Man pages for robertness/bninfo
Queries and information theoritic operations on Bayesian networks.

active_learningActive Learning Algorithm Orders candidate intervention...
add_singletonsAdd Single Nodes to a Gaussian Bayesian Network
arcs2namesConvert an edge matrix to array of edge names
ba_whitelistDAG Simulation with Preferential Attachment
bayes_correctionBayes Correction
bninfo-packageWhat the package does (short line) ~~ package title ~~
boot_dagsInfer Multiple Structures with Different Starting Graphs
break_cyclesBreak cycles to produce a DAG Given a set of arcs of a...
build_triplet_networkThe simplest case of for testing conditional independence is...
conditional_entropy_queryQuery a Bayesian Network to calculate conditional entropy of...
construct_bnConstruct Bayesian network structure directly from arc matrix
count_positivesCount the True Positive and False Positive Inferred Edges
cpd_entropy_queryQuery a Bayesian Network to calculate conditional entropy of...
ctsdagTransition sequence equivalent class
dream_netDream 4 signaling data
edge_entropyCalculate entropy on model averaging results
entropyCalculate entropy from a probability distribution of a random...
fit2netConvert to bn
fix_nodeSimulate experimental data
get_performancePerformance predictions and labels for structure inference...
get_upstream_edgesGet upstream edges
infer_from_start_netApply Structure Inference from a Starting Net
info_gainCalculate information gain
l1_errorL1 edge error L1 edge error calculated on a strength object,...
melancon_bootBootstrap Learning Performed on a Gaussian Bayesian Network.
name_edge_dfConvert arc matrix to a data frame with named edges
name_edgesReturn array of edge names
ordered_bootBootstrap Learning Performed on a Gaussian Bayesian Network.
passive_learningPassive Learning (Active Learning Algorithm Benchmark)...
performance_arc_listLabel arcs accourding to their detection in network inference
performance_outcomesList of true positive, false positive, and false negatives in...
performance_plotVisualizing Performance of Network Inference on Model...
progress_plotVisualize edge detection performance in presence of prior...
propagate_orientationPropagate orientation
random_graphGenerate random graphs with a white list of edges
rebuild_strengthCovert Dataframe to a Model Averaging Object
reduce_averagingReduce Averaging
sample_size_simSimulating the effect of sample size on inference with...
scrambleScramble Labels in a Bayesian Network
select_next_interventionSelect a Candidate for Intervention Selects the a target for...
select_random_interventionRandomly Select Candidates for Intervention This function...
sim_cond_ind_corSimulate Max Absolute Correlation
sim_gbnFit Gaussian Random Regression Parameters to a Network...
sim_median_corSimulate Median Correlation
skewed_betaSkewed Edge Priors
strength_plotVisualizing Performance of Network Inference on Model...
tcell_examplesExample networks based on T cell data
test_dagConfirm a list of edges forms a DAG.
test_markov_dependence_learningPerformance of Causal Inference
triplet_networkGaussian Network Comprised of 3-Node Subnetworks
v_arrayConvert a DAG to an array of strings representing...
zero_gain_probBayesian Hypothesis Test of Zero Information Gain Returns the...
robertness/bninfo documentation built on May 27, 2019, 10:32 a.m.