the data available. We should do this across all of the chromosomes, however.

ln4_unique <- unique(parp1_ln4_reads_all)
ln4_overlap <- countOverlaps(ln4_unique, parp1_ln4_reads_all)
ln4_overlap_rle <- rle(sort(ln4_overlap))
ln4_counts <- data.frame(n_loc = ln4_overlap_rle$lengths, count_at_loc = ln4_overlap_rle$values)

ln4_counts$tot_reads <- ln4_counts$n_loc * ln4_counts$count_at_loc
ln4_counts$cum_reads <- cumsum(ln4_counts$tot_reads)
ln4_counts$perc_reads <- ln4_counts$cum_reads / sum(ln4_counts$tot_reads) * 100

And there we have it! At 6 reads, we are accounting for 99% of the reads available. The other reads make up less than 1% of the data. 6 is also the ideal maximum expected based on the data we have.

So instead of having a full reads object, we will generate the set of unique reads, count the number of reads at each location, and trim the number of reads to 6.

PARP1 Unique

Not run during vignette, was run once.

max_count <- 6
parp1_ln4_unique <- unique(parp1_ln4_reads_all)
parp1_ln4_counts <- countOverlaps(parp1_ln4_unique, parp1_ln4_reads_all)
parp1_ln4_counts[parp1_ln4_counts > max_count] <- max_count
mcols(parp1_ln4_unique)$n_count <- parp1_ln4_counts
save(parp1_ln4_unique, file = file.path(save_dir, "parp1_ln4_unique.RData"))
parp1_ln5_unique <- unique(parp1_ln5_reads_all)
parp1_ln5_counts <- countOverlaps(parp1_ln5_unique, parp1_ln5_reads_all)
parp1_ln5_counts[parp1_ln5_counts > max_count] <- max_count
mcols(parp1_ln5_unique)$n_count <- parp1_ln5_counts
save(parp1_ln5_unique, file = file.path(save_dir, "parp1_ln5_unique.RData"))

The following data processing code was run once to generate the data files, but is not run during the vignette generation.


The CTCF transcription factor ChIP-Seq data was downloaded from the UCSC (select peaks from MCF-7 and CTCF).

ctcf_names <- c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand", "signal", "pValue", "qValue")
ctcf_path <- file.path(raw_data_dir, "ctcf_peaks")
ctcf_files <- file.path(ctcf_path, dir(ctcf_path, pattern = "narrowPeak.gz"))
rep1 <- read.table(ctcf_files[1], header = FALSE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

names(rep1) <- ctcf_names
ctcf_rep1 <- GRanges(seqnames = rep1$chrom,
                     ranges = IRanges(start = rep1$start, end = rep1$end),
                     mcols = DataFrame(rep1[, c("signal", "pValue")]))

rep2 <- read.table(ctcf_files[2], header = FALSE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(rep2) <- ctcf_names
ctcf_rep2 <- GRanges(seqnames = rep2$chrom,
                     ranges = IRanges(start = rep2$start, end = rep2$end),
                     mcols = DataFrame(rep2[, c("signal", "pValue")]))

save(ctcf_rep1, file = file.path(save_dir, "ctcf_rep1.RData"))
save(ctcf_rep2, file = file.path(save_dir, "ctcf_rep2.RData"))
rm(ctcf_rep1, ctcf_rep2)


The methylation data comes from the UCSC table browser:

methyl_names <- c("bin", "chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand", "thickStart", "thickEnd", "itemRGB", "readCount", "percentMeth")
methyl_path <- file.path(raw_data_dir, "methylation_data")
methyl_files <- file.path(methyl_path, dir(methyl_path, pattern = "mcf7_methyl"))

rep1 <- read.table(methyl_files[1], header = FALSE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(rep1) <- methyl_names
methyl_rep1 <- GRanges(seqnames = rep1$chrom,
                       strand = rep1$strand,
                      ranges = IRanges(start = rep1$start, width = 1),
                      mcols = DataFrame(rep1[, c("readCount", "percentMeth")]))

rep2 <- read.table(methyl_files[2], header = FALSE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(rep2) <- methyl_names
methyl_rep2 <- GRanges(seqnames = rep2$chrom,
                       strand = rep2$strand,
                      ranges = IRanges(start = rep2$start, width = 1),
                      mcols = DataFrame(rep2[, c("readCount", "percentMeth")]))

save(methyl_rep1, file = file.path(save_dir, "methyl_rep1.RData"))
save(methyl_rep2, file = file.path(save_dir, "methyl_rep2.RData"))
rm(methyl_rep1, methyl_rep2)

Histone Modifications

The ChIP-Seq peak files for the various histone modifications were downloaded from UCSC.

