

## These tests are fragile because they depend on the structure of the stringr
## package. If the structure of the stringr package changes, these tests will
## fail.
#test_that("get_pkg_descriptions retrieve correct information", {
#  skip_on_cran()
#  get_cran_db <- get_cran_db_factory()
#  session_pkgs <- get_pkg_descriptions()
#  all_pkgs <- get_pkg_descriptions(pkgs = "stringr")
#  which_imports_pkgs <- 
#    get_pkg_descriptions(pkgs = "stringr", dependencies = TRUE,
#                         which = c("Imports"), recursive = FALSE, 
#                         new_cran_db = FALSE, get_cran_db = get_cran_db)
#  which_all_pkgs <- get_pkg_descriptions(pkgs = "stringr", dependencies = TRUE,
#                                         which = "all", recursive = FALSE, 
#                                         new_cran_db = FALSE, get_cran_db = get_cran_db)
#  stringr_not_recursive_desc <- get_pkg_descriptions("stringr", dependencies = FALSE)
#  stringr_recursive_desc <- get_pkg_descriptions("stringr", dependencies = TRUE, 
#                                                 new_cran_db = FALSE, 
#                                                 get_cran_db = get_cran_db)
#  expect_false(any(stri_detect_fixed(stringr_not_recursive_desc$pkg_df$Package, "tool")))
#  expect_false(any(stri_detect_fixed(stringr_not_recursive_desc$pkg_df$Package, "stringi")))
#  expect_true(any(stri_detect_fixed(stringr_not_recursive_desc$pkg_df$Package, "stringr")))
#  expect_true(any(stri_detect_fixed(stringr_recursive_desc$pkg_df$Package, "stringi")))
#  expect_equal(nrow(all_pkgs$pkg_df), 1)
#  expect_true(nrow(which_imports_pkgs$pkg_df) > 1)
#  expect_true(ncol(all_pkgs$pkg_df) > 1)
#  expect_true(nrow(all_pkgs$pkg_df) < nrow(session_pkgs$pkg_df))
#  expect_equal(is.element(c("png", "testthat", "stringi", "stringr"),
#                    session_pkgs$pkg_df$Package), c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE))
#test_that("get_pkg_descriptions retrieves 'correct information'Package' name", {
#  skip_on_cran()
#  get_cran_db <- get_cran_db_factory()
#  session_pkgs <- get_pkg_descriptions(
#    fields = c(
#      "Version",
#      "Priority",
#      "Depends",
#      "Imports",
#      "LinkingTo",
#      "Suggests",
#      "Enhances",
#      "License",
#      "License_is_FOSS"
#    )
#  )
#  all_pkgs <- get_pkg_descriptions(pkgs = "stringr")
#  which_imports_pkgs <-
#    get_pkg_descriptions(
#      pkgs = "stringr",
#      dependencies = TRUE,
#      which = c("Imports"),
#      recursive = FALSE,
#      new_cran_db = FALSE,
#      get_cran_db = get_cran_db
#    )
#  which_all_pkgs <-
#    get_pkg_descriptions(
#      pkgs = "stringr",
#      dependencies = TRUE,
#      which = "all",
#      recursive = FALSE,
#      new_cran_db = FALSE,
#      get_cran_db = get_cran_db
#    )
#  stringr_not_recursive_desc <-
#    get_pkg_descriptions("stringr", dependencies = FALSE)
#  stringr_recursive_desc <-
#    get_pkg_descriptions(
#      "stringr",
#      dependencies = TRUE,
#      new_cran_db = FALSE,
#      get_cran_db = get_cran_db
#    )
#  expect_false(any(
#    stri_detect_fixed(stringr_not_recursive_desc$pkg_df$Package, "tools")
#  ))
#  expect_false(any(
#    stri_detect_fixed(stringr_not_recursive_desc$pkg_df$Package, "stringi")
#  ))
#  expect_true(any(
#    stri_detect_fixed(stringr_not_recursive_desc$pkg_df$Package, "stringr")
#  ))
#  expect_true(any(
#    stri_detect_fixed(stringr_recursive_desc$pkg_df$Package, "stringi")
#  ))
#  expect_equal(nrow(all_pkgs$pkg_df), 1)
#  expect_true(nrow(which_imports_pkgs$pkg_df) > 1)
#  expect_true(ncol(all_pkgs$pkg_df) > 1)
#  expect_true(nrow(all_pkgs$pkg_df) < nrow(session_pkgs$pkg_df))
#  expect_equal(is.element(
#    c("png", "testthat", "stringi", "stringr"),
#    session_pkgs$pkg_df$Package
#  ),
rmsharp/rmsutilityr documentation built on Feb. 13, 2024, 6:01 p.m.