These include:

Note that for H3k4me3, one file is H3k4me3 and the other is H3k04me3.

histone_patterns <- list(H3k09me3 = "*H3k09me3",
                        H3k27ac = "*H3k27ac",
                        H3k27me3 = "*H3k27me3",
                        H3k36me3 = "*H3k36me3",
                        H3k4me3_r1 = "*H3k4me3",
                        H3k4me3_r2 = "*H3k04me3")

histone_dir <- file.path(raw_data_dir, "histone_marks")
histone_names <- c("chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand", "signal", "pvalue", "qvalue", "other")
histone_marks <- lapply(histone_patterns, function(in_pattern){
  use_file <- dir(histone_dir, pattern = in_pattern)
  tmp <- read.table(file.path(histone_dir, use_file), header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
  names(tmp) <- histone_names
  GRanges(seqnames = tmp$chrom,
              ranges = IRanges(start = tmp$start, end = tmp$end),
                    mcols = DataFrame(tmp[, c("score", "signal", "pvalue")]))
histone_marks <- GRangesList(histone_marks)
save(histone_marks, file = file.path(save_dir, "histone_marks.RData"))


The expression data is a DNA Microarray experiment, which we will get from GEO, as GSM307014.

expr_data <- dataTable(getGEO(GEO = "GSM307014"))@table
expr_data$VALUE <- as.numeric(expr_data$VALUE)
expr_data[, "DETECTION P-VALUE"] <- as.numeric(expr_data[, "DETECTION P-VALUE"])
rownames(expr_data) <- as.character(expr_data$ID_REF)
expr_data$ID_REF <- rownames(expr_data)
save(expr_data, file = file.path(save_dir, "expr_data.RData"))

Transcription Start Site Regions

To get association between transcription start site (TSS) regions and other features, we should have the TSS's and their windows already saved in a file.

tss_file <- file.path(raw_data_dir, "ensGene_TTSS.csv")
tss_data <- read.table(tss_file, header = TRUE, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
tss_regions <- GRanges(seqnames = tss_data$chrom,
                       strand = tss_data$strand,
                       ranges = IRanges(start = tss_data$txStart,
                                        end = tss_data$txEnd),
                       names = tss_data$name)

tss_windows <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(tss_regions),
                       strand = strand(tss_regions),
                       ranges = IRanges(start = start(tss_regions) - 1000,
                                        end = start(tss_regions) + 1000))
names(tss_windows) <- mcols(tss_regions)$names
save(tss_windows, file = file.path(save_dir, "tss_windows.RData"))
rm(tss_windows, tss_regions)

Nucleosome Binding from MNase on ENCODE

As part of our response to the reviewers, we evaluated the overlap of Parp1 nucleosome reads with signal from nucleosomes determined by MNase digestion. This required processing a bigwig file from UCSC ENCODE.

Gm12878 Nucleosome Data


genome_tiles <- tileGenome(seqinfo(Hsapiens), tilewidth = 500, = TRUE)
nuc_file <- file.path(raw_data_dir, "wgEncodeSydhNsomeGm12878Sig.bigWig")

genome_tiles <- genome_tiles[seqnames(genome_tiles) %in% seqnames(seqinfo(BigWigFile(nuc_file)))]
seqlevels(genome_tiles) <- paste0("chr", c(seq(1, 22), "X", "M"))

split_tiles <- split(genome_tiles, seqnames(genome_tiles))

MAP <- function(RANGE, FILE, ...) {
  if (length(RANGE) > 0){
    tmp <-, selection=RANGE, as="GRanges")
    tmp_cov <- coverage(tmp, weight = "score")
    tmp_range <- binned_function(RANGE, tmp_cov, "sum", "nuc")
  } else {
    tmp_range <- GRanges()

bw_counts <- reduceByRange(split_tiles, files = nuc_file, MAP)
nuc_signal <- GRanges()

for (icount in seq(1, length(bw_counts))){
  if (length(bw_counts[[icount]][[1]]) > 0){
    nuc_signal <- append(nuc_signal, bw_counts[[icount]][[1]])

save(nuc_signal, file = file.path(save_dir, "nuc_signal.RData"))

Session Info


rmflight/fmdatabreastcaparp1 documentation built on May 27, 2019, 9:31 a.m.